If you’ve been around this blog for a while, then you’ve probably seen posts from the Womanly Wednesday series. I started this post back in fall 2015 as a way to give different women a chance to their stories. I believe so strongly that vulnerability about our struggles is what brings us together and brings us toward healing, and I loved that my blog was a place where women could share and read about the hard things we all go through without shame.
For the first year or so of the series, I pretty much just begged any and all friends I could think of to share a part of their story. I had friends from my childhood in California, my college years in Davidson, my travels abroad, and my life here in Kansas City share pieces of their hearts, their most challenging moments beautifully expressed for the world to see and know.

My friend Taylor shared a post about her journey with life post-college and Haley shared a post about the tension of trusting God with our desires for adventure.
After a while, I opened up the series to other bloggers and was overwhelmed by the submissions to be a part of it. For the next six months to a year I had a mix of friends and bloggers share their stories and I loved seeing how the series brought new readers to my blog and encouraged so many women to be honest about their struggles.
Since Caleb was born last February, it’s been a little trickier for me to manage these posts. I’ve had a handful of friends share their stories but it hasn’t been as consistent as it was in the beginning. Most people I could think of to be a part of it have already written a post and I haven’t quite had the time or energy to go out and pursue other people.
As I look forward, I do want to keep sharing posts as they come. I love the heart behind this series and always want my blog to be a place people can share their stories if they feel so called. However, as motherhood takes up more and more of my time, I don’t know that I will be able to manage and organize Womanly Wednesday posts like I did in the past. I am hoping to still have the occasional guest poster (and am open to requests if you are interested in writing or know someone who might be) but I won’t be pursuing it consistently for a little while.

My sweet friend Aly shared the story of losing her beautiful daughter, Addy.
If I’m being honest, this is pretty reflective of my heart for blogging in general as of the last few months. I love writing posts and I love documenting our journey of home decorating, parenthood, community, and so much more. I love the community I’ve found here and am so grateful for all you folks who continue to read, comment, share, and encourage me.
But in a blogging world that seems so focused on growth and success and monetization, I feel more led to just slow down and rest. I want to pour into this blog and the blogging community whenever I have time but I don’t want blogging to become something that takes away from time with my little boy, my hubby, or our “real life.” It’s a hard tension to balance because I really do love to write and read blogs, but I also know that my family is where God has me first and foremost right now.
So if you’re a loyal reader who’s wondered why this series has dwindled a bit, here’s your answer! And if you’re new to this blog and have no idea what the heck I’m talking about, I’d say grab a cup of coffee and read through some of the old Womanly Wednesday posts. The women who wrote these posts are incredible and their stories are beautiful.
Thanks to all you folks who continue to click on over here and share life with me. I couldn’t be more grateful for you!