This past weekend marked 32 full weeks (aka eight months) of pregnancy done. Holy moly. That means I am officially moving into my ninth month and the final eight weeks where little man’s arrival is starting to feel oh so close! Here are some updates from the last month:
How I’m Feeling
To be honest, I am really starting to feel some of the effects of having this little bean packed into my rapidly growing belly. I’ve been having lots of aches in my belly, hips, and back as things stretch and move and it’s getting harder and harder for me to be on my feet and moving around during the day at work. One wonderful silver lining of how exhausting teaching is? I have been sleeping like a ROCK at night. I know this is not the case for many pregnant women so I’m trying to soak that up while I still can. I’m praying for strength and the occasional comfort (at least once I get home from work and can put my feet up) as I keep getting bigger and bigger and the day we meet Caleb gets closer and closer!
Another update: after failing my gestational diabetes test a few weeks back, I had to take the day off work Friday to do the extended three hour glucose test. I’ll spare you the details, but suffice it to say that was NO fun at all. I am a baby when it comes to fasting and I was about as grouchy as they come. But it’s over and I got the phone call yesterday that I passed the test and am diabetes free! I celebrated my good health with a big bowl of mint chip ice cream and extra chocolate chips. Feeling pretty good about that.
Fun Celebrations
A few sweet friends (shoutout to Leigh and Kat!) threw me a sweet surprise baby shower this past weekend! It was so fun to have people I love from so many different places in one room and I’m grateful for all the work they put into planning it. I got so many adorable gifts and loved getting to catch up with some sweet friends. Thanks to all the ladies who love me so well and threw such an adorable shower!
How Baby’s Doing
I’m happy to report that little man is happy and healthy and continues to move and create little earthquakes in my belly on the daily. It’s funny to look back on my earlier posts about his movement because I am definitely reaching the point where those cute little movements have become jabs and crazy pressure outward that makes my stomach look lopsided. There have been times the past few weeks where I’ve felt like Caleb was trying to crawl out my belly button he was pressing out so hard! Jordan told me to tell him to head south instead but he’s yet to take that advice, fortunately. 😉 No matter the discomfort, I’m so grateful for these constant movements and how they remind me that he is growing and thriving!
Preparing for Birth
We completed some childbirth classes at the hospital where we’re delivering and they were super helpful and informative! I already knew a good bit from some books and articles I’d read, but I think it was great for Jordan to learn more about the parts and signs of labor. The rooms were super nice, the nurses were all wonderful, and it made me feel a little bit more confident about what’s to come. We have a meeting with our doula in the next few weeks and I’m starting to think about things like packing a hospital bag and writing a birth plan. So crazy! These next eight weeks (or more or less) will fly by! (Sidenote: we epically failed at the Lamaze breathing and disturbed the entire class with our giggles. I’ll take that as a good sign and hope we can bring some of that laughter and endorphins into the delivery room!)
How The Nursery’s Coming
Y’all, it is nearly finished and I couldn’t be more excited! We have some fun decor on the walls and just about everything ready to go. I’ve had a lot of fun doing some little crafts to add a pop of color to the neutral base we had and I love how it’s all turning out. I think it’s the perfect mix of neutral and airy with some whimsy and pops of color! I am in the process of photographing and documenting it all now and can’t wait to share it with you soon. I’ll leave you with this sneak peek of the work in progress for now…
What I’m Nervous For & Looking Forward To
I’m a little bit nervous for what it will look like to be working in those last few weeks of pregnancy, especially as it gets harder and harder physically for me to be on my feet. I’d appreciate some prayers for that as the weeks fly by!
Surprisingly, I’m really not “nervous” about birth. I’m more just expectant that God will do big things and be present in whatever happens to bring Caleb into the world. Reading Ina May’s (admittedly hippy-esque) book, The Guide To Childbirth, has shaped my perspectives on this a lot and reminded me that birth is a beautiful and natural process that can challenge us and remind us about the Creator who made our bodies to partner with Him in this act of bringing life into the world. Reading books like that and books by real mamas reminds me that I’m not the first to go through this process and there’s so much joy and growth to be found in it. (On that note…anyone have any good book recommendations? I’m always looking for more!)
