It feels like spring has sprung here in KC and we are so excited for all that lies ahead in the next few months! Here are a few updates from our last few weeks.
1) Soaking In My Time At Home
I start back to work on Monday and I’m both nervous and excited. I’m excited to see what it’s like to be back in the classroom surrounded by other gronwups, but I’m also pretty nervous about missing Caleb and adjusting to this new routine. I’m sure I’ll write more about that as it all starts to unfold but for now, I’m trying to soak in every minute with my kiddo. I love the slowness of our days at home and will definitely miss it. Even if all we do is play with sticky notes to pass the time until naptime, I love this kid and watching him grow is a beautiful thing.
Seriously, how could I not miss this sweet face?
2) Library Story-Time
Oh. My. Heavens. We went to story-time at the library this week and it was the most hilarious and adorable thing I’ve ever seen. They lady who led it was wonderful and was cracking me up with the bubble-blowing, silly nursery rhymes, fun board books, and other little tricks perfect for babies. Caleb loved it, even if he wasn’t so sure about bubbles at first. You can bet we’ll be going back every week from here on out!
3) Beautiful Weather
The 70 degree days we’ve been having lately have been SO nice! I love being able to spend time at the park or on our deck and having a later sunset thanks to Daylight Savings makes it even better. We’ve spent a few nights after dinner playing basketball in the driveway and Caleb loves watching the cars go by and crawling around in the grass. He also giggles like a very adorable maniac when Jordan dribbles with him. We can’t wait for it to be warm every day!
4) Best Friend Visits
Maybe the highlight of spring break? My college bestie Haley came to visit! I love getting to see and catch up with this girl so very much. Even though we mostly just hung at home with the baby nugget and talked about life, we did do a little shopping and went on some walks (and got me a cute dress for a wedding we’re going to this weekend!). There’s something so sweet about spending time with someone who knows you inside and out and I am so grateful for Haley’s friendship that has spanned almost the last decade of my life.
5) Family Photo Shoot
It wouldn’t be a visit with Haley George if we didn’t take some pictures! Haley is an incredibly talented photographer and we love when she takes our pictures. Her pictures are on pretty much every wall in our house and the ones from this shoot were sooooo beautiful. I can’t wait to share the rest of them soon but here’s a little sneak peek that has me giving all the heart eyes!
I hope your weather has been as beautiful as ours and you’re soaking in the joy of spring!
So glad you guys got some beautiful weather!!
Your family photos are beautiful (obviously!). I feel pretty lucky to also have friends who are talented photographers. Good luck returning back to work!
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