Happy Friday, friends! Just one more week until Christmas. We can make it that long, can’t we? Here are some updates from our week!
1) Baby Mischief
I mentioned last week that Caleb is crawling, and he just keeps getting better and better! He still is only army crawling so he’s pretty slow but if he sees something he wants he takes off for it. I stepped out of his nursery to grab a laundry basket and came back in 30 seconds later to find this ridiculousness. I spent a lot of this week grabbing things from him or redirecting him and I have a feeling it will only get worse from here. Our box of baby-proofing supplies from Amazon came in the mail yesterday so it’s go-time, people!
2) Christmas (And Totally Not Christmas) Movies
We don’t really have a show we’re watching right now so we’ve been watching random movies and playing cards at night (I totally kicked Jordan’s butt at the latest card game we learned and I am definitely not above bragging about it!). This week we watched The Santa Clause and were both cracking up at the silliness of Tim Allen and movies from the 90s. Then we watched Step Up – totally not Christmas related but pretty hilarious too. If we don’t find a new show soon who knows what ridiculous movies we’ll find ourselves watching when cold weather keeps us trapped inside!
2) Silly Firsts
Last weekend we were out and about doing some shopping and decided to eat dinner at an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet we hadn’t been to in YEARS. We are pretty predictable when it comes to our food choices most of the time (Chick-Fil-A for the win!) and were cracking up at Caleb’s face as he saw his daddy’s plate full of greasy crawdads and Chinese food. He enjoyed his organic pouches and yogurt melts while mom and dad pigged out on egg rolls and cheap sushi. We can’t be healthy all the time, you know? 😉
3) Christmas Presents
We go back and forth for our husband/wife Christmas presents each year. Sometimes we surprise each other and sometimes we ask for something specific. I am surprising Jordan this year (no hints or spoilers!) and I’m excited for him to open my gift. Just like last year when I asked for a sign for Caleb’s nursery, this year I asked for a gorgeous sign from an Etsy shop for our kitchen. It’s a quote by Mother Teresa that I have loved since I first saw it. I was hoping to get a custom print done of it and when I saw this beautiful sign I almost started crying. Which I think means I have no choice but to buy it, right? I can’t wait for this to hang in our living area/kitchen and remind me daily that the work we do in this house is eternally significant.
5) Advent Books
I love Ann Voskamp and have probably read A Thousand Gifts eight times. So good! I recently picked up her newest book, The Broken Way, and have been working my way through that one too. And for the hat trick, I’m currently working through her Christmas devotional, The Greatest Gift. It’s beautifully written and has me reflecting on so many beautiful truths of the Advent season and all it means for our hurting, broken world. I definitely recommend her if you’re looking for some books to read in the new year!
Happy weekend, friends! I hope you have a great weekend full of sweet celebrations with your family and loved ones!
That sign is perfection – I love it!
Jen recently posted…Friday Favorites
Thanks, Jen! I love it too!