I am simultaneously excited and terrified to meet Caleb. When we were at the hospital we saw a few little babies in their nursery and NICU and they were SO tiny. My jaw just dropped and I said to Jordan, “They’re going to let us take one of THOSE home?! With no supervision?!” I know we will learn to love him and take care of him like all parents do, but I am a little bit nervous for the responsibility of it all too.
Last…I am SUPER excited to share pictures of the nursery and our maternity shoot with my amazing best friend, Haley, of Haley George Photography. We shot some pictures inside our house and ten quick minutes of pictures outside in the frigid, snowy weather (I’m talking 1 degree feels like -15). I can’t wait to share these later this week! For now, enjoy this one sneak preview of me and one wall of the nursery. SO many squeals and heart eyes at the nursery and all these pictures!
All in all, I am so grateful to have a healthy baby, a healthy mama, and a supportive husband as we move closer and closer to meeting Caleb in March. Thanks for reading and sharing in this pregnancy journey with me, friends!
Also, if you missed them, here are a few more posts from throughout this pregnancy!
Eeeeeek I can’t wait for you to meet Caleb! I know change is difficult and nerve-racking, but I think you will be a wonderful mother! I feel like if Cory and I ever went to birthing classes in the future, we would end up laughing too (: I can’t wait to see more of the nursery and your maternity shoot! (:
Amanda recently posted…Blog Boss: How to Update Your Blog for the New Year
Thanks, Amanda! I’m so excited too 🙂 I’m so glad you guys are gigglers with us! We just felt so silly and couldn’t take it seriously. I think that will actually be a good thing when we’re in the throes of labor and all that though!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Finding Worth After Sexual Abuse
So excited for you!! Excited for you to meet your little guy! ❤️❤️
Thanks, Kristie! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Finding Worth After Sexual Abuse
You guys are going to do great! This child will be extremely blessed because his parents seek the Lord in all they do! 🙂
Wow thanks, Kristin! You are too sweet 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Finding Worth After Sexual Abuse
Oh … you’re looking just beautiful, Lauren!
Linda Stoll recently posted…8 Smart Choices That Breathe Fresh Life Into Your Home
Thanks, Linda 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Finding Worth After Sexual Abuse
You look fabulous!
Thanks, Neely!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Finding Worth After Sexual Abuse
I am so excited for you guys! First babies are the most fun ever and that nursery is gorgeous; I cannot wait for him to come. You got this mama! 🙂
Lauren Jane recently posted…Martin Luther King Jr. Day Activity!
Thanks, Lauren! We’re pretty excited to become a family of three 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Finding Worth After Sexual Abuse
You’re looking great! Hoping the next two months you get lots of rest and sleep!
Thanks, Greta! Me too!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Finding Worth After Sexual Abuse
Glad you passed the GD test! I failed my first and passed my second too. Isn’t that how it always goes?
I feel like you were just announcing you were pregnant and now you’re almost there!! So exciting. I love his nursery especially the arrow pillow!
liz @ j for joiner
Liz Jo recently posted…sophie’s birthday
I’ve heard so many women who had the same experience! I feel the same way about how the time’s flown. The first few months were slow but it’s going quick now! Crazy!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Finding Worth After Sexual Abuse
Lauren– you are a GORGEOUS mama-to-be. You are seriously RADIANT! I hope you are soaking up these quiet times before Caleb. Even though I am SO far away from having children myself, I love reading your pregnancy updates because I love hearing how you’re doing and seeing how the nursery is coming along! I’m SO happy you passed your test!
