If there’s one thing I’ve learned these last eight months of growing a tiny human, it’s that motherhood brings with it a whole host of worries and fears. Pregnancy is beautiful and miraculous and I don’t want to discredit that for a second, but I also believe deeply that part of being human is experiencing fear and struggles even in the midst of joyful, beautiful things.
That belief is why I was honest about how the first few months of pregnancy were underwhelming, why I shared about my fears of miscarriage in the first trimester, and why I continually share about the hard parts of marriage, relationships, and life as a “grownup.”
But today, I want to focus on one aspect of pregnancy that’s been on my mind a lot lately: fear. I’m hesitant to even label these things as fears for some reason. More than I am deathly afraid that everything will fall apart and be horrible, this list is a few things I am anticipating will be just plain hard. I’ve seen over and over again that God uses those hard, stretching experiences to grow us and draw us deeper into Him, but that doesn’t necessarily make those hard things any easier when we’re right in the thick of them.
So even though I know God will use these things for good, I want to share a few of the things I’ve been praying about and wrestling with as we prepare to meet our little man in just ten short weeks. If these things scare you or you’re facing them right now, you’re not alone!
Five Things That Scare Me About Being A Mom
1) Labor and Delivery
I’d say this one is pretty self-explanatory. Like I shared in this post about how motherhood is changing my views of Christmas, I know that stretching and the pain are part of how God brings forth new life, both in our bodies and our hearts. But does that make the pain itself any easier? Maybe not. I am nervous for this part, but I know that ultimately it’s out of my control, and all I really want is to come out the other end with a healthy baby (and as a healthy mama).
2) Sleep Deprivation
Y’all, I am a girl who LOVES her sleep. I go to bed by 9:30 or 10 most nights and will usually choose a good night’s sleep over any social engagement that lasts past that time (I’m a 90 year old woman at heart, I know). The changes in my routine are something I know will stretch me thoroughly, and I’m anticipating that this will be tough for us like it is for well….just about everyone.
3) A Shift in Identity
This one is more a heart one. This next year will look very different for our family as we switch some things around and make decisions of how work and life will look different now that we have a little one. I’ll share more about that soon, but no matter what I know that becoming a mama will be a huge shift in identity. I will no longer be just ME: a blogger, a teacher, a wife, etc. My world and my identity will shift to focus largely on meeting the needs of a tiny human (and other tiny humans in the years to come). I think this shift will stretch me in all sorts of beautiful and painful ways, and I am nervous and excited for the hard conversations, prayers, and processing that will accompany it.
4) Body Image Post-Partum
I wrote a whole post about how I’m learning to love my pregnant body a few months back, but as my belly grows and grows, I’m starting to realize that this will be a pretty big transition after our little man leaves the comfort of my womb to face the real world. I want to exercise and live a healthy lifestyle after Caleb arrives, but I also know that no matter how hard I work there are some things about my body that will be forever altered after partnering with God in this amazing process of creating life. I’m praying that I’d give myself grace as I learn to love my new mama body, that I’d view the stretch marks and scars as beautiful reminders of what God has done in me and through me.

My most recent baby bump photo from my 7 month bumpdate!
5) A New Season of Marriage
I am SO excited to see how we will grow closer to each other as we marvel over the life and family we created and learn to take care of that family together. But like I’ve heard from many couples before us, I also know that the combination of sleep deprivation, identity shifts, and lots of other things can really stretch your marriage and force you to lean in to places where your selfishness usually wins out. I am praying that we would lean in to those hard conversations, that we’d know that this season is just that – a season, and we’d love each other and give each other lots and lots of grace in the midst of it all.
Moving Forward In The Midst Of Fear
Like I said before, I believe wholeheartedly that God loves us and meets us in the midst of our brokenness and fear, even when that brokenness comes hand-in-hand with some of life’s most joyful experiences. Becoming a mama is a world-altering process that will grow me in ways I never could have dreamed of. It will be hard and painful and beautiful and full of joy, and I know that God will be with us every step of the way. I’m praying for lots and lots of grace for myself and for my hubby as we adjust to this new stage of life as parents. Even in the fear, I can’t wait to see how God will grow us and stretch our hearts to love our little man in ways we never could have dreamed of.
Moms-to-be, can you relate to any of these fears or do you have some fears of our own? More experienced mamas, do you have any advice or thoughts on your own experiences with any of these things?
