Waaaaaay back in April when I started this blog (okay, I know that’s actually just a few months ago), I was a little nervous. I’ve always loved reading blogs and they’ve been such an encouragement to me in both hard and joyful seasons. Bloggers like Glennon at Momastery or Lisa-Jo at Lisa-Jo Baker have created beautiful, real, online communities where women can share their hearts, even when they’re messy, and I admire them so much.
As I moved out of a hard few years of adjusting to post-college life, I knew I wanted to do something creative that would use my creative energy and help me to process all the thoughts and emotions swirling around my head. A blog seemed like the perfect space for that! I learned so much in that month of creating and designing the blog before it launched and have continued to learn a ton as I’ve started to blog consistently these last few months.
While I may have started the blog with a heart to share my emotions and thoughts and ramblings, my dreams for this blog have grown and grown. In some ways, I’ve been scared to admit that. It’s easier to humbly say things like, “Oh it’s just a little side hobby, it’ll probably never turn into anything,” than to admit that I would LOVE for this blog to grow into a beautiful, real community like the ones I mentioned earlier.
I would love for thousands of women to come to this space daily for encouragement, for inspiration, for real stories about life, marriage, parenting, and faith that remind them that they’re not alone in the brokenness and the struggle. I’d love for Womanly Wednesdays to grow into something that other women can join in on and rally around as we remember over and over again that we aren’t alone in our struggles. I’d love to write an Ebook or even a real paper book one day, to do for other women what so many authors have done for me over the years.
It’s scary to admit that I have big dreams for this blog because I’m terrified that people will respond with a knowing smile and something along the lines of, “Oh that’s great, honey! I’m suuuure that will happen someday, just like it will for alllll the other bloggers wanting the same thing.” I’m scared that people will look at my blog and my writing and secretly think that I don’t have what it takes to run after those big dreams I’ve felt growing.
But y’all, I’m learning that those voices aren’t the ones that matter. With each day that passes, I feel God shifting my heart more and more towards ministry with women, especially in the context of this blog. Where I once felt passionate about and deeply called to work with teenagers, I feel my heart shifting towards a calling to start vulnerable and open conversations about intimacy, marriage, parenting, and faith in ways that not many people are willing to do. I want my story to be one that points people to God’s story and the love and hope He offers, and I feel Him strengthening and stretching that desire with each day that passes.
I have no idea what God will do in this blog or in my heart in the years to come, but I know this: His promises are good, and if He calls me to write, to share my heart and my fears and my real self on this space, then I will do it. It may mean thousands of people read or it may mean a couple hundred people read, but I’m going to keep showing up, to keep trusting that my words and my vulnerability are what He’s asking of me.
And maybe the most scary part? I’m going to take steps forward to invest in this blog, even when there’s no guarantee it will “pay off” in any way.
If you take a look around, you might notice that my blog is looking fresh and sparkly and new. One of my first steps toward investing in this space and learning to take my blogging dreams seriously was working with the amazing Madison Wetherill of Grace and Vine Studios to redesign my website to better fit both the functions and feel I was looking for. Because I’m going to be honest, all the Googling in the world was not helping this non-tech savvy girl to design a pretty and functional website. Sometimes trusting God with my dreams looks like admitting my own limitations and allowing others to help, and I am so grateful that Madison offered up her talent and expertise to help me! I”ll be writing a post soon about the process of working with a graphic designer (Spoiler Alert: It ROCKS!), but for now, suffice it to say I feel so much more at home in this online space now and I hope you do too!
In the months to come, I am so excited to jump into some new projects and ideas with this blog. I have some things to unveil and some new projects I’m starting that I can’t wait to share with you, so stay tuned, because it’s about to get pretty fun around here!
And finally, I want to say thank you to all of you readers. Thank you for your comments, for your emails, for your sweet words as I’ve shared my fears, my hopes, my stories, and my heart these last five months. I am so encouraged and inspired by your stories, by the ways you have run after fullness and hope in the midst of hard circumstances and brokenness, and by the ways your words and your stories show strength, courage, and beauty. It is an honor to share life (and my tiny corner of the internet) with you.
So here’s to big dreams, to sitting down around the table with the people we love and being honest about the things we long for and dream about when fear is no longer a factor. I can’t wait to see what God has in store.
Way to go for taking the steps to invest in your blog. My mom has been gently encouraging me to take myself more seriously as a writer and to actually invest in my blog–I tend to be really laid back about all of this, thought I really do love the little world of writing and blogging. Maybe one of these days I’ll take her advice, and wish I had taken it sooner!