Thanks, Annie 🙂 You are so sweet! I’ve always loved reading people’s pregnancy updates (even before we got pregnant) so I’m so glad you’re enjoying ours! Thanks for sharing in our joy and excitement!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Finding Worth After Sexual Abuse
Can’t wait to see the photos of the nursery – and you look so cute!
Callie recently posted…Why Picking A Word Was Hard This Year
Thanks, Callie! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Finding Worth After Sexual Abuse
SO exciting! It’s crazy how close you’re getting! I know those last few weeks are going to fly by (though I’m sure the last couple days will inch by)! 🙂
Erin @ Very Erin recently posted…How to Balance Blogging With a Full-Time Job
Thanks, Erin! I have a feeling it will happen exactly like that. The days are slow but the weeks are quick!
Lauren recently posted…Womanly Wednesday: A Guest Post On Finding Worth After Sexual Abuse
Love it! I’m not nervous about childbirth either! Everybody keeps asking but I guess I just don’t see a point in being nervous about it. I have no idea if I’ll deliver vaginally or via c-section or if my labor will be 4 hours or 24 hours. We’ll just deal with that part as it comes! I work with a girl who brought her 10 days old baby in to be seen in our ER and she was SO TINY! I felt like I was going to drop her and break her! She said it’s totally different when it’s your own baby, so I hope so! I’m so glad not to be working full time hours anymore, although even one 12 hour shift on my feet can feel like way too much. It’s definitely tiring. And my belly is ALWAYS lopsided. Jackson is head down, butt to my right, and his feet stick out the left side of my belly, so my left side is always super round and my right side is almost straight out. I can’t wait to read about the last 8 weeks of this journey and then read about you bringing Caleb home!
That’s very much how I feel! What will happen will happen and as long as we’re both healthy, I’m happy. Haha glad I’m not the only one with a lopsided belly. It cracks me up sometimes! I hope you’re getting some rest after your long days at work!
Lauren recently posted…Caleb’s Rustic Neutral Nursery Reveal
Congrats on making it this far…The journeys only just begun 😉 You’re doing great though, seriously! And the sneak peek is beautiful!
As for the standing, etc, I’d say make sure to get some nice foot soaks and massages in, if you can.
Good luck and we’ll wishes as you finish out this part of your motherhood journey! 🙂
Kendall Patton recently posted…2016 Goals (or at least what I hope for myself)
Thanks, Kendall! Ha I happily take any massages from my hubby. I’ll have to make sure to request those on a daily basis 😉
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Photo Shoots And Best Friend Time
So exciting!! You are getting close girl!! Yay to passing your glucose test! I have mine on Friday and praying I pass. I had gestational diabetes with Kinley. Are you going back to work after he is born? By the way I LOVE all the pictures!!
Katie @thebrooksielife recently posted…Monday Already
Same to you, Katie! I’ll be thinking of you and hope it all goes well. That test is no fun! I actually am not going back to work…I will probably write a post about that decision soon, but let’s just say it makes this final countdown to Caleb’s arrival that much sweeter and that much scarier!
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Photo Shoots And Best Friend Time
WOW!! This is going so fast! It’s been amazing to follow you along during your pregnancy. I’m sending prayers your way that your nerves are eased and that your pain goes away! I can’t wait to see those finished nursery pictures!! xo
Chelsea recently posted…Florida Fun in the Sun
I agree! Thanks, Chelsea! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Photo Shoots And Best Friend Time
So cute! Can’t wait to see pictures! That’s so great that you didn’t end up with gestational diabetes!
Kelsie recently posted…The Alder Collective Link Party #13
Thanks, Kelsie! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Photo Shoots And Best Friend Time
Ahhh 32 weeks!! So exciting! I hope the last 8 weeks fly by for you (and working up til the end should help!)…I had my last day of teaching last Friday at 38 weeks and the days are DRAGGING by. Not to be a whiny little negative nancy. 😉 Also I want to look for Ina May’s book now because I’ve read the verrry hippie-esque Husband-Coached Childbirth and a book on hypnobirthing, but I’d love to read a natural childbirth book from a Christian’s perspective!
