Even though this week had a few rough spots, it was full of beautiful sunny days, cozy thunderstorms that made me want to snuggle up with my little man all day, and growing excitement for the summer months ahead when hubby will be home and we have nothing to do but enjoy some sweet time with our little family! Here are a few updates from this past week in the English house.
1) Sick Babies And Little Sleep
Caleb picked up some sort of bug and was coughing and super congested all week. For a few nights in a row he woke himself up frequently throughout the night with his coughing and rough breathing. We finally brought him to the pediatrician on Monday night and after listening to his chest and checking him out, they said he had bronchitis and early signs of pneumonia. Thankfully we caught it early and he responded really well to the medicine within a day or two. It was so, so pitiful to see him coughing, even though he was still sweet and smiley as ever (and even doing tummy time like a champ!). I wish I could protect him from every sickness ever, but I suppose I’ll just take some snuggles and know the sleepless nights will pass.

Little man still did tummy time like a champ. And considering his height/weight are in the 25th percentile and his head is in the 90th, this is quite a feat! 🙂
2) Intentional Friends
My friend Kylie is also a stay-at-home mom and invited a few other moms she knew to come to her house and do a She Reads Truth Bible study called Open Your Bible. I started doing the study this week and it has been such sweet time. I could probably write a lot more on this, but I’ve been feeling disconnected to Scripture and my quiet times for a while now. The structure of doing this for a few days has already been so good for my heart and I’ve found myself looking forward to that time spent jumping into God’s word. I am so grateful for friends like Kylie who are brave enough to follow God’s leading to encourage and lead others!
3) Back To Blogging
Like I shared in Monday’s post on how this blog will change when I return from my maternity leave, I am getting so excited to jump back into blogging! I have had a little more time the last week or two and have loved starting to write and dream for this space. I’ll be starting the Womanly Wednesday series back up next week and have some fun post ideas and projects to share soon. Check out Monday’s post for more details, but know you will hopefully be seeing more of me in the next few weeks (and months) to come!
4) Summer Trip Planning
Jordan and I love traveling, and even though having kids means our options are a little more limited, we are excited for adventures to come! We sat out on our driveway the other night and dreamed about what trips and adventures we want to take in the next few years. Right now, we have two trips on the agenda: a weeklong trip to California in July to see my family and show off our adorable son to all our Cali friends and family, and another trip to North Carolina in August to be a part of my best friend Taylor’s wedding. They will be our first trips flying with Caleb and we are curious/nervous to see how they go! I’ll definitely be looking for travel tips from any experienced moms as we get closer!

A picture from Jordan’s very first trip to California when we’d been dating ONE month – crazy!
5) Crockpot Cooking
After about two straight months of making nothing but frozen meals and chocolate banana milkshakes, I’ve loved getting back in the kitchen again. I’ve found that it’s harder for me to cook dinner in the evenings because I never know when Caleb will need to eat/nap, so the crockpot has been my new favorite toy since I can throw everything in whenever I have 20 free minutes in the morning. I only used it on occasion before but I’ve been all about it this week. On Wednesday night I made this delicious tomato balsamic chicken recipe from Slender Kitchen and it was ah-maaaaazing and so easy. I can’t wait to try more crockpot recipes in the future! And since cooking requires actual grocery shopping, I present this lovely selfie of me and the nugget in Target earlier this week. Babywearing for the win!
Have a lovely weekend, friends! I hope it is sunny and beautiful and full of sweet time with your friends, puppies, and/or baby nuggets!
man oh man do i wish i could be there holding big-headed (in the BEST way—smart boy!) Caleb and helping him through tummy time and coughing. I love and miss you dearly. It’s a huge gift to know you all will be coming as a family to take part in my wedding. Thanks for all you do, and know that you are thought of and prayed for constantly!!
Proud of you mama,
Congested babies are never fun at all!!! I’m sorry he hasn’t been feeling well 🙁
Amberly recently posted…Wives to Watch in Every Stage of Life – Amberly of A Prioritized Marriage
I’m just saying, if you’re ever looking for a nice camping trip to western mass, we got the hook up;) I’m glad he’s feeling better, it’s the absolute worse when your babe is sick. I’ve been praying for you all. And the feeling disconnected from scripture…I feel you. It’s hard when your all is going into a newborn. I’m praying for you on that ?
I adore you!
P.s. I have that same study and have been doing it solo so we can chat about it anytime! It is a GREAT study. So happy for you and proud of you amazingness. ?
I’m seriously going to have to try that crock pot recipe! So yummy!!! Wow, Caleb is growing so fast! I’m sorry to hear he got sick. 🙁 Can’t wait to have you back in the blogosphere! Take care of yourself, mommy!
Chelsea recently posted…Bold in Blue