Our second little boy is almost two months old, and this week I’ve been reflecting on the day that we met him for the first time! His birth wasn’t exactly how I expected it to be but it was beautiful and we are grateful to have a healthy, happy little boy.
Since Caleb arrived a few days before the 38 week mark, I was secretly hoping that Jackson would do the same. I’d had a lot of the same pre-labor signs I had with Caleb and was already dilated to a 2-3 and 80% effaced at 36 weeks, so I really thought Jackson might be early too. But then the 38 week mark passed with no signs of anything and the days kept ticking by closer to my due date. I was trying to soak in the time with Caleb and Jordan but at the same time was so uncomfortable that I was more than ready to get this show on the road.

Right before leaving for the hospital!