When my husband and I found out we were pregnant this past July, we were over the moon excited and absolutely terrified. I scoured Scripture looking for promises that God would answer the many prayers I whispered with my hands on my belly, hoping to find some sort of promise that if I prayed frequently and fervently enough, He would protect the little life growing inside me.
Instead, God pointed me over and over to a series of verses I’ve read a million times: Psalm 139. And my fearful heart that was rapidly expanding to hold this baby inside me read these words over and over:
“For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them”
That little baby inside me, the one whose quickly beating heart and soul I was already growing to love? That baby is deeply loved and safely held in the hands of its Creator. With love and gentleness, He is knitting together the parts of my baby, from its organs and limbs to its heart and personality. And whether that little life lasts eight weeks or 80 years, it is fearfully and wonderfully made by a Father who planned and saw each of those days.
I’m sharing more about what it has looked like for me to let go of control in this season of growing a tiny human over on Faith n’ Friends, a contributor blog I am excited to be a part of this fall. Head over there to check out the rest of this post and read some awesome posts by the other contributors! And make sure to like that blog’s Facebook page to get updates of when there are new posts!
I love this Lauren! I’m a bit of a control freak, haha. I just like to be able to control the outcome of things — I can imagine with a pregnancy I will feel the same way. It is so wonderful to be reminded that our God is forming that little life, shaping him or her into the person He has always meant for him or her to be 🙂 there’s great comfort in that.
Anna | SheisJoyful recently posted…The Importance of Rest \\ We Need Sabbath
There really is so much comfort in knowing it’s all completely out of my hands. All I can do is wait, even though the waiting is pretty tough sometimes!
Well, girl … you would have been a great encouragement to me back in the day when I had my own girls, way before the internet and blogging and all this cool stuff existed so we could encourage each other!
Linda Stoll recently posted…morning invitations * chomp
Thanks, Linda! Reading other people’s blogs has encouraged me in so many ways! Yours included 🙂
Hi Lauren, I came across your page through another blogger’s posts. All I have to say is PREACH IT! I’m currently at this time in my life. My hubby and I found out we’re pregnant almost two weeks ago (not planned by us, but by HIM). My guess is I’m right around 6 weeks. I have found myself going crazy the last couple days over anything or everything. Did you have any other verses that helped you lean on the Lord and give you sense of peace He has this all handled? Thank you. Praying for you and your little family. <3
Hi Megan! You are so sweet. 🙂 Congrats on your pregnancy! It’s such a crazy and exciting season. It’s a classic, but the verse I’ve leaned on the most is Psalm 139. Not only does it remind me that God is knitting this baby together in my womb, it reminds me that He knit me together with this very purpose in mind. He made my body to do this and He is the one orchestrating it all. There’s nothing I can do to control the situation or make sure things go the way I want them to. It’s all in His hands!
I hope that helps. Feel free to share anything you find that’s encouraging to you! Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a thoughtful comment, Megan! 🙂
This goes along with some readings I’ve done this week about how every person was created on purpose; God created every detail of every person for His own special purpose – eyes, nose, skin color, talents, etc. How incredible that you’re growing that special person??!
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