I’ve been finding lots of great posts about pregnancy and motherhood on this Pinterest board over these last few months. Make sure to follow along for more heart-based posts like this one and lots of practical stuff about pregnancy and early motherhood!
Follow Lauren @ Sobremesa Stories’s board Pregnancy on Pinterest.
oh man, I feel these fears even the second time around. I had a horrible time coming back from having Bug, not as much because the physical changes, but my limitations after having a cesarean. My best advice is listen to the doctors, take it slow, and remember your body just had an organ grow ten times it’s size, you birthed a child, and you won’t be up and running in less than a week…and that’s okay! I’m the opposite with sleeping, so I don’t ever worry about the lack of that, but if you’re planning on nursing, get a new movie or television series or Netfix! seriously! I watched through the entire House series in my first month after giving birth because I was locked down most the night and I was too scared to bedshare. Your marriage will change-but from a person who has added over 7 new kids into her life in various ways(and had two of them leave), it can be for the better. There is nothing I love more than watching my husband be a daddy.
Your fears are all totally legit, and I won’t lie…it’s hard. So hard. But you will make it through and be an amazing mama.<3
Lauren Jane recently posted…Yes. I am nursing for me.
Lauren, thanks for this thoughtful comment 🙂 That’s such a good reminder to take it slow and let my body heal. Postpartum recovery is no joke! I’ve been thinking of finding a good series to watch. House is one of my favorites! You’re right, there will be lots of changes but they will ultimately be things that bring me and my hubby together. Thanks for your encouragement and sweet words…I’m so grateful to know you via the blogging world!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
I’m totally at 90 year old woman at heart too. Motherhood is definitely scary, but I think you’ll do great!
Alanna @ Alanna & Company recently posted…Bar Deco Brunch
Thanks, Alanna!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
I’ll be real honest with you: You absolutely need to worry about sleep deprivation. It’s ROUGH. In fact, it’s the worst part of mothering a newborn. I’ve had Otto for two weeks and it’s just really hitting me now… I’d give my right big toe for a solid night’s sleep! Don’t worry at all about labor and delivery – there’s an epidural for that! And it’s such a relief to get the baby out. The rest of your fears will all be in how you process it I really struggled with my identity after my first was born; my second is a breeze! I had a c section with my first which made it harder for my body to bounce back; I VBAC’d my second and I’m already prebaby weight and jean size two weeks later. For me that first baby was so hard and the second one is easy as could be (minus the sleep deprivation) but who knows – you could sail right into motherhood! You’ll find out soon enough 🙂
Paige @ An Uncomplicated Life Blog recently posted…Otto’s Birth Story
Paige, one of my favorite things about you is your honesty! 🙂 I know it will be rough, and I’m trying to remember that it will be a (hopefully very) temporary season. I loved reading your birth story and have learned so much from following along with your blog! Here’s hoping little Otto gives his mama a break and you get some good sleep soon!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
Don’t be nervous about labor and delivery. It was such a spiritual experience, being in labor and thinking about all the other women out there who were in labor at the same time, and all those who had been there before me. I just kept asking my doula “When she’s born the pain goes away?” and she was like YES and that’s what I kept thinking about, meeting my baby and what was happening that was causing the “pain”. 48 hours of natural labor including back labor and 2.5 hours pushing, and I would easily do it all over again. But they say it’s shorter the second time around, and I definitely wouldn’t mind that 😉
A shift in identity and changes to our marriage came naturally. It’s hard to imagine before the baby is born, but you seem like you have a very strong marriage and a strong sense of self that will only improve once your son is born. And regarding postpartum body image.. I was actually sad when my belly went away! That’s probably not common but, just tthrowing that out there =)
As for the sleep deprivation.. can’t help you there haha. Here I am with my 7 month old baby girl and there’s still no sleep in sight 😉 But SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP before labor! I thought people were telling me that because of the lack of sleep I’d get once she was here, but really, stock up on sleep FOR labor. I was so anxious being two weeks “overdue”, so I stayed awake through early labor and the nights before, and I ended up falling asleep between contractions while in the water towards the end. Not fun
Jacquelyn @ The Lowcountry Mama recently posted…7 Months
