Nine months pregnant. 36 weeks pregnant. Are those really three words I can use to describe myself?! Even if I’m struggling to wrap my mind around it, my body feels nine months pregnant (or maybe more like 10-11?) and I am getting to excited and ready to meet our little guy. But instead of just rambling about it, here are a few more organized updates about this past month!
How I’m Feeling
It’s funny, because people ask me this question all the time and my usually honest self never really knows how to answer. It is acceptable to say something like, “Oh you know, just feeling like my body’s been taken over by an alien that’s smooshing my organs, making it hard to breathe, giving me heartburn and carpal tunnel, making any and all physical movement difficult, and slowly trying to push his way out my rib cage booty-first?”
I usually just stick with “Just chugging along, you know?” But if I’m honest, the first answer is more accurate.
I love having a baby bump and I love being able to feel little man move. I see my pregnant self in the mirror and feel beautiful because I love seeing my body grow to nourish and hold this little life. But I’d be lying if I said it isn’t really stinking hard too. We had 13 hour days for parent teacher conferences last Monday and Tuesday night and when I got home, my husband’s alarmed face upon seeing my legs was a reminder that pregnancy swelling is a real thing (and my calves/ankles looked like little sausages with clear, deep lines where my leggings had been). This pregnancy has been very manageable overall and I am so grateful for so many things about it, but I also want to be honest that it is hard. Admitting that doesn’t make me any less grateful, and if any other pregnant mamas are struggling too, know you’re not alone!
What I’m Eating
If you’ve been following along with all these pregnancy updates (thanks for that support, by the way!), you know I was diagnosed as borderline gestational diabetic. I’ve been monitoring my carb and sugar intake, which is not so fun, and trying to eat as healthy as I can to make sure little man’s growth and blood sugar don’t get too crazy. My goal has been to eat well during the weeks and let myself cheat a little bit on one of the weekend days, and so far I’ve done pretty well with that. We decided (okay, I demanded) that we do brunch every weekend up until Caleb arrives, and this weekend’s delicious brunch of cinnamon roll French toast with eggs and sausage was exactly what this pregnant mama was craving for her cheat day!
How Baby’s Doing
Caleb has been healthy at all of our last appointments and we are so grateful for that! According to my pregnancy apps, he is about the size of a honeydew melon, measuring between 17-19 inches and weighing between 4-6 lbs. In reality, he is measuring normal, although they won’t do any ultrasounds up until the birth that could give us an approximate weight or anything unless they have a medical reason to do so (something I’m actually really grateful for). I’m down to weekly visits starting this week and the doctor said he should be able to confirm his suspicion that Caleb’s head down.
I will say that this little guy makes me laugh because he definitely prefers to be on my right side. I can almost always find what I think is his little booty wedged up against my right ribs after about five seconds of searching!

This ultrasound if from our 20 week appointment and it’s crazy to think how much bigger he is now!
Preparing for Birth
For lots of reasons I won’t dive too much into now (although I’d be happy to share in an email or message if you’re curious!) we are trying our best for a natural birth, even though it will be in a hospital setting. We have a doula that I love who will be walking through the whole process with us, and our meeting with her last weekend to talk through our birth plan was so helpful and fun. I know unexpected things can happen, so I’m not clinging to that plan with iron fists but rather trying to envision what we would love for the day to look like if everything goes relatively smoothly. If complications come, our priority is absolutely a healthy baby and a healthy mama and we will do whatever is necessary to make that happen!
Moms, any advice for us as we pack our hospital bags and prepare for the big day? Anything you wish you’d brought or hadn’t brought? I’ve read and saved a million posts on the Pinterest board below about this topic but always appreciate tips from moms I know and trust!
Follow Lauren @ Sobremesa Stories’s board LIFE || Pregnancy on Pinterest.
How The Nursery’s Coming
In case you missed my reveal post on Caleb’s rustic, neutral nursery, the nursery is DONE! We still might add a couple things like some light blocking blinds from Ikea, a trash can, a hamper, etc, but for the most part, this bad boy is ready to go! Even though Caleb will just sleep in our room in a Pack N’ Play or Rock N’ Play for the first few weeks, it’s still fun to have his little space ready to go. I’ve shared some tips about how to create a nursery gallery wall and the tutorial behind the sweet little initials pennant we made for him, so make sure to check those out if you haven’t already too!
What’s Left On The To-Do List
For the most part, we’re done with our major to-do list items. We’ve preregistered at the hospital, printed out our birth plan, installed the carseat, and washed our 0-3 months clothes and 2-3 newborn outfits just in case little man is actually small (I’m betting my money he’s not). I still have a few random things on my list to do over these next few weeks, but we know that at this point, he really could come any time so we’re trying to keep that in mind. There are a few items on our registry like an infant bath, some books, other random items, but otherwise we have most of the essentials. Long story short: if he comes tomorrow, we have at least enough to keep him happy and healthy. Or we’ll just run to Target or Ikea and pick up any cute item he just MUST have ASAP.
