This past week was so fun! I loved having my mom in town and we had so much fun celebrating our first Halloween with our little guy. Isn’t fall just the best?
1) Grandma Visits
My mom came into town this past weekend to spend some time with us and it was so fun to have her here. We spent lots of time just being silly with my little guy and hanging out at the house or going on walks. We did a little cooking and shopping too, but our main goal was just to get in some quality grandma-Caleb time. He was such a smiley little guy and I loved seeing him get to know his grandma! If only California were a whole lot closer…

Yes, Caleb is wearing two different socks. Woops! #reallife
2) Our Wild, Safari Family
Even though we ended up throwing these costumes together last minute, I love how they turned out! Caleb was just about the cutest monkey I ever did see, even if he was super sleepy and rubbing his eyes the whole time, and Olive made a pretty cute lion too. Also, can I just say that these fleece giraffe pajamas were about the most comfortable thing I’ve ever worn? And that they have POCKETS?? Please excuse me if you stop by my house sometime soon and find me wearing these bad boys around the house!
3) Trick-or-Treating Adventures
We hosted Jordan’s family for Halloween night and it was fun to have a full house. My niece and my nephew are 3 and 6 (aka prime trick-or-treating age) and their entourage of multiple grandparents and aunts and uncles followed them around the neighborhood as they galloped around in their superhero costumes. These two are so cute and I loved watching them giggle and get excited over their candy!
Maybe more than they loved trick-or-treating they loved handing out candy at our door. Noah may have offered every kid that came by at least 6 pieces of candy but it was so cute we didn’t worry too much about it.
4) Pumpkin-Flavored Everything
I can’t even count the number of pumpkin-flavored goodies I’ve eaten this week. I’ve had pumpkin-spiced coffee every day (super unhealthy pumpkin creamer for the win!), pumpkin pie, and even made some pumpkin-turkey chili this week. I know a lot of people are transitioning mentally to Christmas now but I’ll hold on to all the fall goodness for a few more weeks. Eventually I’ll put away all the pumpkins in our house but I think I’ll hold on for juuuuuust a little bit longer!
5) Making Memories
This Halloween was a fun one for so many reasons. I loved having all of our family over and taking all sorts of fun pictures of us in our silly costumes. We aren’t normally people to dress up or go all out for things like this, and usually I get kind of overwhelmed thinking of the details of planning a costume and just give up. But Jordan and I were texting this week, and he encouraged us to just GO for it! Even though we were the only adults in our little entourage to dress up, it was so so fun!
I think having a kiddo makes me want to be more spontaneous, adventurous, and intentional with these kind of things. I want to be the kind of parent who plays, who takes the time to make memories even when it’s inconvenient or feels silly. I’m kind of a boring homebody, to be honest, and I’d almost always be happy to just sit on the couch and chill, but I want Caleb to have memories that involve me getting up and out of my comfort zone to be silly with him. The joy we felt and saw in our little man in Halloween was so sweet and I want to do everything I can to give him that joy as much as possible. Even if it means I rock a ridiculous giraffe costume!
Happy belated Halloween and happy fall, my friends! The countdown to Thanksgiving and Christmas is officially on!
What a cute costume! I thought about dressing up with Jackson this year but then it was Halloween before I knew it! Also, he usually gets really fussy past 5:30, so I decided it wouldn’t be much fun. I’m definitely a boring mom though and would prefer to just hang out at home, but now that the weather is nice, I really try to get him out of the house. I want to make sure he enjoys DOING stuff. I used to visit my sister when she was a SAHM with my nephew, and I just felt like they spent so much time at home with the TV on. I really want to engage Jackson or encourage him in all of his exploring, even if that just means I follow him around all day and keep him from falling and cracking his head open. Isn’t it just the best seeing grandparents with your kid? I really kind of like living with my parents because I love seeing them with Jackson so much. It makes me so happy to have given them a grandchild because I really feel like he just makes their day! I haven’t had anything pumpkin yet, I don’t think! My mom makes awesome pumpkin pies over Thanksgiving! Maybe this year I’ll request an extra one if I end up having a Thanksgiving dinner with them. Caleb is looking so adorable and so grown up now, by the way! I really just love this age and think babies are just the cutest right now!
Liz recently posted…Thursday.