“Marriage has the power to set the course of your life as a whole. If your marriage is strong, even if all the circumstances in your life around you are filled with trouble and weakness, it won’t matter. You will be able to move out into the world in strength.”
Tim Keller – Meaning of Marriage
When Jordan and I got married, we knew we weren’t signing up for a lifetime of romance and forever happiness. We were lucky to have couples of all ages loving us, asking us hard questions, and speaking truth to us.. As we spent time with these people, one thing consistently stood out: these couples whose love had stood the test of time, tragedy, and trials of all sorts firmly believed that their marriages had a much bigger purpose than their “happiness.” These people trusted that their marriage was something God would use to shape them, to draw them to Him, and to paint a picture to the world of His love, joy, and commitment.

Photo: Kenzie Kate Photography
After the chaos of the wedding faded and the daily realities of marriage began to sink in, we wanted to revisit the things we had admired in those married couples who had counseled and inspired us. We decided to spend some time processing our dreams, values, and goals for our marriage, hoping that through writing out these thoughts, we could come up with a mission statement that summarized a bigger picture and purpose for our marriage.
We sat down together and started to brainstorm, focusing mainly on these questions:
- Ideally, how do we want to relate to each other? What action words, ideas, and concepts repeat as we describe what we want our marriage to look like?
- Who are some couple whose marriages we admire? What do we admire about them? How do we feel when we walk into their home or spend time with them and why do they make us feel that way?
- What things or ideals do we value in life in general? How do we want our marriage to express these values to each other and to other people?
- When other people walk into our home and sit around our table, how do we want them to feel? When they get into their car to drive away, what do we want them to say or think as they leave?
After processing through these questions for several days, we narrowed it down to three primary areas to focus on: our faith, our marriage, and our relationships with other people. We played around with words and phrases that stood out to us until we could narrow it down to one key phrase that summarized a goal or value for each of those areas. Since faith is a big part of who we are and our marriage, we also looked for a Bible verse to support the idea.
First, we focused on faith. We desire our relationships with God to be central in everything we do. We desire the truths of who God is and who He says we are to become part of our everyday realities, so that in any interaction with each other or with other people these truths and the joy they bring us are evident. We narrowed all that down to this sentence:
Abide in Christ always, pursuing His will and His joy above all things. (John 15:4-5)

Custom Print by Three Letter Birds
Next, we looked at our own marriage. More than anything, we desire for our marriage to be a place of safety and peace. We long to feel at home with each other so we can laugh, play, cry, pray, and experience intimacy that is strong enough to overcome our fears, failures, and shame. We want to be confident enough in who we are to admit our failures without letting them define us, apologize and ask for forgiveness, and then move on without bitterness and resentment. This one was hard to summarize, but we came up with this:
Love, serve, and forgive each other daily, no matter the cost. (1 Peter 4:8)

Custom Print by Three Letter Birds
Finally, we looked at how our faith and marriage would impact the people in our lives. When people walk into our home, we want them to feel safe to be who they are, in all their broken, messy, unfinished glory. We want them to walk into our home and feel like they are not alone in their struggles, doubts, and fears. In our home, we want people to get a glimpse of God’s kingdom where all are welcome and brokenness is prized because it points to the One who heals the broken.
Invite others into our home, our hearts, and the fullness of life with Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 2:8)