Rachel G recently posted…When We Were First Married vs. Now
Thanks, Rachel! You should! I think we just have to find a balance between keeping it as something we enjoy and also being willing to take ourselves seriously and respect our own art. It’s definitely hard to do but I’m loving the journey and hope you are too!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
Congratulations,you all look very happy together.
shernell recently posted…Bajan Plantain Bakes
Thanks, Shernell!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
Congratulations on the new design and taking the plunge to go for more. I know what you mean by having your focus and passion shifting. And I think you gotta roll with it, because stuff done with passionwill be better than those drudging along a path that isn’t fully yours anymore.
Wishing you a wonderful week!
Alex – Funky Jungle
Alex recently posted…What to Wear For A Wedding – The Town Hall
Thanks, Alex! It’s fun and a little scary to feel our passions shift and move, but I’m excited to see what God will do using this blog and my new goals! I hope you have a great week too!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
Im so excited and happy for you. I truly believe ministry with women and talking about the hard stuff is your calling. When i emailed you about my relationship you were so safe and free of judgement. You made me feel as Im sure God wished Id feel: special and perfect as I am. So thank you. Congratulations on your blog rising because I forsee a lovely future ahead for you with it. And of course so much love sent to you and your growing family
Ana recently posted…Cheers To A New School Year
Ana, wow…I can’t tell you how much those words mean to me. So, so encouraging. Thank you so much for your encouragement and your willingness to be brave and reach out to share your story with me! I hope you’re doing well and continuing to run after the things your heart loves!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
You go, girl …
I’ve just got my new space up and running, too so I’m so resonating with where you’re coming from …
Let’s see what God will do!
Linda Stoll recently posted…Because Everyone Loves a Gift Card . . .
Ha thanks, Linda! I love your new space too! It’s so fun and exciting to dream about what God will do with the passions and gifts He gives us!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
I love your new design! You blog has become one of my favorites over the past weeks 🙂
Emilie recently posted…Blogging Report #1: August 2015
Thanks, Emilie! You’re so sweet. I’ve been loving yours too! Can’t wait to pop over later today and catch up 😉
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
Your blog looks beautiful!! I enjoy visiting it each week. Keep up the momentum and enjoy each day.
sara recently posted…Six on Sunday: Week Six~ Sneak peek of holiday gift guide & zucchini bread recipe
Thanks, Sara! You’re so sweet. Same to you!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
LOVE. Just, so much love for all of this. I’m in exactly the same place as you are right now, and it is sort of scary. I hate basing my success of things like page views, but it’s hard not to do that, and the start of the school year is really affecting my ability to keep up with blogging. It’s something I really love, though, and if God is calling me to put myself into, then I’ll keep doing that. Your vulnerability throughout your posts inspires me daily, and I hope that I can one day be as courageous as you in what I post! Thanks for being a great friend and supporter 🙂 And the shiny new theme looks GORGEOUS.
AMEN to the start of the school year being hard! It’s been so challenging to find a balance between blogging and school and not let one suffer (because Lord knows I’d much rather be at home in yoga pants working on blog posts!). I appreciate your encouragement and love hearing that my vulnerability impacts people!
Ha and thanks about the theme…I love it! So much cleaner and brighter!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
You go girl!
Love this truthful, sweet, faith based blog and look forward to what you have in the works.
Thanks, Katie! I appreciate your encouragement!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
Love your blog, and you! So thankful for the way you are saying YES! And so thankful to be in this blogging, writing, dreaming community with you!
Ashley recently posted…August: The Smallness of Grace
Thanks, Ashley! I totally agree. I love following along with your blog and am grateful to have “met” you via the blogging world!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
Smiling at you and remembering one of your first comments to me that gave me insight into your precious vulnerable heart. Just ran across your name on my prayer list from back in June I think and lifted you up again this morning. And then this lands in my inbox. What a great God we serve.
Christi Gee recently posted…5 Truths for When you’ve fallen and can’t get up …
Ha doesn’t that feel like forever ago? I feel like I’ve been blogging so long even though it’s only been a few months. Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement! I’m excited to jump into the Faith & Friends community with Deb in the next few months and read more of your posts!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
What a beautiful, new online space! It is both pretty, cheerful and peaceful. I’ve loved reading your posts and didn’t realize we started blogging around the same time. You are doing wonderful things and there’s a great leap of faith involved in sharing your dreams like you did in this post. When we get specific with our goals and dreams, that is when God is able to surpass all that we can hope or imagine!
