Holy moly…there are no words to describe THE Haley George. She is my best friend, and more than almost anyone I know has taught me how to love and be loved, how to share life and hearts and struggles. The way she has run after her dream of being a photographer in the midst of fear and doubt is beautiful, and she is one of the bravest, wisest, most adventurous and well-traveled people I know. It is an honor to have her as my friend and as my very first Womanly Wednesday guest post. Check out her website to see more of her gorgeous photos and stories!
There’s no one in the world who could have stared me in the eyes ten years ago and convinced me that my life would look the way it does today. Part of the beauty in getting to be a photographer, and the reason I love telling stories for a living, is the unexpectedness that comes with the process. I’m convinced that every story, in its unexpectedness, joy, and hardship, has much to offer the world— even mine.
Sometimes the way that pieces fit together is obvious; other times, despite the answer being right in front of you, those pieces seem too scattered to connect. Though I carried a camera around everywhere, I never considered being a photographer. Though I loved speaking other languages and experienced a natural ease toward learning words, I never imagined stepping outside of the classroom to use them. Though I loved traveling, I never realized it to be made for more than leisure. Though stories from across the world tugged at my heart like nothing else could, I never dared to enter into them. I’d like to say it has been easy to connect these pieces, but “formative, long, dependent, unfinished” is the more honest set of words that describe my process.