In Summary…
Since we’re entering the final weeks of pregnancy, this very well might be the last pregnancy update I write. I might do another one in two weeks at the 38 week mark, but for now, I’m anticipating that he could come any time (or take his sweet time and be late). I’m nervous for childbirth and those first few weeks, but more than anything I’m just excited and expectant that God will use this new season to grow us, stretch us, and draw us deeper into His heart as we fall in love with our little one and with each other. Thanks for following along and sharing in this journey! We can’t wait to share pictures of little man and more about our journey of becoming parents with you all!
Also, if you missed them, here are a few more posts from throughout this pregnancy:
- Coming March 2016: A Baby Announcement
- Wrestling With The Fear Of Miscarriage
- Four Month Pregnancy Update
- Five Month Pregnancy Update
- Baby English Gender Reveal
- What We’re Naming Our Son (A Letter)
- Six Month Pregnancy Update
- Seven Month Pregnancy Update
- Five Things That Scare Me About Becoming A Mom
- Eight Month Pregnancy Update
- Our Cozy, Winter Maternity Pictures
- A Letter To The Son We’ll Soon Meet
You’re so close! I’m so excited for you!
chelsea jacobs recently posted…I’m Feeling Rich.
Thanks, Chelsea! 🙂
Lauren, I have so enjoyed not only getting to know you, but to follow your pregnancy these past 9 months. I love all things pregnancy, and you seem to totally just rock it. From how you look so beautiful and embrace your bump to Caleb’s nursery, I love it all. I do have a post on hospital items to consider, so if you want it, let me know and I can message you.
Lindsay recently posted…Wedding Planning Traditions to Reconsider
Aww thanks, Lindsay! I love all your baby posts and have learned so much from them. I already pinned and saved them all, don’t worry! 😉
This is so exciting! You look fabulous, and the nursery looks wonderful. Sounds like you guys are more than ready to meet your little man. Can’t wait to see pictures and hear all about his arrival. You’ll be great!
Shann Eva recently posted…A Fighter from the beginning, Elijah Matthew
Thanks, Shann Eva! We are so, so excited!
I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling the full weight of pregnancy right now (those last few weeks are BRUTAL), but I’m so excited for you and what’s coming next! I brought about a thousand things to the hospital that I didn’t use, mostly because in the moment I just didn’t care. But I did bring a comfy and pretty robe and nursing top. Accessibility is key, but those hospital gowns are just the worst.
Brittany Bergman recently posted…The One New-Mom Expectation That Changed Everything
Thanks, Brittany. Those nursing tops you recommended are already packed and in my bag along with a super cozy clearance robe from TJ Maxx and a few flannels in case I just need to cover up on top. I figure we’ll make it work and all baby really needs is mama’s body anyway 😉
I always love your updates since we’re right there together! I totally agree that while I still absolutely love being pregnant, it is NOT easy! The carpal tunnel has made sleeping in the mornings super difficult and I always can’t grip very well at all. I tried to write on my calendar yesterday morning after I got out of bed and stopped 4 times to shake out my hands writing “Lunch w/ Stephanie.” My swelling in my feet stays pretty bad so I have only worn slipper boots for the last few weeks. I can’t even comfortably fit into my other boots. Jackson is head down and his butt is to the right too! Thankfully, he stays out of my rib cage but he is SO low in my pelvis that I’m getting a TON of discomfort now and it’s super painful if he starts (what I’m assuming is) moving his hands around by his head. Jon is always like, “Are you having contractions?!?!” Haha. He probably asks me 40 times a day. I’m always like, “No, I’ll tell you when I have a contraction!” He’s so concerned about the steps of labor. Like, he just needs to know if I’m going to drop first or if my water will break or does my mucus plug come out first! And how fast will I progress! I’m like, “It’s fine. We’ll see when we get there.” You look GREAT by the way 🙂 I definitely look like a swollen giganto! You’re not looking very swollen and that is the cutest bump ever. Love it! And I always love your nursery every time you post it! Ours is still a mess. But we’re with you- we have what we NEED, although I was actually debating washing clothes. We have SO many hand-me-downs and so many new NB and 0-3 month clothes (I hope to have a small baby!) that I don’t want to take tags off of anything yet. I feel like they don’t need to be washed before he wears them though. He’ll probably puke/pee on them anyway and he’ll get changed right away and we’ve had them all in our closet for awhile, so I feel like it’s just our house germs on them now anyway. But maybe I’m crazy. Okay, this is too long. I just always love your blog cause it really is like we’re right there together with this since we’re so close together in our pregnancies!
