Wahoooo! We made it to the weekend! We had a busy week this week with church small group, doctor’s appointments, and some classes. I am so ready for this weekend of resting and fun times with friends!
1) To-Do Lists
I have two running to-do lists on a (digital) sticky note on my laptop these days: one for blogging and one for real life. I try to add to them each day and set some goals for what I’ll accomplish that day. For the most part, I’ve been knocking things off the list pretty well, but with just five weeks until Caleb arrives I am starting to feel the crunch a bit. I’m trying to remind myself that Target will still exist after he arrives and that friends and family will be happy to help if we desperately need something. I know it will all work out, but I’m still doing my best to work through the list one by one.
On this weekend’s agenda? Wash some of the baby clothes, sheets, Boppy covers, etc we’ve gotten these last few months so we’ll at least have a few outfits read to go when little man gets here. And don’t all those little clothes look so cute hanging in this closet? (Make sure to check out the full nursery reveal HERE if you haven’t already!)
2) Blogging Maternity Leave
One thing that’s been big on my mind these last few weeks is what it will look like for me to step back from blogging a bit while we’re in the newborn phase. I love love LOVED this post by my friend Brittany at the Nested Nomad who just came back from an eight week blog maternity leave and hope to give myself the same kind of grace, flexibility, and understanding that she did as she adjusted to this transition. I’ll be sharing a post in the next week or two about some of my thoughts and plans for maternity leave, but for now, know that I’m prayerfully and intentionally figuring out what it will look like for me to take a step back from blogging for a little bit as we adjust to our new roles as parents.

This is where I’m spending most afternoons these days. Feet up, blogging, and dreaming about meeting our little man!
3) Awkward Breastfeeding Classes
Hubby and I took a birth class a few weeks ago at the hospital where we’re delivering and it was super helpful, fast-paced, and funny. We learned a lot and would definitely recommend it! The breastfeeding class? Not so much. I had already done a lot of reading, and while the one 15 minute video they showed was helpful, the rest of the 1.5 hour class was a very sweet and I’m sure very knowledgable older nurse who showed us pictures she’d Googled of babies breastfeeding with silly faces or weird positions. We saw a whole lot of nipples and a whole lot of silly baby faces, but we didn’t feel like we learned all that much. And we pretty much just giggled through the whole thing. Here’s to having the maturity of the middle schoolers I teach! 😉
P.S. I don’t at all want to dive into the breastfeeding in public wars since I really have no idea what my thoughts are, but this meme I saw this week had me cracking up. Our world is a funny place.
4) Reducing Sugar – Not Such A Bad Thing?
I’ve mentioned how I’ve been reducing sugar and carbs to help balance out my “moderate” gestational diabetes diagnosis, and it’s been amazing how it’s impacted me. I know there are people who swear by cutting out sugar, and even though I’ve just cut out most highly-sweetened desserts and limited my sugary fruit and carbs intake, I’m definitely seeing a difference. I ate a chocolate pudding the other night and didn’t enjoy it because all I could taste was the sugar. What in the world? I feel a lot better and have less tummy aches than I’ve ever had. Maybe I need to hop on this (generally) sugar-free bandwagon and eat healthier all the time! Or maybe not…we’ll see. (I’ve been pinning some of my favorite high-protein, low carb recipes on this board below. If you like healthy recipes, you should check it out!)
Follow Lauren @ Sobremesa Stories’s board FOOD || Savory Recipes on Pinterest.
5) Super Bowl Party
We are hosting a Super Bowl party for tons of friends this weekend and I am SO excited! Our basement is officially done (or at least done enough to host – still some decorating to do) and with a TV downstairs and upstairs, we feel ready to host the 30-40 people we’re expecting. We’re going with the classic “Souper” Bowl theme and will have lots of yummy soups, appetizers, and desserts brought by our many lovely friends. I may be ready to collapse by 9:30 PM on Sunday, but we’ll make it work!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, friends! Enjoy the Super Bowl and some sweet time with friends and family!
P.S. I’m linking up over at A. Liz Adventures, Grace and Love Blog, and the Farmer’s Wife to share some Friday favorites. Make sure to pop over and check out those lovely ladies!
I love reading those posts! Hmm…so maybe when the time comes, I shouldn’t take a breastfeeding class?? Haha. I gigged at you comment about how your maturity level was the same as your middle schoolers. We all have relapses sometimes! I laughed reading when you said “nipples.” haha
Chelsea recently posted…15 Travel Instagram Accounts That Will Inspire You
I love reading your posts lady- all of them. I laughed out loud at the picture about the Victoria’s Secret ban hahahaha! SO funny. And I LOVE that you are considering what is best for you as far as blogging when your precious little one arrives. I would make the decision that is write for YOU as this is a once-in-a lifetime season and do what is best for you during this season. 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
Rebecca recently posted…10 Tips for Successfully Choosing a Self-Publishing Company for Your Book (or E-Book)
The nursery looks great! I think it is a wonderful idea for you take a maternity leave from blogging. I know that some people write sporadically after having a baby and that works too. The important part is to take pressure off yourself so you can just enjoy your new baby.
Beth recently posted…#RelationshipGoals: Celebrate Valentines Day with Pet Adoption
wow i love the nursery theme! its so pretty!
People love to help new moms, so let them!!:). And with breastfeeding, honestly, you may form one opinion than change it. I wasn’t okay with nursing in public period when I had him(I would actually ask the nurses to leave!), and then I spent a few months with a cover…and now well…he’s just on there whenever and where ever we may be!
Lauren Jane recently posted…I’m not raising my kids to be Christian like me.