Julie Hood recently posted…make-ahead shepherd’s pie
Oh my gosh Julie YOU are so close! I go back and forth if I want to stop work a little early before he arrives since I would have to just use PTO to do it. I guess we’ll see how little man/I am doing! I will say Ina May’s book isn’t from a Christian perspective but I felt like I was able to see Christian themes and apply it to my own thoughts anyway. You’ll have to let me know your thoughts if you read it!
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Photo Shoots And Best Friend Time
The nursery: LOVE. I so excited for you!!
Emilie recently posted…Ways to Make Money Online: Tested
Thanks, Emilie! 🙂 I love how it turned out!
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Photo Shoots And Best Friend Time
Oh goodness me, fasting and being pregnant. No wonder you were grouchy. Not long now. Best wishes.
Ha right? Pregnancy hunger is hunger with a little bit of rage mixed in, so it was not so good 😉
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Photo Shoots And Best Friend Time
I’m in love with the sign in the nursery!!! I love baby showers. They always have so much fun and the games are the best. My mom kept her old “What the Expect the First Year” book and I have it waiting on the shelf for when we are expecting.
Ashley recently posted…DIY Oatmeal Soak
Thanks, Ashley! I love it so much too 🙂 That’s so cute you still have that book! My mom gave me a sweet journal with thoughts when she was a new mama and it’s been so fun to read!
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Photo Shoots And Best Friend Time
Awe. You look so beautiful! I’m so sorry you had to do the three hour diabetes test…no fun! But, I’m glad you passed and you can go back to your normal eating. Many prayers that the next few weeks go by fast, and that you enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. I love what I’ve seen of your nursery so far! So sweet that your friends threw you a surprise shower too.
Shann Eva recently posted…Book Club Benefits
Thanks, Shann Eva! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Photo Shoots And Best Friend Time
Oh my gosh! You’re nursery is adorable and your pregnancy style is so cute! I’m so happy that everything is going so well.
Thanks, Nicole! You’re so sweet 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Photo Shoots And Best Friend Time
Lauren, you and your nursery look FANTASTIC!! I can’t wait to see more maternity and nursery pics. You have such great style when it comes to fashion and home decor. I’m so sorry about that darn diabetes test; I had to do the 3 hour one as well, and I’m pretty sure that was the worst day of my life. It was absolutely insane to me that at the hospital, they just let you go home with this tiny tiny precious little baby. It is completely surreal, and I can’t wait for handsome baby Caleb to join the world. I could have done without the “natural” (aka graphic) pictures in Ina May’s book… : )
Lindsay recently posted…Whimsical Woodland Party
Aww thanks, Lindsay! You’re so sweet. It’s been so fun to learn to be more confident in my own decorating skills as we’ve lived in our house. I love how it’s all turned out! And yes, I have a feeling it will be crazy to bring Caleb home and we will have our worlds rocked quite a bit 😉
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Photo Shoots And Best Friend Time
Ah! I love this! I am so excited for you and so happy you are sharing this journey 🙂 I loved what you said about just trusting our creator to work together in bringing that baby into the world- I was TERRIFIED of the child birth. But happy to say I really should have had your attitude. It is such a special time. They are so tiny! Our photographer that did our birth story named the album of photos “Baby Brody- He’s Real” because I don’t remember it but thats all I kept saying “He is real” and crying tears of joy as I held him. I am so happy to have that captured. Thanks for the update and I am so happy for you!
Melissa recently posted…Love It Or Hate It, #Beauty Is Trending | Exploring Beauty Series
Thanks, Melissa! I love hearing stories of women like you who came into it scared and still saw the beauty and joy in it. I laughed out loud when I read that because I think that’s exactly how I feel! Everything about pregnancy will become so much more real when he’s actually in my arms. Eeee I can’t wait!
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Photo Shoots And Best Friend Time