Liz recently posted…Weekly Updates
Aww Liz I am so sorry you’ve had such bad carpal tunnel! Mine is nothing like that and that would be so rough. Ha my hubby is always so curious too…it’s just all so new! I’ve already had some steps happen so I’m curious if baby will come early on time or make us all wait a bit! Ha and YES that is my exact philosophy on clothes! They’ll just get dirty super quick so it’s okay if they’re not perfect. I love all of your sweet comments! Thanks for following along…so excited for you and your hubby!
You are so close Before we know it you are going to be feeling a lot better! It’s great that you are staying positive despite the discomforts of pregnancy.
Brittany Putman recently posted…Date Night at Jungle Jim’s: A Cincinnati Treasure
Thanks, Brittany! I keep trying to remind myself of that 🙂
I have LOVED being pregnant alongside you, sweet friend. Your updates make me smile, and you seriously look INCREDIBLE. I had my glucose test today and passed, thank goodness, but I have gained so much weight and just feel so huge (and I still have 12 weeks to go!). Oops! But anyway, I am praying for you as you get closer and closer to meeting that sweet baby boy. I am so excited!!
Same to you, Maegan! As long as you’re healthy and baby’s healthy, that’s all that matters and I say indulging in the occasional treat isn’t bad 😉 Thinking of you and your little man! You’ll be at the end before you know it!
You are so cute!! We hired a doula this time around too and I am super excited about it! Kinley was 8lbs1oz and in newborn clothes for a few months. The clothes seem so tiny I was amazed she ever fit in them. They really are tiny! Can’t wait to hear the news!! You are almost there!
Katie @thebrooksielife recently posted…5 Things No One Tells You About Motherhood
That’s good to know about the newborn stuff. We don’t have too much but I figure we could always buy more if we need to! I’m glad y’all have a doula too. I think it will make a huge difference!
Love this. Love you. Cannot wait to love Caleb and parents by helping in any way I can (shooing you out for date night while I hang with Mr. Little and pup; designating myself as a professional laundry folder; bringing yummy meals so you can do things like exist and feed and not be on your feet 23.5 hours of the day).
I love your words and honesty and excitement and realness. So thrilled for this next phase of your lives. <3
Thanks, Leigh 🙂 You can bet I’ll have your baby whisperer self over to snuggle our little one and our puppy and give us a break. Thanks for loving us so well! 🙂
Lauren, C’s room is just adorable. I love it.
Food is so difficult! You just want to eat all the sugar and all the carbs and you can’t 🙁 I too try to eat as best I can during the week, maybe with a sweet treat in the evening – hey it’s summer here and ice cream is a staple of this household during summer! But it’s just so difficult. I’m getting better though as time progresses.
Is IKEA not one of the best places for baby room stuff!? I am loving looking at our local one (I’m there almost every weekend for work…) for ideas on small storage.
Put your feet up, rest and relax Mumma. Now is the time to enjoy your final few weeks of pre-baby time. Take care, and I’ll be looking out for baby updates in a wee while.
Hollie recently posted…Baby Shower: 6 Gender Neutral Shower Ideas
Aww thanks, Hollie! I think everything in moderation is a good rule to go by. Ice cream is my FAVORITE…it’s been maybe the hardest to give up! And yes, Ikea is the best! We got almost everything from our nursery from there and I love it! I hope you’re feeling good as things progress!
You look great and glowing! You’re all baby. Congratulations!
Thanks, Lisa! 🙂
Oh momma, you’re going to miss that uncomfortable belly so much though! I wish you all the best. Motherhood is THE BEST! <3
Amanda Rinehart recently posted…Latest Obsession: Boyfriend Jeans
I could definitely see how I will miss having the baby bump! Having a baby to show off might be even more fun though 😉
Wow, you are so close, friend! Thinking of you and praying for a shower of blessings as Caleb enters the world!!
Daisy @ Simplicity Relished recently posted…7 Lies That Keep You From Changing Your Life
Thanks, Daisy! 🙂
LAUREN!! I can’t wait to meet baby Caleb! You’re looking so beautiful despite how you’re feeling!! And, girl, you are rockin those jeans 😉
Aww you’re so sweet! These are my favorite jeans…maternity jeggings from Gap. I never want to wear real jeans ever again!
You might be surprised at the newborn sized stuff! My little girl weighed 8 lb 12 oz and wore newborn for a couple weeks. She stayed in newborn diapers for about 4 weeks! Try to rest these last few weeks; they’re going to go by so fast.
Oh yeah? That’s good to know. The newborn clothes are all so cute but I’ve been holding back from buying too many. I’m trying to put my feet up and rest and give myself a break, but it’s definitely a challenge for my crazy self. Thanks for the encouragement, Kelley!
Thanks, Kylie! 🙂 I can’t wait for him and Sadie to grow up together!