Jacquelyn, thanks for this thoughtful response! That is exactly what I’m hoping for. I have a doula who loves the Lord and feel like she will be such a great encouragement during it all. I know those shifts in identity will come but like you said…I’m hoping they are gradual and we’re able to give ourselves grace in the midst of them! And oh yes, you better believe I’m soaking in every moment of naps and sleep I can at this point! Here’s hoping I’m still able to sleep well like I am now for a while longer!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
I legitimately feel like you looked into my brain and read my mind while writing this. Thank you for putting into such beautiful words the things I’ve been feeling and making me feel so much better about it all. I am so excited about becoming a mom this year, but it really is super scary! Thank you for sharing your heart and allowing us other scaredy cats to know we aren’t alone! 🙂
Maegan Dockery recently posted…Naming Our Son
Ha I am so glad! 🙂 I’m learning that the excitement, joy, and fear often come hand in hand and that’s okay. Glad to share in all this with you, Maegan!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
I always love your honesty! It’s easy for people to feel safe around you. I remember having many of those same fears anticipating my littles. First, I want to tell you don’t listen too closely to labor and delivery horror stories. I did both of mine in the days of “natural” childbirth and they were short (four hours and under). Second, you’re going to be a great mom. Not a perfect mom. No one gets that. All you have to remember is to love him like crazy. You can do that better than anyone. Finally, ask for help when you need it and have fun! Blessings and hugs to you!
Deb Wolf recently posted…No Word of the Year, No Resolutions, Just One BIG Project
Thanks, Deb 🙂 I appreciate that! I am hoping to do a more natural birth and can only hope that it’s a bit shorter like yours were! 🙂 That’s such a good reminder…being a great mom who loves my kids well and points them to Jesus can include lots of moments of grace and struggle. I’m so grateful for that! Thanks for your sweet words and encouragement!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
The reason I clicked on this post is because I am absolutely terrified of being a mom one day. I completely see why you fear all these things, because I do too & I’m not even close to being a mom yet – it’s just something I think about from time to time. BUT I’m glad you are able to push through and be excited for what’s to come. thanks for sharing 🙂
Mattie recently posted…The Story Behind Mattie’s Makings
It’s funny, because the closer I get to actually being a mom the fears seem to get both bigger and smaller at the same time…bigger as I get closer to actually experiencing these things, and smaller as I think about the joy that will come in meeting the little bean who’s been rocking and rolling in my belly all this time! Hopefully you find the same thing eventually!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
I can resonate with all of these points, even though I’m not going to be a momma yet. Actually, I think about becoming a mother and everything that comes with it every day even though I’m not yet, ha. I love how you wrote that stretching and pain are parts of how God brings forth new life. Praying for you, Lauren. So thrilled for you. Love your heart.
Summer @ Coffee With Summer recently posted…Why The “Follow For Follow” Method Is Useless
I have thought about these for a long time too! It’s a crazy, hard journey with lots of joy and sweetness thrown in. Thanks for your encouragement, Summer! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
Love your honesty! I was nervous about all of these things before we had our first, too. (I’m due in a couple months with our second). To be an encouragement, I wanted to share my experiences (because I was legitimately nervous about all of them!) I’ve heard it said that the veil is thinnest between heaven and earth during birth, and I think it’s true. Labor isn’t torture or “mindless pain for no reason,” it’s very very goal-oriented. And getting to go to such deep place of “crying out” to such an extreme place of OHMYGOSH I DID IT AND THAT’S *MY* BABY! is thrilling. It really is. I cannot wait to experience labor and birth again, and I had a pretty “long, hard” labor. It was just amazing to get to feel and accomplish and have become a part of me as a woman.
I think it’s hard for mom’s who have my experience with sleep and babies to speak up, because you don’t want to sound insensitive or naive to other mom’s with different experiences. But I sleep more after having a child than I did before. He sleeps great! I sleep great! Sure, there were a sprinkling of rough nights but I’ve never once “been up all night long.” It’s not necessarily going to be awful… and I think that’s encouraging! It’s also encouraging to know that if sleep doesn’t come so naturally to baby/the household, you’ll survive because so many other women do it!
The identity shift is bizarre. But it happens so effortlessly. They lay that baby on your chest and *boom* you’re different. It’s only something that can be experienced and not explained. But I’m excited for you to get to experience it!