Custom Print by Three Letter Birds
Going through the process of writing out our dreams and desires for our marriage gave us a sense of direction. It made us feel like the purpose of our marriage was more than figuring out the best system for who does the dishes or how to save the most money and buy the nicest home. When I see these words hanging above our bed, I am reminded that ultimately, the little conflicts, frustrations, and hurts of our daily lives are part of a much bigger story that is being written in our lives each and every day.
There are many days we get caught up in the whirl of jobs and details and life, but looking back to our marriage mission statement helps us to zoom out and see our marriage with new eyes. Writing a mission statement like this could be useful for friendships, roommates, a family, a team, or any other relationship or group that needs a sense of vision and a reminder of their part in a bigger story. Jordan and I found the process below to be helpful, but as long as you can sit down and have vulnerable, honest conversation about your dreams for a relationship or team, you’re on the right track.
- Think about couples, friends, or teams you admire and talk through the questions above. What values do you hold dear and how do you want your relationships to impact each other and those around you?
- Play around with different phrases and sentences until you come up with a brief statement (or statements) that summarizes those values and desires
- Figure out a way to post them where you’ll see them! I have no calligraphy skills whatsoever, so I had these prints handmade on Etsy as a one year anniversary present for the hubby. They are beautiful and meaningful, two of my favorite qualities for anything I place in my home! (You can check out the Etsy shop I used here. Jenny is great and will make your words into a piece of art!)
I hope that going through the process of writing a mission statement gives you a sense of purpose and direction like it had given us. Our stories are so much bigger than the daily ups and downs, and writing a mission statement is a way to claim that truth.
Do you have a marriage, relationship, or even just a personal mission statement? What dreams, values, or goals have you included or what ones would you include if you were to write one?
I’m linking back to this post at Imparting Grace, Embracing His Will, A Life In Balance, Purposeful Faith, A Fresh Start On A Budget, What Joy Is Mine, The Beauty In His Grip, Strangers And Pilgrims On Earth, Soul Survival, Me Coffee and Jesus, Women With Intention, A Little R & R, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Coffee For Your Heart,Serving Joyfully, 3D Lessons 4 Life, The Deliberate Mom, Dance With Jesus,Missional Women, Busy Being Blessed, Titus 2 Tuesdays, To Love, Honor, And Vacuum, Messy Marriage, and Modest Mondays.
This is such an encouraging post!!! You are invited to link up too at Words of Comfort Wednesday’s Link UP at atinymixof.com Blessings
Tayrina from A Tiny Mix Of
Tayrina recently posted…2 Bible Stories of Love and Acceptance {A New Life in Jesus Series}
Thanks, Tayrina! I’ll have to head over and check it out!
This is a very good idea and I believe my husband and I did something similar when we got married though we didn’t call it a mission statement as such though we have talked with married couples who we admire about specifics of their marriage. It has always been my dream to invite married couples to our house for valentines day and sit them down and ask them questions and serve them a beautiful meal with candlelights with us all dressed up. We never got to do it before children and now it could be a little tricky but I would still like to try sometime.
Lizzy recently posted…How Reading Inspires Your Writing
Thanks, Lizzy! I LOVE that vision! What a sweet way to love on couples and encourage them to see their marriage as something bigger than just the day to day realities of life and work. Let me know if you ever do something like that…I’d love to hear how it goes!
Hey Lauren — Clicked on your post at #RaRaLinkup not knowing it was you!! So glad to see you again 🙂
And I love this idea of a marriage mission statement. We have gone through this process too, a little differently, and it is so important to see and look beyond the wedding towards the end in mind when beginning a marriage. I love that you are young marrieds with the wisdom of old souls! Bless you both on your journey of love. xxoo
Sheila Kimball recently posted…10 timely tips to jumpstart a ritual of romance this summer! Why couple traditions are important for your marriage….
Thanks, Sheila! The process of actually writing out the words was so helpful for us and has definitely helped us to keep fighting for deeper intimacy and purpose in our marriage. Thanks for stopping by!
Lauren, I love this idea of creating a mission statement for your marriage as a guide for your lives. You exemplify what you admired in others: “trusted that their marriage was something God would use to shape them, to draw them to Him, and to paint a picture to the world of His love, joy, and commitment.” Thank you, Lauren, for sharing your heart at #IntentionalTuesday on Intentionally Pursuing. : )
Crystal Storms recently posted…Intentional Tuesday Linkup {Week 23}
Thanks, Crystal! I appreciate that. Thanks for hosting!
I absolutely love this post! My husband and I just got married last month and we moved all the way across the country. We’ve had a lot to handle both individually and as a couple, but we always do our best to keep in mind the things which hold us together. Faith and family are definitely big for us – we have started praying and reading the Bible together every night so that we never lose sight of our purpose. A pastor once told me: A couple that prays together stays together 🙂
Tori recently posted…How Long to Pay Off Student Loans – The Basics
Thanks, Tori! I appreciate the encouragement. That’s so exciting for y’all! That transition is crazy, and I’m so glad to see that you all are pursuing faith and a sense of purpose in the midst of that. If you make a mission statement you’ll have to let me know how it goes! Good luck to you all!
Hi Lauren –
I love the idea of creating a marriage mission statement! I agree just like in a business it helps to keep you focused and remember the important things and keep you on the right track. I have recently started a new linkup party with Refresh Living and Vintage Refined. We would love to have you stop by and share this post. Our party gets started every Tuesday at 7pm CST.
I hope to see you there!
Cat @ Pocketful of Posies recently posted…Vintage Insulator Pendant Lights
Thanks, Cat! I would love to join up…thanks for the personal invite! I’ll be sure to stop by next week. 🙂
This is such a beautiful idea! I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart for 27 years, and am all about working on your marriage every single day. I wrote a book for newlyweds last year when my daughter got married and filled it with humorous insights and practical advice and Biblical principles, but I love the idea of defining your marriage in just a few words. And your prints are adorable 🙂 Glad I stopped by from Thought Provoking Thursday. Blessings to you!
Laura Thomas recently posted…HAPPY UNFATHERS DAY!
That’s so fun! I’ll have to head to your site and check it out. I’d say two years still qualifies us as partially newlywed, right? I bet we could learn a lot from your book! Thanks for stopping by and commenting! 🙂
Oh yes, you are definitely still shiny and new 🙂 Let me know what you think of the book if you decide to take a peek… Thanks!
Laura Thomas recently posted…HAPPY UNFATHERS DAY!
I love this! four years into marriage, I’ve been meaning to do this with my husband!! 🙂
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