With finding out our little one is a boy and game after game of Royals baseball these last few weeks, it seems like our whole world has turned (royal) blue! This week was full of fun celebrations and surprise days off and I loved every minute of it!
1) The KC Royals – World Champions!
Oh. My. Heavens. What a week to live in KC! The Royals officially won the World Series and our city went (and has been going) NUTS! We had a few friends over to watch the clinching game and we all ran out into the street whistling and spraying champagne as our neighborhood erupted with fireworks and gunshots. It was CRAZY! I love how much people around here support the Royals and I loved watching my hubby become a 7 year old boy who jumped and hollered around our house when his team won. Since so many folks were pulling their kids out of school to attend the Royals’ victory parade on Tuesday, they canceled classes for what we all called a “Blue Snow Day” so everyone could attend the citywide celebration. Over 800,000 folks showed up downtown and the whole city turned Royal blue! I sure am proud to be a Kansas Citian!
2) An Introvert’s Ideal Day
Even though hubby and the whole KC world headed downtown to brave the crowds, I decided that my tired, pregnant self wouldn’t do too well having to be on my feet walking all day with limited seating and no bathrooms. Instead I woke up and had a breakfast date with hubby and then treated myself to a lovely massage I’d won last year in a teacher drawing. I spent the rest of the day doing random things around the house, clearing out the baby room so we can get to painting soon, paying bills, reading, and just being generally productive. Days like this remind me that I really am an introvert (remember last week’s post about how we live in an introvert-extrovert marriage?). I love time alone and feel so recharged by days like this one where I have a quiet house and a day to do whatever I please! I know these days will be few and far between once baby comes, so I’m trying to enjoy them now!

Olive spent her day chasing the sunspot and taking warm naps. #bestdayever
3) Naming Our Little Man
In case you missed this post yesterday, we have officially revealed what we’re naming our little man: Caleb Jordan English. I cried writing him this letter describing how we chose his name and am excited to start using it to refer to him in these next few months. Having a name reminds me that this little one inside me is a real person with a personality and quirks and a unique identity that will change the world as we know it. Caleb Jordan, you are already so, so loved and we can’t wait to meet you in a few short months. (PS: That post officially became my highest viewed post and my most viewed day in this blog’s history – almost 2,000 views in one day! Wowza! Thanks for the love, friends!)
4) Reading, Reading, Reading
I realized this week that I have cut down a ton on how much TV I’ve been watching these last few months, and one (kind of) unintentional effect is that I’ve been reading a lot more. I’ve been flying through book after book, even though I’m reading them slowly in chunks so I can really think about and absorb all the goodness. I shared about this book a few weeks ago, but it has been challenging me so much these last few weeks. It’s making me ask hard questions about how I expect to experience God and what it looks like to find contentment in Him even when I don’t get what I want. Philip Yancey’s writing style is clear, beautiful, and full of Scripture and goodness. I definitely recommend this one if you’re looking for something to challenge and grow you!
5) Pretty Lettering
As we dream about nursery planning, I’ve had so much fun pinning inspiration and ideas. I love the idea of a travel and adventure theme that incorporates maps, transportation, and reminders that life is about being brave and adventurous. I found this sign on Etsy a few weeks back and have gone back to look at it over and over again. Wouldn’t this be so dreamy hanging over a baby boy’s crib? With other pretty wood, gray, and navy accents? I’m thinking I might have to request this as my Christmas present from the hubby instead of a normal nursery purchase because it is WAY expensive, but seriously….isn’t this the dreamiest thing you’ve ever seen?

Source: House Of Belonging
Happy Friday, my sweet friends. Enjoy another beautiful fall weekend!
Oh my goodness! I laughed so hard seeing that pic of your husband. I’ve been to Kansas City for a concert and for traveling in general and it’s a great place. I can imagine everyone being so excited…it reminds me of Green Bay and how much we love our Packers 🙂 So happy for you and love that baby name…congrats on all of the pageviews on that post!!! Wowza!
Chelsea recently posted…50 State Sign Challenge: Part 2
Hahaha he is quite the goofball and Royals baseball didn’t help! It’s such a great city! I bet Packers fans are similar. I love the spirit and joy sports can bring (even if I don’t follow them all that much on my own).
Lauren recently posted…How Perfectionism and High Expectations Impacted Our Marriage
Totally random, but I was just looking at your US picture and we have the same birthday! Except I was born in 86, but still! May 1st babies! No wonder I like your blog so much, hah. I’m with you on alone time! I have every Mon, Wed, and Fri off work without my husband home, and they’re some of my favorite days. I love my time off with him too, of course, but I’m used to my “down days” where I just do whatever I need to do around the house without anybody getting in the way and can go do whatever I want without feeling guilty. I love that sign you posted! We had painted our guest bedroom gray awhile back, so it’s staying gray for the baby! And we’re not really getting into decorating really since we hope to move in the next year, so the baby’s room is going to be a bunch of random finds and our old dresser that’s already in there. But you should definitely get that sign for him! It’s a sign that’ll be good forever at least! It’s not “baby” looking so it can always be moved anywhere in the house! By the way, love the name. I read your post yesterday, just didn’t comment.
