Happy Friday, friends! I hope you all had wonderful weeks and are heading in to a weekend of goodness and fun time with family! Here’s a few updates from our week.
1) A Proposal Anniversary
This week marked three years since Jordan got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Even though I had my suspicions he was going to propose that Friday because he’d been acting weird all week, it was still a sweet day full of joy and anticipation. He took me to get my nails done and then we spent some time reading the letters we’d written during our 1.5 years of being long distance (you can read more about our love story here). He took me to Liberty Memorial, a place we’d gone to many times to watch the sun set over the city. After reading me one more letter, the letter he’d written to my parents asking for my hand in marriage, he got down on one knee and asked me forever. Lots of squeals and jumping up and down later, I said yes! And the cherry on top? He’d had my two best friends fly out to photograph the proposal and then spend the weekend wedding dreaming and planning with me. It was such a fun and exciting time and I’m so grateful for all that’s happened since then!
2) The Royals are back!
Even though I’m not a Kansas Citian by birth, I sure do love living in this city. The Royals are making another playoffs run this year and it sure is fun to see this whole city turn Royal blue in their honor! We had a lot of fun watching the first game with few friends from our church small group on Thursday, especially since they have an adorable black lab that Olive loved to wrestle with. Come on Royals, let’s do this! #ForeverRoyal #TaketheCrown

Olive and our friend’s dog Avery. Twins!
3) Finally Feeling Like Fall
Even though occasional days still pop up into the 80s, the temperatures have been dropping and it’s wonderful to feel a chill in the air in the mornings. I’m excited to take my fall and winter clothes out of storage this year and move into a time of the year that reminds me that our lives always come in seasons. And some of those seasons are MUCH more fun to decorate for than others! Exhibit A: this sign I threw together from some craft supplies we had around the house! Bring it on, fall. We’re ready for you!
4) A Reminder That Life Is Short
This week was a sad reminder that life is short and we have no idea how much time is allotted to us. A sweet girl I knew at Davidson who had just gotten engaged to another old Davidson friend was killed in a tragic car accident this past weekend. She was a kind, intelligent, and passionate young woman and medical student who loved the Lord, and it’s heartbreaking that she passed away with what seemed like so much life in front of her. I’m praying for her fiancé Josh and her family and friends as they wrestle with the sudden loss of such a bright young woman. Hold your loved ones close and soak in every moment, friends.
5) 18 Week Baby Update
Well, folks, on a happier note, I’m happy to announce that baby English is doing great! We had our 17.5 week checkup this week and baby’s heart is beating strong and he/she is growing well. My nausea has pretty much gone away and I’m feeling a lot more upbeat. We go in to find out baby’s gender in less than two weeks and I am SO excited for that appointment! And no, we have no idea what gender it is. How the heck do people guess this kind of thing?! Either way, we will love this little one so much and can’t wait to see his/her face on the ultrasound in a few weeks. Here’s to sweet little ones and rapidly expanding baby bumps!
Side-note…we have epically failed at taking cute stylish baby bump pics. I always forget to take them when Jordan is actually home and end up snapping them in our bathroom in front of our dirty mirror as our crazy puppy wags her tail next to me and I rock a ridiculous looking facial expression because selfies are hard. But maybe that’s just real life? Either way…enjoy and know that if you have a dirty bathroom and don’t know how to take pictures of yourself you’re in good company.
Enjoy your weekends!
Congratulations on your bumpdate! Aww your proposal sounds amazing, so personal as well!
You look so adorable! I was 99% sure I was having a girl with my first and oddly I knew it from the beginning. I am 13 weeks pregnant with my second and I have mixed feelings. It is crazy! Happy proposal anniversary! Such a great memory 🙂
Katie @thebrooksielife recently posted…Happy 4 Years – A Walk Down Memory Lane
Ha thanks, Katie! That’s so funny. I would probably guess I’m having a girl but that might just be more wishful thinking because girl clothes are cute 🙂 Hope your pregnancy is going well!
I love the baby bump picture, with the dirty mirror and wagging dog tail!
Alanna @ Alanna & Company recently posted…My New Unexpected Love: Press-on Nails
Ha thanks, Alanna! Our puppy is a pretty phenomenal photo-bomber 🙂
Amen. I love that no matter what happens we can truly say, ‘It is well with my soul.’ And your bump is SO CUTE. You look extremely happy!
Emily recently posted…Friday Favorites: My Favorite Foods
Thanks, Emily! You’re so sweet!
Lauren- your baby bump is the cutest! You make me WANT to get pregnant!! haha. And wow he really nailed the proposal thing! So cute how he had someone take pictures of it. He sounds like such a romantic and wonderful husband 🙂
Chelsea recently posted…You Are ENOUGH
Aww thanks, Chelsea! 🙂 Haha he’s pretty great. He did a great job with the proposal, that’s for sure!