I was cracking up at the SNL meme! Sounds like you’re hanging in there! Also, you are such a trooper for hosting a Super Bowl party while being a tired almost-mama! Good for you, girl!
I randomly decided to cut out sugar 2 days ago and I haven’t noticed a difference yet but I’m sure I will. My hubby is diabetic so I know all about it and it is definitely not something I would wish on anyone. But I’m glad you are taking care of yourself and I hope you are able to really relax and enjoy the next few weeks before your baby gets here!
Brittany Putman recently posted…What’s New at Grace, Love, Life
I tend to avoid sugary things and noticed that I had less stomach aches too. Now I can’t really handle a lot of candy. I’m not a fanatic about it; I mostly just cut out candy. I’ll eat baked goods, but if it’s something that hasn’t been baked in my household, I often find that it’s too sweet. I cut out half the sugar when I bake. 🙂
Good luck as you wait for your baby to come! That’s exciting. 🙂
I didn’t bother with a breastfeeding class, and lately I’ve been in a full on panic because I’m like “but I don’t know how!! What will I do?!?!” And you’ve got plenty of time to get the things you need…I’m officially 40 weeks today and I still have a Target list, haha, but I’ve come to the point where I know if I don’t get it right away, everything will be okay!
I love that you have basement space for hosting!! I wish I had that much space!!
Amberly recently posted…Destination Dinner Date – Tuscany
In regards to the breastfeeding journey, mine was very tough. Sophie had a horrible latch and cracked my skin so badly. And then my supply dried up a month. I had a lot of mommy guilt after that. A lot. It took a long time for me to accept it.But Sophie is a happy and healthy two year old and that’s what’s the most important. Make sure to remember that when you start just in case you can’t successfully breastfeed or you have to start pumping or even move to formula. You are a good mama either way.
liz @ j for joiner
1. I can’t believe you’re only 5 weeks away from meeting Caleb! I love that I was following your blog when you announced your pregnancy, so I got to read about the whole experience! I’m so, so happy for you two. Definitely going to miss your blog while you take a maternity leave, but I’m betting you’re going to want to spend all your time with sweet Caleb! 2. His nursery is like the most beautiful room I have ever seen. When I have kiddos, please come design the nursery for me. Thanks.
Erin @ Very Erin recently posted…7 Ways to Relive Your Wedding Day After It’s Over
I thoroughly enjoyed this post, and you know I always love any post where I get to see your beautiful home. That nursery is just perfect, and I love the rocking chair in your family room picture. I love Britt’s post about her blogging leave and look forward to hearing about your plans. Just remember, life will go on, and your blog and followers will be here when you come back. Sometimes when I’m overwhelmed and can’t participate in social threads for a day or so I feel like I’ve lost out big time, but that’s silly. I’m so excited for you to become a mommy!! Oh, and I loved that breastfeeding/Victoria’s Secret image.
Lindsay recently posted…The Importance of Accepting Compliments
His nursery is so cute! ? I didn’t take a breastfeeding class per the recommendations of my friends for the very same reasons you listed! The nurses on staff will be your best friends! Also, the hospital should have a lactation consultant come speak to you. If not, ask for one!! Definitely give yourself grace after giving birth. I had two weeks worth of guest posts written and scheduled and then another week of posts I’d written and scheduled. It helps so you don’t feel so disconnected but do what’s right for your family ? That was a long comment from a new reader, sorry!!
What a wonderful post! The meme cracked me up and I think it’s great that you are taking the time to consider your blogging options.
Nicole recently posted…Snow Day Fun
As always, love your posts! I’m washing diapers today (I’m cloth diapering) and then I need o wash the sheets too and get the crib ready. I figure we may have stuff all over, but at least the baby will have a clean place to sleep! I don’t blog regularly and I definitely don’t have a set “theme” or anything, so I hope to keep the blog going. If not, I won’t stress, but I figure that I’m somebody that likes to get stuff off my chest and if it’s not easy, it’ll help me to be able to talk about it. I loved that meme, haha.
Liz recently posted…Too Young to Be Pregnant?
Thanks, Liz 🙂 It looks like it’ll be a weekend full of laundry for both of us. I think your readers will just love following along and getting some updates on your little one and it will be such a great way for you to process too. That’s one thing I’m excited for!
We didn’t take any classes with my first because we have zero attention span and even less maturity. I’ve been thinking about a blogging maternity leave and I think I’ve come up with a plan more or less that will work for me, but who knows! Babies are kind of crazy and you never know how things are going to pan out.
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood recently posted…Friday Favorites #39
Hahaha I hear you on that one, Morgan! Glad we’re not alone in our lack of maturity 😉 That’s my thought on a blogging maternity leave too. I figure I’ll have some guest posts scheduled and then just see how it goes!
I’m dying over that meme- Im like you, not going to get into the mommy wars on that issue but that’s hilarious. Im sorry your class was awkward, but it made for a fun read! Still loving your nursery every time you post a pic and I want to see your finished basement now too! you’ve got such cute style!
Melissa recently posted…SUPER BOWL MAKEUP | Panthers VS Broncos
So much going on! I love what you’ve done with the nusrey. It’s so cute.
Jazmine recently posted…Fifth Edition: Friday Favorites
I loved Brittany’s post, too! While I’m not planning on having kids anytime soon, I’ve definitely thought about how that’ll work with blogging simultaneously, and grace will undoubtedly be in need big time. I’m so excited to follow your updates, even if they’re sparse, and hear your own grace-filled stories when the time comes!
Coming Up Roses
Erica @ Coming Up Roses recently posted…House Update