Thanks, Julie! I love the new look. I love that…being specific with our dreams can be scary but God is so faithful to respond and act (even if it’s not always how we expect it to be). So excited for you as you start your new global adventure! I’ll have to live vicariously through you as y’all travel and explore!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
I love your new design. So bright and clean.
Jasmine recently posted…When Does Makeup Expire
Thanks, Jasmine! I love it too!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
Great post!! Love the layout/look of your blog – wishing you all the success in the world 🙂
Liz recently posted…3 New Back-to-School Snack Finds
Thanks, Liz! I love it too. Same to you! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
So excited for you! I just love your blog and I hope it takes you to big places!!!
Thanks, Taylor! You’re so sweet. I hope the same thing for you! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
Such a great post. I can totally relate to it! 🙂
Thanks, Aishwarya! I’m so glad 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
His promises ARE good! I also felt a calling to blog and help others through my experiences and passion. Love this post. It is a testament to following your dreams!
Chrissa – Physical Kitchness recently posted…Transform Your Arms in 6 Moves
Thanks, Chrissa! I’m a big fan of following dreams (even when it’s hard). Can’t wait to check out your blog!
I love this!! And I love it when people have big dreams for their blog 🙂 I have big dreams for mine! I can’t wait to collaborate with you, I think it will be great 🙂
Amberly recently posted…Our Lucky 13 Date Night
Yes, I agree! I’m excited to see what kind of project/dream/awesomeness we can come up with together 😉
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
I attempted 3 or 4 blogs before I settled on my current one. Your heart and your faith will guide you. Getting comfortable with your own true voice will make you a success!
Amy recently posted…Be A Great Dog Sitter
Thanks, Amy! I’m always encouraged when I hear people’s stories about how they came to be with blogging, especially when it involves changing their mind and switching things up like I always seem to do. 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
You are ahead of the game – I didn’t realize the things you were talking about till I was in my forties! Blessings to you and your endeavors!
Thanks, Ellen! I admire how you made the decision to run after your creative passion and do fabric design. That’s such a great example of learning to take your creative dreams seriously!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
I Love your posts! I feel closely related to you when it comes to your fears as a blogger as much as your ambitions! I can’t wait till you make all your dreams come true for this blog, as I will be doing what I can to turn my dreams into reality!
Thanks, Mayara! It’s definitely challenging to reconcile the fear with all the big dreams, but it’s a fun process too! I’m excited to keep sharing the blogging world and process with you!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
Love, love, LOVE your new design! But even more, I love that it represents the fact that you’re taking yourself, your writing, your dreams, and your calling seriously. I think we’ve all felt that fear of admitting what we really want to do with our blogging. I’m often afraid that it will be misheard as “This is what I want to get out of it” rather than “This is what I hope to do through it” (and what I hope God will do through it). I love being on this journey with you and always appreciate being inspired and lifted by your words!
Brittany Bergman recently posted…Go Ahead, Let Yourself Go: What Colorado Taught Me About Perfectionism
Thanks, Brittany! I remember hearing a podcast a few months back saying if you want to grow your blog, you have to take it seriously from the beginning and “fake it till you make it.” I’m definitely seeing that to be true! I love that idea too that we have to emphasize that we’re excited to see what God will do rather than just what we want to happen. I’m definitely wrestling with that too. Same to you…excited for all that’s to come in the next few months!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
I love that you are being so open and honest! It’s really refreshing. And it is really scary! I know I’ve yet to voice those dreams for my own blog to anyone besides my husband. I only started my blog at the end of July, so I’m even newer to this whole thing and it just seems like the more I learn, the less I know. If you’d ever like someone to go through it with you, I’m here!
Ha our husbands always seem to be the ones who hear the most raw, real dreams, don’t they? I love that you are jumping into blogging and am excited to keep sharing the ups and downs of it with you!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
Love the new design! Good luck on your blogging adventure. I know there are some days when I wonder if I’m crazy for taking this project on but I know in the end it will all be worth it!
Thanks, Rae! It’s a lot of work but a lot of fun too 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
I’ve definitely felt some of those same fears and heard some of those same voices recently. I love blogging, but I must admit I’m more afraid of success than failure. Showing up and being seen is scary, but ultimately, I know if I don’t try it, I’ll eventually give up and I don’t want that to happen. Good for you for putting your intentions out there!
Miranda @ Miranda Writes recently posted…So Tell Me… No. 8
Such a good point…what in the world will we do if these blogs ultimately take off? It’s kind of crazy to think about it. It’s exciting to see what happens and how it all keeps growing and changing!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
Wow, I never would have guessed that you’ve only been blogging for just a few months! Your blog is great and I’m loving the new design.
