Well, hello! Since this past weekend marked 28 weeks of this pregnancy, I figured it was time for a seven month pregnancy update. I am officially moving into the third trimester, which blows my mind a little bit. It’s less than twelve more weeks until our little guy makes his appearance into the world!
How Baby’s Doing
Caleb has been a rockin’ and a rollin’ in my belly these last few weeks. His heart rate and growth have consistently been good and I’m looking forward to some appointments with more updates about him soon. He’s pretty active any time I sit down and has started to respond when his ornery dad or I poke him through my tummy. He’s even made me pause teaching a few times because of particularly hard kicks or somersaults! I think I’ve been feeling him get the hiccups every once in a while, which is another funny feeling. The movements are so fun and different and I’m soaking in every one!
How The Nursery’s Coming
Our goal was to really get things going by Christmas and we have definitely reached that! After finishing the trim and the room itself, hubby rocked it this past week and got the dresser, crib, and recently-arrived glider set up. He has been the man when it comes to this kind of thing and I’m so grateful for that!

Jordan working hard on finishing our trim (aka drinking coffee while my brother in law does construction stuff)
We hung some pretty charcoal curtains this weekend and I had fun exploring Hobby Lobby for some pretty little prints and a fun decorative pillow for the glider. Once my Christmas present arrives (this gorgeous sign from House of Belonging that we got on sale on Black Friday), we’ll start hanging stuff on the walls and working on the little details, my favorite part. I’m looking forward to sharing a full nursery reveal in January! (If you can’t wait that long, you can check out this post with the pictures and nurseries that are inspiring what we’re doing in ours!)
How I’m Feeling
Anytime I answer this question, I am so grateful I can say that I’m not nauseous. I’ve been getting some heartburn and indigestion a few times per week, but nothing unmanageable. I think the hardest thing has been starting to just be generally uncomfortable, especially after being on my feet all day at work. My feet and ankles have started to swell and get really painful by the end of the day and my hips and back ache after walking up and down the stairs in my building (I’ve started taking the elevator any time I’m carrying something but it’s a bit of a walk away from my room). Everyday tasks are getting more challenging and I’m starting to be completely exhausted and worn out by the end of the day. It’s hard and it’s stretching me (both physically and emotionally), but I’m so grateful to be healthy and be growing a healthy little one. I can handle twelve more weeks, right?
I’ve loved coming home every day, sitting in the nursery with my hurting, swollen feet up, and soaking in the pretty afternoon sunlight while I dream about our little man. I can’t wait until slow moments like this (except with a sweet little one in my arms) are my daily reality!
What I’m Craving
Can I be honest with y’all? Absolutely nothing. I still want sweets pretty much all the time, but I’ve been that way since I was about five years old. If I ever randomly decide that I MUST have pickles and ice cream right now, I’ll be sure to keep y’all updated, but for now, my diet is pretty similar to what it was before pregnancy. Although I will say the heartburn makes me want cold, light things like cereal more than heavy, delicious meals I once loved. Minus the (not so) occasional cinnamon roll, Christmas cookie, brownie, etc.
What I’m Nervous For
I have my gestational diabetes test after New Year’s, and I’m praying for good results there. I’m not looking forward to drinking that drink everyone talks about to take it and am really hoping that I won’t have to worry about any of the complications that can arise with that. I’m also a little nervous about flying home to California over break, even though the doctor said it’s 100% okay at this point in pregnancy and I just need to do some stretching and lots of walking to keep blood flowing on the flight. Flying while pregnant is a new experience so I’m sure I’ll have some stories to share come January!
What I’m Looking Forward To
After these two weeks of break, the final countdown to Caleb’s arrival really starts. Ten weeks is such a short time and it becomes more real with each day that passes. I think the strangest part is that it’s so unpredictable. He could come early, right on time like I did (I was born right on my due date), or he could make his poor mama wait like a lot of firstborn kiddos do. Either way, I’m praying we will have a healthy, happy little guy with us by our spring break, which starts about a week after he’s due. I can’t wait to welcome him into our home, but I’m in no rush to see these last few weeks of just us pass by!
Thanks for reading, y’all! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas full of sweet time with family!
Also, if you missed them, here are a few more posts from throughout this pregnancy!
sorry about the backaches and swelling! my feet have just started to swell up by the end of the day, too…one day i had to take my tall brown boots off in the car on the drive home because i thought my ankles were going to BURST OUTTA THERE. hahaha. you look great, and i hope your christmas break is a time to relax and get those feet up! 😉
Julie Hood recently posted…my sin, God’s grace, & christmas
You have that beautiful pregnancy glow! I can’t wait to see your nursery. And enjoy not having strong cravings. Anytime I saw a commercial for food I immediately craved it, and Hubs could not keep up!
Samantha recently posted…New Year, New Momma!
You are the cutest little mama to be!
Those sore feet! They’re horrible, I’m not working but I have to stay on my feet often with the kids:p. The drink for GD isn’t that bad; I honestly thought it tasted like flat orange soda! I’m so excited you’re in your final trimester…it flies! But it also feels like forever on those days your feet are swelling and your belly is growing<3
Lauren Jane recently posted…Christmas Mom Look!