My body is hiiiiilarious, and I’ll tell you what: I’ve never been more proud, amazed or grateful in my life. I wish I had had this kind of self-esteem, confidence and gratitude when I was a teenager 😉 The process of making and then sustaining life with my body helped me see so far past the non-ideal lumps or slight imperfections. I’m so proud of my squishy, bigger, marked-up body! And I feel like I can do anything. It’s neat how making a body “look worse” can be so empowering to the mind and soul!
And last: this is similar to the sleep issue. But I feel like it’s hard to speak up when having a baby makes your marriage/relationship SO. MUCH. BETTER. because you don’t want to be insensitive to others, or naive to real hardships. But our experience was extremely binding, uniting and wonderful. We are the only two who get to share DNA and everyday life with our boy, and we’re the only ones who know how much we love *him.* We conquered each step of the way together, we enjoy the smallest, dumbest things of him more than anyone else on earth would, and we are so grateful to have each other. We had a great relationship before our son, but adding him to the mix truly did increase our capacity for joy, and then filled it. Life does look different, but it was gradual… and we both would say we have much more fun together now than we did before!
I can’t wait for you to have your own stories, memories and milestones! Enjoy enjoy enjoy, accept TONS of practical help (like, seriously. Get and receive as much help as you can.), and smell that newborn smell until you want to pass out 😉 Happy Beginning of Motherhood! It’s a wonderful ride!
Kristen, I can’t tell you how much this comment means to me! First off, I love that description of the veil between heaven and earth being so thin in those moments. I’ve never heard that before and it is beautiful! That is very much my prayer as we get closer to meeting our little one. And I’m hoping to have a grace-filled perspective about my body too – remembering that these new lumps and curves are a beautiful reminder of what God did in me and through me!
I can only hope we have a good sleeper and don’t have a first year with horrible sleeper, even though we’ll obviously love him either way!
Really, thank you so much for your sweet encouragement. I’ve read it several times already and it means the world to me! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
I’m not a mom, but these are definitely things I’d be worried about as well. Esp the giving birth part! You will totally rock it though! Positive vibes 🙂
Rachel recently posted…2015: A Year in Review
Thanks, Rachel 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
I remember on the way to the hospital with my first, after my water broke, wanting to turn the car around because I was so scared and not ready. BUT, I had such a wonderful labor and delivery nurse, everything went just fine. I think it was mostly the unknown that I was afraid of. While it’s painful, you will be able to handle it, and there is such a wonderful gift at the end, you won’t remember the pain.
Shann Eva recently posted…Micro Preemie Monday and Emersyn
I can totally see myself having that same thought! I’ll be both excited and terrified at the same time! Thanks for the encouragement 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
Oddly enough, the labor and delivery part is something I don’t even think about really. I do wonder what it will be like on occasion, but we have no idea what will happen! We could have a 24 hour labor or an emergency c-section as soon as we get to the hospital. So that part, I’m just not even worried about cause I figure either way, this baby is going to come out! I really haven’t given my postpartum body much thought either aside from the fact that my boobs will probably no longer be happy, full things. They’ll probably sag and be all floppy. But I’m not too worried about that, and the rest of it, we’ll just have to see how that all looks too! But the sleep deprivation! I NEED SLEEP! I’m with you on choosing sleep over social engagements and I love my 9-10 hours of sleep a night. I get so emotional and do not function well at all without sleep, so adding in a crying newborn without sleep and I’m not even sure how that will go! I also worry about the changes in our marriage. I can’t imagine what adding a baby will do to our lives as they are AND to our identities! I think about that all the time- how I don’t just want to be a mom. I want to make sure that I don’t lose myself in becoming a mom. It’ll be so interesting to read about your experience once the baby is here and see how it compares to my experience!
Liz recently posted…Weekend Updates
Isn’t it so much to think about? So many big changes. The sleep is definitely high up on my list of biggest fears! I’ve never experienced sleep deprivation like that and know it will be challenging. I feel like it’s a rite of passage in a way though! I’m excited to see all your thoughts and processing as you go through it all too!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
This is beautiful, friend. I think having these fears reveals a deep desire to do this right, well, and completely. Prayers that God will calm your heart at the apex of each of these struggles and that his love will cover over a multitude!
