When I started blogging over two years ago, I was so excited to make this space my own. I had big dreams of it growing into an online community that would encourage and inspire women. Knowing that we would soon start a family, I also envisioned the blog being a potential source of income for us. I spent hours and hours designing my site, reading hundreds of articles on how to grow your blog and social media, joining link parties (are these even still a thing?!), visiting other bloggers’ sites and trying to build relationships with them, and so much more. For the most part, it accomplished what I was hoping for!
I saw my social media and readership begin to grow, even if not in viral ways. I developed a community of faithful readers whose comments and perspectives still challenge me and bring me joy to this day. I saw my page-views increase, especially as a few posts gained traction on Pinterest. I had a few successful sponsored posts that earned us some money and felt consistent with my vision for the blog.
When we had Caleb over a year ago, I was so excited to quit my job and spend my days taking care of him and blogging. But where I thought my passion for my blog would grow with motherhood, it’s surprisingly done the opposite.
Over this past year, I’ve found myself less and less excited to open up my computer and write. It seemed like my newsfeed was full of the same kind of “5 Ways To _____” or “6 Tips To _______” posts and I didn’t feel much desire to add to the noise. When I had a few moments to myself during nap-time or in the evenings, all I wanted was to sit down, journal, read for fun, or do something that felt peaceful and life-giving. Where writing once felt energizing and fun, sitting down to come up with a blog post started to feel like a chore.
Any time I’ve sat down to brainstorm ideas for posts, I’ve felt bored and uninspired, like I’m trying to force myself to write something that will fit the mold of self-help posts and list posts that seem to be all the rage these days. Maybe that means I need to open myself up to just write and not worry about whether it will be shareable or useful. My friend Brittany does a beautiful job of this on her site and if I choose to jump more intensely back into blogging, I have a feeling it will be like she does! But for now, I feel more of a pull to step back from writing in general.
At the same time as my passion for blogging has been decreasing, my contentment in our family life has been growing and taking root. I love our small, ordinary life that feels so far from the world of side-hustles, business-building, and brand-managing. I love that my days are slow and full of quiet moments with my husband, my son, and the people we know and love. I love that my primary influence is not on behalf of brands, but rather as a mom and wife pointing her family to a life in Jesus that is full of joy and hope.
I’m not making any big, dramatic decisions to delete this space or anything like that. I still really love writing personal posts, sharing house pictures, and occasionally writing reflections on life, marriage, and motherhood. I’d love to do those things as I feel inspired and as our lives permit. More than I want to step away from this blog, I want to continue to step back from a blogging world that makes it seem like the only purpose for a blog is to grow your social media, gain more followers, and eventually profit off of it. I’m not interested in that, and I’d guess a lot of you aren’t either.
So for now, I’m trusting that the sense of joy and contentment I feel in my family and life at home is enough. I’m trusting that if I don’t feel passionate about writing something, I probably shouldn’t spend my time writing it just for the sake of posting regularly here. Like I shared about in this post a while back, I’d rather be present to my people than productive in ways that ultimately don’t matter all that much.
You can definitely expect to see me here sharing personal updates and the occasional blog post, but if my regular posts seem few and far between, know that I’m probably off chasing my giggly kiddo up and down the stairs for the millionth time or snuggling on the couch with my hubby and puppy. I’m soaking in the fleeting moments of the little life we are so lucky to share and trusting that my influence there is eternally significant, even if it doesn’t convert to page-views or the occasional extra dollar.
Whether you’re a real life friend, an online friend, or just a loyal reader who keeps coming around through all the ups and downs, know that I am so grateful for you and all the ways you’ve supported, encouraged, and inspired me over the years. I’ve learned so much from writing here and can’t wait to keep sharing life with you in the years to come.
I definitely prefer reading blogs when I feel like people do it because they want to share their lives instead of blogging to make a profit. I have been MUCH less interested in blogging since having a family too. I think stepping back and enjoying writing when you feel like it is a great idea. No reason to do something if you aren’t loving it anymore! I’ll look forward to the updates you do make!
Liz recently posted…Wednesday!
Yes, exactly! Even when bloggers do a great job with sponsored posts I still just get tired of seeing them. It’s so funny how motherhood impacts us and our desires in unexpected ways, isn’t it? Hope you and that sweet boy of yours are doing well!
Thank you for all your do with your blog, I have been so inspired by you and even started my own blog so that I can capture the everyday and our travels. Lately I too have felt the pressure to “make it big” in the online community and sadly feeling the pressure to leave my faith out of my post (shame on me) but you help remind me that this isn’t my eternal home and that my faith comes first . I am always so happy to be a part of your family’s life and see how much your little man has grown
with so much regard and have a blessed day
Rafaela S.
