Just like our broken world, our broken bodies constantly remind us that everything is not as it should be. On this Womanly Wednesday, my sweet friend Rebecca of Caravan Sonnet is sharing about her journey with Lyme Disease and cancer and how those battles have shaped her into the woman she is today.

It was a long tiring road to get a diagnosis and when it was suggested that I spend several hundred dollars to be tested for Lyme I at first dismissed the idea. I had had Lyme in 2007, been treated at John Hopkins Lyme Center, and there was no way that I could still be dealing with it. At the same time, in the back of my head though, I had a sinking feeling that was exactly what was going on. The strange symptoms that had persisted, morphed, and caused tremendous havoc on my body for 6 years suddenly seemed to not be so strange and seemed to have a startling pattern. I got the tests back on my 33rd birthday. I was “positive” in every test and the tests didn’t looks “so pretty”. I had Advanced Late Stage Lyme Disease.
Three months later I was diagnosed with Cancer.

I was also told by several well-known hospitals who were reviewing my case (including Mayo, Cleveland Clinic, and MD Anderson) that there was “nothing that they could do” as my case was too far advanced. As January 2014 came and went it was obvious that my health was rapidly declining and we had no idea where to go from there but the Lord brought a new doctor into the picture (also out in California). I flew out to California for my appointment and was given an entirely new plan.
At the same time though I was at peace. For me, my prayers of finding the right medical team had been answered. It was a long, long road to get to the right medical team but the Lord was faithful throughout the journey. As long as it took I can still look back and thank the Lord for the “detours” that led me to my team.

Rebecca VanDeMark is an author, speaker, and blogger who loves Jesus, life, and the miracle of Hope. Rebecca’s three books,“When Light Dawns”, “Praying through Lyme Disease” and “Prayers for the Single Journey” are all available where books are sold and on amazon. Rebecca is the founder of Grace Engaged, a ministry for high school women and owns a handmade company, December Caravan, which donates a portion of all of its proceeds to charity. Rebecca is passionate about the hearts of women, high school and college students, singles, and those who are chronically ill. Rebecca writes and speaks about celebrating the extraordinary moments in the midst of ordinary days. Dealing with subjects of relationships, singleness, disease, shattered dreams, family, heartbreak, love and hope, Rebecca compassionately and uniquely shares about finding an ever-present Savior in every moment as she survives and thrives with Advanced Late Stage Lyme Disease and Cancer. Rebecca lives with her family, splitting time between the sweet south and upstate New York. Rebecca can be found on her blog, Caravan Sonnet and on social media (email, instagram, twitter, facebook and pinterest).
THANK YOU so much for letting me share my story Lauren. I was so touched by your kindness in allowing me to share some of the difficult and dark of these years. I hope and pray that it is an encouragement to someone!! Thank you so much again!
Blessings, Rebecca
Rebecca recently posted…When Light Dawns (Social Media Reviews)
I’m so proud of you, sweet friend!! This was beautiful, and even though I knew most of it, reading it all laid bare like this still encouraged my heart. I am always seriously humbled at how, as you move through the “ugly” stages of grief, your instinct is to encourage others. You have such a beautiful, big heart <3 Love you!!
Katie {Always, Katie} recently posted…YouTube Channel: Influenster Pumpkin VoxBox Unboxing Video
OH friend. You are the best. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and for ALL of the encouragement you constantly give. You are such a blessing! Love you!!!
Rebecca recently posted…35 Christmas Present Ideas for Lyme Disease Patients
This is such a emotional and moving story! I can understand how it is so difficult to share and really difficult to put in to words just how challenging this journey has been for you! I appreciate you sharing this and your words are powerful. Thank you for giving others strength in time of need.
Erin recently posted…Motherhood Worry: a Journey of Love
Thank you so much for your sweet words Erin and for taking the time to read a little bit of my story! Your words truly encouraged me today!!! Thank you so much!!
Rebecca recently posted…35 Christmas Present Ideas for Lyme Disease Patients
Such an incredible story! I can’t believe all of the hardships you have had to deal with. It’s always so moving to see someone share their story with friends and even strangers but it helps give everyone strength and faith. Even though your story isn’t a “fairytale ending” it is real and it is yours! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Chandler | Life as a Larsen
Aww thank you Chandler. I so appreciate your words of encouragement as I shared my heart and this story. It is definitely not the fairytale ending but I love that we can share our stories and encourage one another through the hard circumstances in life! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and to leave a comment today!! Blessings, Rebecca 🙂
Rebecca recently posted…35 Christmas Present Ideas for Lyme Disease Patients