Hallelujah we made it through this WEEK! Happy dances all around! It was a week I’ve been anxious about for a while and I am so glad to have made it through with nothing but some swollen ankles to show for it. I’m sharing below a few reasons why this week was so long, as well as our plans for the nice long weekend that follows this crazy week. Happy Friday, friends!
1) Weekly Brunch Dates
As of this weekend we are officially in the final four weeks of pregnancy, and we’re trying to soak in as much time together and baby-free as we can. I’ve been a brunch lover my entire life and decided the best way to do this was weekly brunch dates where I can eat as much sugar and carbs as my little heart desires! I’m hoping to do this up until little man comes. I’m so grateful for mornings with this guy and the easy, natural companionship we share. There’s no one I’d rather spend time with and I can’t wait to add another little person into our family.
2) Super Bowl Party
Maybe against my better judgment, we decided to host a big Super Bowl party last weekend! We ended up having between 30-40 people and it was so fun to have a house full of friends, yummy snacks and desserts, and the occasional glancing at the television because really…who cares? (Sorry football fans of the world). I will say that by about 7:30 PM my introverted and exhausted pregnant self started to struggle a bit. Fortunately all of our guests were wonderful and helped so much with cleanup and hosting! Just another reason I’m so grateful to be a part of our community. (One result of my pregnancy exhaustion? I forgot to take a single picture of this event. Woops!)
3) Parent-Teacher Conferences
I had honestly been nervous for and dreading these for a while, mostly because I knew it would be exhausting. I enjoy getting to chat with parents and get some faces for where my students come from, but it is also two 14 hour days in a row and I knew that would be tough. It definitely wasn’t easy, but I had a relatively steady flow of parents and was able to get some school/blogging work done between conversations. I will say that my feet looked like little sausages and there were clear lines in my legs and ankles where my socks and leggings had been. I came home on Wednesday, took my favorite snuggle buddy on a walk, and then put my feet up for the rest of the night to binge watch Making A Murderer. And boy, did it feel good!
4) New (ish) Books: One Thousand Gifts
I started rereading this book for the fifth (sixth?) time this week and holy moly it gets me every time. As my heart prepares to open for little Caleb (like I shared about in this letter that had me feeling all the feels on Monday), this book reminds me that there is so much joy in ALL of God’s gifts, both the ones that break us and hurt us and the ones that bring us immeasurable joy. I’m only one chapter in and I’ve already cried twice, so I’d say this one is pretty timely and appropriate for me!

This book has been around the world with me and back. I love it so much!
5) Long Weekends
After the long week of conferences, we get Friday off and then Monday off for the holiday. We’ll be doing another brunch and Ikea date on Friday morning and then the rest of the weekend will just be resting, snuggling our puppy, and doing some more baby to-dos like installing the carseat, hanging up light-blocking blinds, packing our hospital bags, etc. Even though conferences were long, I’m so glad we have this long weekend and another short week following it. Once we’re through that short week I’ll be 37 weeks and little Caleb really could come any time! Shoot some prayers up for that, y’all. We are getting pretty darn excited!
I hope you all have wonderful weekends with your favorite people and/or puppies!
I always loved/hated parent-teacher conferences…my school held them from 4-7pm, and after a long day of teaching no one wants to stick around for those extra hours!! I’m so impressed you made it through with such grace. Enjoy the long weekend!!! 🙂
Julie Hood recently posted…send love
So exciting, friend!! You are so close! Congrats on getting through conferences week! We’ve been given today (Friday) off and Monday off, too! …But we’ve still got conferences to look forward to, next Thursday and the following Monday. Busy time of year! 🙂 Also, I totally love the book One Thousand Gifts. It changed my life when we lived in Virginia after my first year of teaching – it had been a really rough season, and that book really helped to shape my perspective. Although I really should read it again – thanks for the reminder! Have a wonderful long weekend, Lauren!
Hannah Olson recently posted…Martha Stewart’s Appetizers Book
Brunch dates are the best! Enjoy!
chelsea jacobs recently posted…I’m Feeling Rich.
Ahhh you’re so close!! I love that you guys are brunching every weekend until he comes. We’re headed out this morning for our first brunch date as a trio, and I’m so excited! Enjoy your long weekend! I hope you get a ton of rest and time to put those poor feet up. 🙂
Brittany Bergman recently posted…The One New-Mom Expectation That Changed Everything
Your last conferences! Woo! Hope you get of ton of rest this weekend, especially for those feet of yours 🙂 LOVE the idea of brunch every weekend- and Kate’s is so so good. You guys were in our neck of the woods! You’re getting so close!
Kelsie recently posted…Five on Friday: Parents, Planes, and Party Time!
Parent teacher conferences must have been very exhausting for you!! It’s always great to do them, but they make for very long days, especially when you’re very pregnant. Feeling for you, momma. I love your brunch date tradition now; brunch is my favorite : ) I really want to read that book, too!
Lindsay recently posted…February Fashion
I love the idea of the weekly brunch date–I may just have to steal that! I can’t believe how close you are to meeting sweet Caleb! I’m so excited and praying for you guys!
Long weekends are always the best! One of my favorite parts about working at a school! Have so much fun on your Valentines Weekend!
Oh man… I remember how drained my husband always was during conferences, and he definitely wasn’t third trimester pregnant! Congrats on making it through with your positivity intact! 😉
Katie {Always, Katie} recently posted…4 Facts Survey
I love that you guys are brunching away and making the most of your last few weeks as a two-some! I hope we can meet in real life someday, because I feel like Dave and I would get along so well with you two!
Erin @ Very Erin recently posted…My Blogging Process: How, Where and When I Blog
SO excited you got to soak up some time with Jordan… also SUPER happy you’re reading One Thousand Gifts again. I read it probably every 6 months and it constantly is helping me grow. I adore it.
Sounds like you’ve had a great week! Fun to peek into your life!
Emma recently posted…From Oranges to Orange Theory
I feel you on the swollen ankles! I need to post a picture of my legs from the other day. It’s no joke! I have swelling 24/7 now but it’s SO much worse after a 12 hour shift. After this past weekend, I had on leggings and my wool socks on Monday and I could barely pull my socks up all the way cause they were so tight. We’ll be doing last minute baby stuff starting Sunday 🙂 Brunch is my favorite meal of the day! I LOVE brunch! And I love that Atlanta is like, the brunch capitol of the world. We have so much good breakfast food here that it’s insane. I hope you have a good weekend!
Liz recently posted…Weekly Updates
I just started reading One Thousand Gifts for the first time this week. My goodness the beginning is a tear jerker! I am looking forward to delving further into it. I love that you guys are taking advantage of this time together, and enjoying brunch. That has got to be my favorite meal. Give me all the coffee, waffles, fruit, and sausage!
Bethany Lotulelei recently posted…We’re Going to Make It, You and I.
I am a preschool teacher and although I love meeting with the parents it can be exhausting. I had my conferences this week too so I hear you sister!
xoxo Mickey http://www.mybashfullife.com/
There’s nothing better than brunch dates with the hubby! 🙂
Olya @ The Siberian American recently posted…February 2016 PopSugar Must Have Box Review
Your week was pretty full. Glad to see you are allowing yourself time to rest. I hope you have a great long weekend. 🙂 Praying for you all.
Latonya recently posted…A Day in the Life …