Rafaela, you are SO sweet! I always appreciate your honest comments and thoughts on my posts. I hate that some of the joy of blogging and writing is taken away by the pressure to market and make it big. My favorite part about blogging has always been the relationships and community and I’m glad to see I’m not the only one!
Thanks for all your encouragement!
Yes, Lauren. I couldn’t agree more. I find comfort reading blog posts from real people during challenging seasons (even some of yours) but the rat race is too much sometimes. I’ll enjoy keeping up with your family as you choose to share!
Catherine Short recently posted…Weekend Links / / Productive Days
I always love authentic, real-life posts from people too. My favorite bloggers are the ones that I feel like I’m friends with and just watching their lives unfold (you’re included in that list!)
Glad I’m not alone in getting tired of the rate race!
This is exactly how I felt recently–like I HAD to write certain types of posts and gain followers to feel like my blog was successful, and I found that I just wasn’t enjoying what I was writing unless it was Disney park-related. Switching my blog’s focus and taking a break from it for several months definitely helped that feeling, but the more I get in to my new blog, the more those feelings of “I have to…” start coming back. Thanks for the reminder that success is measured in a lot of different ways, not just by followers and page views.
YES! Doesn’t it feel like forever ago that we had that coffee date about blogging? It’s so hard to streamline and make everything marketable when sometimes I just want to write something for fun or as more of a “scrapbook” type piece for my life. I’m so glad you’re finding a better balance too!
Lauren, I resonate with SO much of this! Lately I have become pretty disenchanted with much of the noise in the blogging world, and like you said, I just don’t want to be part of adding to the noise. I’ve had to do a major examination of why I write, what kind of writing gives me energy, my “goals” for writing, and whether those align with how I was running my blog — and for the most part, they didn’t align. I love your heart for slow living with your family and the way you’re listening to your own desires. I’m looking forward to keeping up with you however and whenever you choose to share, and I’m inspired by your commitment to taking the pressure off. And wow, thanks for mentioning me here! I have found so much freedom and life in this new writing style, and I’m glad it’s speaking to you.

Brittany L. Bergman recently posted…Armchair Chats // Touchstones of Peace
I really do love how you’ve found a way to write that is heartfelt and unique…I always love your posts and feel like your voice stands out above the noise! Maybe one day I’ll come around to do more writing like yours.
So grateful to know you!
I love this so much!! I think I could of written this post! Blogging just isn’t a priority for me, my family is and the time I have with them. Thanks for sharing, I love your honestly.
Katie @thebrooksielife recently posted…Zander – 12 Months
Yes, exactly! So glad I’m not the only one feeling this!
Good for you! Enjoy that family of yours. Time truly does fly. Before you know it, Caleb will be double digits!! (Joey turns 10 on Saturday and I CAN NOT DEAL!) I enjoy seeing you happy and following your family blogs about what your up to more than the self-help parts. I enjoy seeing you so happy and content in your wonderfully ordinary life. I think we both have it pretty great! The older I get the more I realize and appreciate it! Congrats to you on figuring it out so early! XOXO
Thanks, Shelley
I totally agree! I don’t want to miss this season of life because even though it’s hard, I know it will go by quick! I’ll have adorable elementary kiddos like yours before I know it!
I’m a fellow “if I’m not inspired, I can’t” writer. Or maybe “I don’t feel like pushing it” more than “I can’t”.
In anything and everything – you have my flag waiving, toast cheering, loud and audible support.
Hey Lauren, I don’t think I have commented before, but I have been regularly following your blog for about a year now. Even though I’m a few years behind your current life stage, I can relate to so many of your posts and your blog has always encouraged and inspired me. I also love reading the updates of your beautiful little family!
Thanks for having the courage to be different from so many other blogs — I agree with a lot of the above comments that it’s so much nicer not to be reading sponsored posts all the time. I have also recently begun to tire of all the “self-help and motivational” posts that seem to be around so much lately, and your blog is like a breath of fresh air.
I will miss seeing as many posts, but good on you for doing the best thing for you and your family! I’m looking forward to any future updates you do post
I’ll miss reading your posts, but I’m so proud of you for putting Jesus first and listening to the way he’s readjusting your priorities in all the right places. I’ve struggled to come up with blog post ideas recently, and I wonder if I need to loosen my grip a little on this online space of mine.
Thanks for your authenticity, beautiful writing, and pointing us back to Jesus
Hi Lauren! I am 100% with you and can resonate with this post on so many levels. I, too, am feeling uninspired and no longer feel the joy in blogging for income. After taking a much-deserved blogging break, I decided to stop blogging for income and to blog just for joy. I am going to be posting more personal content and less sponsored content. It feels so freeing to make this decision! In a way, I felt as if my blog was chaining me, when the reason why I started a blog in the first place was to free myself.