Thanks, Daisy! I appreciate the prayers 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
I am so glad you shared your fears about this time in your life! I know that anything new in life gives me anxiety, but I still share my issues in hopes that I am helping someone else out. I definitely think this is a post not just for expecting moms, but for anyone who is in the midst of some change in their life
Amanda recently posted…How to Prepare for a New College Semester
I agree…reading about other people’s experiences is so helpful and encouraging to me! It reminds me I’m not alone!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
Yes! I’m feeling all these same things-so nice to read things like this and remember I’m not alone in all of this being new.
chelsea jacobs recently posted…Spending Your January: A To-Do List for Adventuring Through the Month.
Thanks, Chelsea! Glad I’m not the only one 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
There is certaintly a lot to be afraid of- but there is also so much to be excited for! Yes, your marriage will most definitely change. But you will get to see Jordan as a father! It’s a new side to him that you are going to absolutely fall in love with; it will deepen your bond together. Yes, the labor will probably be awful but you will forget about the pain as soon as your little one pops out. And hopefully you will get used to the sleep deprivation. You’re going to make an amazing mommy. 🙂
Chelsea recently posted…Read This If You Are Considering Suicide
I agree! The changes will be beautiful and good, even when they are occasionally hard. Thanks for the encouragement, Chelsea! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
These are all very warranted fears!! The hardest part about the majority of them is that those things are so unpredictable and different for everyone! I know that you will be great and this stage in life will only make you better!!! I can’t wait to see what it has in store for you! And the good definitely outweighs the bad, even if some days are more bad than good.
Amberly recently posted…Why You NEED To Make Your Spouse a Priority Every Day
I think the being so out of control part is one of the biggest struggles for me. It’s definitely teaching me to let go and trust God is in control of it all! Thanks for your encouragement 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
This was so encouraging to me. I think we are literally in the same place in life and as I was reading your blog post today I felt like I was reading my own words. I’m due this month and have been really dealing with these fears. I know that God says, “Fear not, for I am the Lord your God, I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” Isaiah 41: 10. I keep this verse in the forefront of my mind and try to distinguish between fears and lies.
Thank you for sharing, it really helped me today.
Melinda recently posted…Living the dream alone in my kitchen.
Melinda, I’m so glad you can relate to this! I’m clinging to verses like that too and trying to remember that He is present and good even in the midst of the pain (and He uses pain to bring forth new life and joy!). Thanks for reading and commenting!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
THIS IS ME!! Did you get into my brain and (more ellequently stated than I ever could) write down everything that was in my brain?? Haha 🙂 My sister has followed your blog for some time now and just sent me this article to me, as you and I are both due with our first little one right around the same time. Thank you thank you for this post and I will be sure to read more and subscribe – it was so helpful to hear someone is thinking/fearing the same things as they prepare for this great adventure while keeping Christ as the focus of all things. Thanks be to God for your gift and ministry. I send many prayers and look forward to following you on your journey.
Ha Michelle I’m SO glad you can connect to this and that you took the time to comment! You are definitely not alone in all the fears and emotions that come with pregnancy and I hope you’re finding some hope and joy in the midst of them. I’m excited you’re wanting to stick around and hope you and your little one are doing well!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
All totally legitimate fears. Labor and delivery is scary, but you will not remember it as being that bad (heck I did it again). It is worth is as you will have a great support system and a the best reward at the end. You are stronger than you know.
Sleep deprivation will happen and you will wonder how you functioned before. This will eventually pass and I believe new moms can survive on way less sleep than ever thought possible.
I can’t speak to the marriage change since we both had kids when we got married, but I do worry about when the kids are grown and it is just us for the first time.
Sarah Koves recently posted…Pinterest Pick 3
Ha I’ve heard that same thing from many women! Once you hold the little one in your arms the pain doesn’t feel so big anymore. Thanks for reading and commenting, Sarah!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
Admittedly, 2 and 3 are the ones I think of the most, but these are all valid and huge deals! I love sleep and I finally feel like I have a solid adult identity down now, but that will definitely change when kiddos come!