Liz recently posted…Seeing Baby on the Ultrasound- 22 weeks.
That’s awesome! Good to know I have a birthday twin 😉 Sometimes that alone time is the best, isn’t it? I’m a big fan of all things gray and I don’t see anything wrong with repurposing other furniture and stuff for a baby! I think that’s actually a super smart decision! Thanks for reading and commenting, LIz! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…How Perfectionism and High Expectations Impacted Our Marriage
I LOVE the name Caleb!!!!
One of my closest friends is named Caleb, nicknames include: Wubs, Haleeb, Quaileb (or Quail Man) and Cal. But a seriously great name.
Congrats to KC!!!! I’m a Torontonian, so if we had to lose, I’d rather lose to the CHAMPS!
Love your introverts day, sounds like my Saturdays (when the Mr. works and I get the place to myself to putter)
Laura recently posted…Friday Wine Down
Thanks, Laura! We love it too 🙂 Ha love all those nicknames! Sorry about your Blue Jays…but you’re right, losing to the champs is what we would always prefer too! 🙂 Thanks for reading! Hope you’re having a good week!
Lauren recently posted…How Perfectionism and High Expectations Impacted Our Marriage
That picture of your husband is awesome lol! He looks beyond excited. I really love the name you’ve chosen for your son. It’s lovely! And congrats on the 2,000 page views. That is just great!
Danielle recently posted…How I’ve Repeatedly Ruined my Kids Lives
Ha oh he is SUPER excited. Lots of yelling and jumping around the house! Thanks, Danielle!
Lauren recently posted…How Perfectionism and High Expectations Impacted Our Marriage
I don’t really follow baseball anymore (my eye candy retired) but I’m SO happy the Giants didn’t even make the post season. I’ve been so impressed by Royals fans and how they’re not rude and obnoxious about winning the World Series.
Love the name you’ve chosen for your little man. Here’s hoping the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing. Congrats!
It really has been fun to see how joyful and generally kind the Royals fans are. I think everyone is just so excited to see the Royals doing well that they’ve been getting a long! 🙂
Thanks for reading and commenting, Rae!
Lauren recently posted…How Perfectionism and High Expectations Impacted Our Marriage
Awwww, yay for baby names! We named both our boys while they were in the womb too. We didn’t announce Henry’s name until after he was born, but (if you’ve read my blog or seen any social media post of mine) you know that we announced Otto’s name with his gender reveal. I agree with you, it makes them feel like a person inside you and not just “a baby.” Congrats on the name decision!
Paige @ An Uncomplicated Life Blog recently posted…8th Month Bumpdate
I’ve loved following along with Otto and your pregnancy! It really does make it more real to think of the little one inside me as a person with an identity and personality instead of just a baby like you said. I love knowing his name and it’s fun (and really weird) to hear people call him by his name!
Lauren recently posted…How Perfectionism and High Expectations Impacted Our Marriage
it always seems more real once they have a name & it is so amazing to start calling them by the name! adorable name & congratulations!!
jenn recently posted…Fri-yay, again!
I agree! It’s so much fun 🙂
Lauren recently posted…How Perfectionism and High Expectations Impacted Our Marriage
Such a sweet sign! It would be the perfect piece to tie an adventure nursery together!
Angela recently posted…Baby Style—Thanksgiving Etsy Finds
Isn’t it so cute? Such a beautiful piece of art! Thanks for reading, Angela!
Lauren recently posted…How Perfectionism and High Expectations Impacted Our Marriage
Aw, what a fun week! I love that the theme of your week was blue. 🙂 I know very little about sports, and watch even less (except for my brother-in-law’s games, he is in the NFL). But my boss, and his teenage daughter who works in our office once a week are huge Royals fans, and I have enjoyed learning about the Royals through them. First win of the World Series since the 1980’s yes? Congrats!
Bethany Lotulelei recently posted…Dallas on the Weekend
Ha I don’t follow sports at all besides watching games with family and friends either. Royals baseball has brought out my inner sports fan, that’s for sure!
Lauren recently posted…How Perfectionism and High Expectations Impacted Our Marriage
I love the name you chose! It sounds like you had quite the week all around–it’s so fun to see all of the pictures from KC. It looks like an incredible community!
Natalie recently posted…14 Awesome Gifts for the Traveler in Your Life
Thanks, Natalie! I love the name too. 🙂 KC really is such a fun city!
Lauren recently posted…How Perfectionism and High Expectations Impacted Our Marriage
Looks like a great week, must have been a great experience for all the kansas citians! and what a pretty name you chose for your son!
Diana recently posted…21 Ad Space Giveaway
Thanks, Diana! It really has been such a fun week to be in KC. And naming our little man made it all the better! Hope you’re having a good week!
Lauren recently posted…How Perfectionism and High Expectations Impacted Our Marriage
That house of belonging sign is so so pretty!
chelsea jacobs recently posted…What Two Months of Long-Distance Marriage Taught Me.