Erin @ Very Erin recently posted…When to Splurge and When to Save on Your Wedding
Thanks, Erin! That’s a pretty big compliment since I still feel like such a newbie with all this! Thanks for your sweet words 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
I love the new layout! And keep dreaming big! The greater you dream, the more you will accomplish! (:
Amanda @Blissful Gal recently posted…Easy Ways to Relax Amidst a Busy Life
Thanks, Amanda! I agree!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
Congratulations! I think its great that you are following your dreams by investing into your blog. I have only been blogging for a few months as well and I’m starting to think that I may need to invest in my blog if I want to really turn it into something bigger.
Diana recently posted…First Impressions: The Face Shop Blackhead Out Dual Pore Strips
Thanks, Diana! It’s a fun journey and I’m learning so much! I wish you all the best as you jump into blogging and investing in your dreams for your own blog!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
Your redesign looks amazing! I’m just starting to talk to Madison about redoing mine; it’s on hold for the time being but I can’t wait to work with her! She did a great job with your blog! And I’m so proud of you for taking your blog dreams seriously! That’s what I did a few months ago when I quit my job to blog full time. It definitely is a lot of work and I didn’t see many results from it at first, but in the last week I’ve gotten a TON of opportunities come my way and I am all of a sudden seeing the real fruits of my labor! It is possible! Don’t give up!
Chelsie recently posted…September Chapter Chats + Link Up
Thanks, Chelsie! Madison was so great and I bet you’ll love working with her! I’m excited to be in touch if I ever have questions about this whole blogging business. I’m hoping to jump in more full time once we have our first little one next March! We shall see 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
You will always get the people who say “oh that’s great honey” when you say you want to take your blog to the next level and the next level after that. But I can assure you, it can be done as I have officially made my blog my full time job, and it has been my full time job pretty much for the past year!! 😀 😀 😀 It’s 100% possible and if you focus on making it reality, it will become reality! If you ever need help in any way – feel free to email! 🙂
GiGi Eats recently posted…Taiwan Kitchen Takeover
Thanks, Gigi! I love hearing stories like yours. They remind me that it is possible! I’ll have to check out your space and get some good pointers from you 😉 Thanks for offering to help!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
I recently take the same leap of faith and invested in a new layout (btw, your blog looks beautiful) I don’t know what the future holds for my little piece of the internet, but I’m excited to find out!
Good luck!
Laura @ Cook, Wine and Thinker!
Laura recently posted…Diner en Blanc Toronto, 2015
Thanks, Laura! I’m excited to see what the future holds for both of us!
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
Congrats on the new blog layout and the new name! IT took me a second to realize what blog this used to be. Thanks for sharing your new look. I absolutely adore it.
Trisha @ The Ham & Cheese Of It recently posted…6 of My All Time Favorite Things
Thanks, Trisha! Haha I still have that same thought when I see the homepage. It’s kind of like getting a haircut and not recognizing yourself in the mirror, you know? 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Our Front Room Makeover: A Long Overdue Reveal!
Love your post! Way to go on starting something and not listening to the little voices in your head. This can be so hard sometimes. I get really excited about my blog and what I want the future to be and then it’s so easy to let fear get in the way. I think that if you have confidence in yourself and that you have something important to say, nothing can stop you! I love your quote above – such a great reminder 🙂
Carly @ FitLiving blog recently posted…Stop Wasting Time by Taking a Moment to Pause
Thanks, Carly! It is so challenging to trust my dreams and desires instead of just giving in to fear. I agree with you…it takes worth to trust our passions but it’s worth it in the end!
Good luck with your blog! It’s awesome. I love it so far. I’ve found it through She Is Joyful’s blog. I want to do the same thing with mine! It’s time I really invest in it (and not just financially). Have a great day xx
Marie-Pier D. recently posted…Quick DIY: Baby Cat Pillow
Hi there. I stumbled upon your blog via BPP and am so glad I did. I especially love this post and can totally relate to it. I started my blog in September after secretly harboring a desire to do so for years. I felt like people would think I was ridiculous for investing my time and energy into a blog, but it’s something that I’ve wanted for so long. I still feel a bit odd talking about my blogging aspirations, but I’m slowly but surely learning to take them seriously and not be afraid to share them with others. Thanks so much for this post! It was definitely something I needed to read…
Wow, so glad I came across this post… it’s so encouraging!! Especially as I am “re-vamping” my blog and looking into monetizing it. You named my fears so accurately!!
Thank you for your constant source of encouragement.