So sorry to hear about your friend! It’s so hard on everyone when we lose someone so young. I’ll be praying for her friends and family, including you! Congrats on everything baby! I’m sure you can’t wait for the ultrasound!
Charlene recently posted…5 Simple and Affordable DIY Halloween Decorations
Thanks, Charlene. I appreciate that! And yes, we are SO excited for that ultrasound!
TOTALLY only clicked over for the bumpdate! I have baby fever something fierce! You’re adorable!
Amanda Rinehart recently posted…Trends Your Man Hates
Haha I do the same thing with other bloggers all the time. Thanks, Amanda! 🙂
My husband had his sister photographing our proposal secretly too! I love the pictures, even though my nervous husband stopped smack dab in front of a bench instead of stopping where he was supposed to (he was nervous), so our pictures are all behind a bench, hah. I don’t think I realized we were so class in our pregnancy (I’ll be 19 weeks tomorrow). My bump is still so small! But Jackson moves around like crazy and his heartbeat always sounds good, so I guess he’s just smooshed down in my pelvis still! I’m loving fall this year even more than normal for some reason! It has been so nice out lately!
Liz recently posted…Pre-Baby Crisis, Gym Time, and Book Club
Hahaha my husband got nervous and totally forgot his whole speech he had prepared too 🙂 So your hubby’s not alone in that! That’s awesome we’re so close! I’m hoping to hear out little one move around soon. Still waiting on that part! Have a great weekend!
You’re adorable!! I can’t wait to find out Baby English’s gender! It must be so much fun to reflect on your proposal anniversary in light of this exciting season. Sometimes it feels like Dan and I got engaged yesterday, and sometimes it feels like we’ve lived a thousand years together since then.
Brittany Bergman recently posted…Cultivating Gratitude & Sharing Love // 21
Thanks, Brittany! 🙂 It is crazy to think back to where we were 3 years ago and all that’s happened since then. I agree…it feels like we’ve been together forever. It’s a good feeling!
You still look great 🙂 It’s so sad to hear about your friend. As wonderful as it is that you’re bringing in a new life, life has to remind us that lives are taken too.
liz @ sundays with sophie
Liz Jo recently posted…burlap wreathing
Your proposal pictures are so cute!! Congrats on the bumpdate, I’m about a week and a half behind you with my second pregnancy:)
Thanks, Lauren! Congrats to you and your hubby! I hope your pregnancy has been fun and not too sick 🙂
Haha aww you make me want to be pregnant again! I’m glad everything is going well and can’t wait to find out the gender =) I guess girl!
Jacquelyn @ The Lowcountry Mama recently posted…Fall Bucket List
Ha thanks, Jacquelyn! Even in the craziness of it all it is pretty darn fun 🙂 and I would guess a girl but my hubby says a boy. I guess we’ll see! 😉
That’s so sweet that Jordan flew your friends out! Whenever I get engaged, I want someone to be there to photograph the moment too! Your baby is going to be so cute and I cannot wait to read more baby posts!
Amanda @Blissful Gal recently posted…How to Style a Button-Up
It was awesome! A photographer was high on my list for our engagement and I’m so glad my best friend was able to come and shoot it! Thanks for your sweet words 🙂
Okay, that proposal picture literally looks like it belongs in a magazine. No joke. Also, you’re like the cutest pregnant woman ever!
Erin @ Very Erin recently posted…How to Stay Motivated
Ha thanks, Erin! My photographer was pretty amazing 🙂
Happy anniversary! It sounds like such a fun proposal. I’m so happy you guys found each other. And I don’t know what you’re talking about, your bumpdate pics are always very cute 🙂
Megan Gonzalez recently posted…Repair and Beautify Frayed Cords
Thanks, Megan! It was so sweet 🙂
hey girl … that bump is growing!
Linda Stoll recently posted…morning invitations * soul-work
Ha it definitely is 🙂
You’re insane, that baby bump photo is beyond adorable 🙂
ps: Go Blue Jays Go!! (sorry!)
Laura recently posted…The Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers!
Hahaha thanks, Laura! I love the Royals and the KC spirit but if I’m being honest….I don’t care all that much 😉
You look so happy, Lauren! Wishing you a peaceful and healthy pregnancy 🙂
Danielle recently posted…Blogger Q&A: Meet Shann Eva
Thanks, Danielle! I appreciate that!
Aww! You are such a cutie! Looks like a great week!
Lexi recently posted…Saturday Takeover: The Ham and Cheese Of It
Thanks, Lexi! It was a fun one 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Why It’s Dangerous To Shame Another Woman’s Feelings
I just love you guys, y’all are so adorable!! hahaha. <3 You baby bump is so adorable!! Oh, and the doggie feet in the second picture…adorbs…my cousin's dog sits like that with his feet straight out behind him. I just love when dogs do that! They're obviously so trusting of their owners!!
Taylor recently posted…My Dream Kitchen [An Inspiration Board]