You look wonderful! Don’t worry about the drink, it just tastes like extra-sweet flat pop. The orange flavor is best if you have a choice. 😉
Callie recently posted…How I Found The Christmas Spirit
I will just tell you that the drink is not nearly as bad as the make it sound! I was dreading it so much, especially since my body rejected sugar something fierce while I was pregnant (like I binged on Christmas candy one day and thought ‘I’ll regret this later’, and I did, about 2 hours later). It kind of made me think of a Squeez-it that I used to have as a kid. So…. channel your inner kindergartener and enjoy all of that sugary sweetness 😉
Amberly recently posted…Happy Holidays! See You in 2016!
Lauren, you’re looking beautiful!
Erin @ Very Erin recently posted…How I’m Preparing My Blog for the New Year
You look adorable!! I am definitely going to check out that rocker! And do tell where that ottoman is from? We are doing our boy nursery pretty simple as well. I don’t think the glucose test is really that horrible. I had to do an early one since I had gestational diabetes with Kinley :(. I am hoping for better results this time around! Have fun traveling and enjoy it while you can!
Katie @thebrooksielife recently posted…Christmas Week – A Few Family Photos
Thanks, Katie! The ottoman is from the Land of Nod. I snagged it on Black Friday during a sale! It’s so cute. I didn’t realize you had that with Kinley. No fun! I’ll have to get advice from you if I do have it. Have a great Christmas!
I agree with everyone else…the drink isn’t that bad! I thought it tasted like really sweet kids cough syrup minus the yucky alcohol taste. I never really had cravings for anything weird either, but I did have food aversions! I couldn’t stand to eat grilled or baked chicken or hot vegetables for most of my pregnancy. I did develop a Dr. Pepper habit though that I’ve yet to shake 3 months later…
You look great and congrats on hitting your third trimester milestone! I’m 30 weeks this week and it’s crazy to think our little guy will be arriving within the next two months or so. The glucose screening isn’t all that bad – but, that drink (although gross) it is manageable. I had the lime flavor and it tasted like a Gatorade gone flat. It wasn’t great to drink, but doable 🙂
And flying while pregnant can be uncomfortable – especially those longer flights. But, getting up and moving around does help a lot! Also, my husband always checks with the boarding crew if we can go on the plane first and get settled due to me being so pregnant and they’re happy to let us do that. It makes such a difference to take our time.
Kelly D recently posted…A Storybook Baby Shower
You look fantastic!
Jen@jpabstfitness recently posted…Weekly Weigh In
Thanks, Jen! You’re so sweet!
I always love reading your pregnancy updates.
Caleb’s nursery is too cute!
You look so radiant 🙂
xoxo, Jenny
Jenny recently posted…Love in the Details Review
Thanks, Jenny! I’m so glad 🙂
Cute, cute, cute (I recognize that outfit from the other night!) Love the updates. I’ll be praying for your gestational diabetes test!
Kelsie recently posted…2015: A Year In Review
Ha I have to remember to snap these photos whenever I’m actually dressed up! I always forget until the last minute and then make my poor hubby be my reluctant photographer…
You look great! Good job on getting so much done on the nursery!
chelsea jacobs recently posted…Stopping to Take it All in.
Thanks, Chelsea! It’s been fun to work on!
Seriously so thrilled for you, Lauren! You’re gorgeous. This makes me long even more for my time.
Summer @ Coffee With Summer recently posted…A Merry & Bright Playlist
Thanks Summer! It’s quite the adventure and a whole lot of fun 🙂
I flew the other week and it wasn’t terrible! It was 4 hours of flying total and my back hurt worse than usual and my feet felt like they got more swollen, but it was fine. The worst part was going through security and feeling like an oompa loompa trying to take everything off and put it back on and not be super slow at it. And I had to pee a LOT, obviously since that’s normal, but it’s more annoying with flying. You are looking so fantastic! Your belly is so cute! My belly definitely sits way lower and I always wanted a round, high belly like you have 🙂 But I’ll just settle with this basketball way down low, I suppose! I am so with you on loving his movements. I have felt him really regularly since 17 weeks, but now it’s just so big! And ALL the time! I feel like he never stops moving. And if I rub over him when he’s moving, he’ll move away from my hand and it’s just so fun to watch! But I could keep him there forever 🙂 I’m so not anxious to meet him yet. I want him to just stay in there and keep on tumbling around forever! Not much longer left! 10 1/2 for me and you’re right behind me (I was 29 weeks Saturday)! I wonder who will deliver first! Haha.
Liz recently posted…Quick Monday Updates
Where did you get the foot cushion?
Ashley Servis recently posted…Why You Need a Budget + 2016 Budget Binder
We got it from the Land of Nod when they had a Black Friday sale! So cute and comfy 🙂
I just found your blog linked from For the Love of Tuna and I’ve been busy reading for twenty minutes now!! My name is ALSO Lauren and I’m pregnant with our first as well – due the beginning of April! So excited to have found your blog and look forward to following along! 🙂