Autumn recently posted…2016 word of the year: press forward
Thanks, Autumn! I know it will be a big change but I’m excited for the change too 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
You have the same fears I had! SO terrified. Thankfully we’ve made it 16 months. The sleep deprivation is real but the good stuff is so good you almost forget you’re tired. 🙂 You have a beautiful way of expressing yourself! Good luck and congratulations 🙂
Melissa recently posted…Understanding Skin Type To Get Better Results | Skin Care Series
I love hearing from mamas on the other side! I hope you’re loving time with your little one even in the midst of the hard stuff (and maybe getting some sleep every once in a while). Thanks for your sweet words!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
Beautiful points, and things I’m all scared for too, though I’m not expecting! I’m sure the Lord will be there for you through them all 🙂
Kelsie recently posted…16 Things I’m Excited for in 2016
Thanks, Kelsie! I’m excited to learn more about Him and His heart through this whole process!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
Honestly, the change in identity wasn’t something I had thought much about. I’ve thought “Oh, I’ll just add ‘mom’ to the descriptions of myself,” but it’s so much more than that. I’m not a mama or a mama-to-be yet, but I want you to know how wonderful these posts have been for me to read. Not only that, but I’ve shared them with my best friends who are pregnant and they have brought them up to me (in person) and told me how much your posts gave words to their thoughts and feelings. Thank you for sharing your heart, Lauren!
Joy recently posted…When Did You Start Taking Life For Granted?
Thanks, Joy 🙂 I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed them! It’s so sweet of you to share them too. Thanks for letting me know that. It’s super encouraging! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
These are all very real fears and I have some of them too and I’m not even close to being a mom yet. I think you will adapt and figure out how to overcome your fears. I have no doubt that you’re going to be a wonderful mom.
xoxo, Jenny
Jenny recently posted…24 Lessons in 24 Years
Thanks for your encouragement, Jenny!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
All of these fears are understandable! I’m only 3 months into being a mommy so I can only speak to what I have gone through so far. Labor and delivery should be the least feared thing on your list I think (Lord willing everything goes well for you and baby). Contractions hurt, yes, but thank God for epidurals. Don’t beat yourself up if you plan on going all natural and you change your mind once you get into the thick of things. My biggest piece of advice would be to give yourself grace. Not everything is going to go as planned or expected. (For me that would be having to get the epidural and not being able to breast feed exclusively – I still feel like a failure because of the breastfeeding) But, some things will go much better than you could have ever hoped. Just from reading your posts on pregnancy and baby, I think you’re going to be a great mama 🙂
Thanks, Kelley! I’m trying to remember so many of the things you mentioned here, but especially the one about grace when things don’t go as planned. I’ve heard from so many women that breastfeeding is hard (one of my Womanly Wednesday posts from a while back was on breastfeeding “failure” – I hope you’ll check it out!) and want to give myself lots of grace in that too. Thanks for your sweet words and this genuine comment!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
I’m not going to say that any of these fears is unfounded- labor hurts, your body and identity will change, and newborn days are tiring and can give you plenty of “growth opportunities” in your marriage – but the shift is gradual enough that it is manageable, and the “after” of having your baby here is so special that all those things don’t seem as scary. You will do great! I think you have a great handle on everything that is coming, so try not to worry too much and just enjoy it. 🙂
Callie recently posted…My 2015 Word Was So Ironic
Thanks, Callie 🙂 I love your encouragement and the reminder that none of these shifts have to happen in a day (besides the actual arrival of our little one). We have lots of time and lots of grace to figure it all out!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
Man oh man. We’re not at this point yet in our marriage, wanting to have a baby. We want children! Just not yet. But, even so, I relate to all of these fears. Every single one of them.
What I cling to is that raising children will reveal so many more facets about God than I know now, and that even though I fear my relationship with my husband changing, I believe it will deepen.
Well written, sister. You are not alone!
I think pretty much my only fear about being a mom someday is the huge responsibility of keeping my child alive and safe and healthy. We had a little boy living with us for a while, 6 years old, and I would go to his room every night after he was asleep just to make sure he was still breathing. I may be just a little overprotective…
Rachel G recently posted…Choose-Your-Own-Adventure in Langkawi, Malaysia
Rachel, I can totally relate to that! I think the first time I’m at home alone with our baby I’ll panic a bit, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I go check on him to see if he’s breathing too! You’re definitely not alone in that 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
I am not a mom or mama-to-be but I’m glad that I’m not the only one terrified/fearful of when that day comes. I often see friends get pregnant and not show any type of emotion but joy and it makes me feel like I have a long way to go before I am mentally and physically prepared to become a mama. Thank you so much for sharing and for keeping it real. It was so refreshing and you are going to be such a good (and hot) mama!
Topaz & Sapphire recently posted…A New Year, A New Motto
Ha I love that last sentence 😉 I have found over and over that negative emotions often come alongside the joy and am learning that that’s okay! I appreciate your encouragement, 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
My husband and I are currently praying and seeking God if we should have kids and these are all of the reasons why it’s so scary! You’ll be a great mama, don’t worry!
That’s so exciting, Greta! It’s a big decision but such a fun and exciting one too. I hope it’s going well for you all!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
I can totally relate to all of these. You have expressed your fears so well, and I know every mom is shaking her head YES! #1 is by far the LEAST scariest thing 😉 Mommyhood is HARD. But so rewarding. It may strain your marriage, it will leave you hating parts of your body, and it will bring you to your knees with questions of, “who am I?” BUT you won’t trade it for anything in the world. Your life will change drastically, and you’ll never ever look back! I can already tell you will be an amazing mom. Enjoy the journey, God made you for this!!
Thanks, Chrissa! I love how you describe motherhood here…it’s hard and changes you in so many way but the changes are worth the joy. Thank you for all that beautiful encouragement! I appreciate it 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
This was beautiful in its raw vulnerability. I am not at this stage yet (although I long to be!) but your words were so beautiful and resonated with me so much. Thank you for sharing this real side of pregnancy in the midst of joy.
Blessings sweet lady!
Rebecca recently posted…anew
Thanks, Rebecca 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Heroin Addiction
This is beautiful, Lauren. While I’m not a mom yet, these fears are some that I know I’ve definitely thought about as I prepare to start having kids in the next few years. It’s scary but so exciting (I assume!) 🙂
Shannon recently posted…My 2016 Bucket List
Great post! Labor and delivery are not easy, but as soon as you hold that little baby you forget all about it.
My husband and I just welcomed our first son about 2 and a half weeks ago – and I can easily relate to all these fears! Although I’m not sure I would have been able to pinpoint them if you had asked me before our son arrived 🙂
Labor and delivery is intense, but oh so beautiful, and can truly be a spiritual experience that draws you closer to your spouse and the Lord. Go in confident in yourself and your body! Remember that God created you to do exactly this!
Sleep deprivation is real! Obviously I’m super new at this, but I’ve found that when I’m low on sleep, my hormones go even more out of whack and anxiety and self doubt creep in! Don’t be afraid to accept others help so that you can get the sleep you need!
I have a long history of struggling with my body image, and I was very nervous how I would respond to my post baby body, but having a supportive spouse and beautiful baby makes all the difference 🙂 Your husband seems like a great guy, and I’m sure he will be even more attracted to you once he sees you loving on his child! And while your marital relationship may look a little different than it did before, I can say for sure that there is nothing more unifying or attractive than watching my husband hold our newborn or support me as I try and figure out this mom thing. It’s pretty amazing!
I’m not a mommy yet, but as my hubby and I start to plan when we want to grow our family our life is changing. It is overwhelming to think of all the differences adding another human being to the family will be. Don’t get me wrong I am excited and thrilled to one day have that little one growing inside my womb but there is fear there.
Ashley recently posted…How to Make a Button for Your Blog?
Ok, I know I’m way late to the party, and probably are going to repeat what others have said, but I wanted to share with my thoughts, anyway 🙂 (PS, I’ve had two kids, one c-section and one vaginal, just so you know where I’m coming from, ha!)
So L&D can be a scary thing… Luckily, usually by the time those babies are coming you don’t care what kind of pain you have to go through as long as you’re not pregnant anymore, haha! Those last couple-few weeks of pregnancy can be rough! I think it’s so we’re not scared of the delivery process at that time.
Sleep….. I’m the same as you. And somehow we figure out how to power through it. It’s still not fun though, but it does end, I promise!
I’m a big believer in the fact that being a momma doesn’t change who you are, it just adds more colors and dimensions to what makes you, you 🙂
Body image is something that I think everyone has to go through on their own, so don’t feel bad if you do feel bad about yourself, but like you said, pray for God’s grace and help 🙂
It can test your marriage, but there is nothing like seeing the man you love hold that little baby in his arms… The best sight in the whole world 🙂
I’m so excited for you! 🙂 Being a mother is incredible!