Nine months pregnant. 36 weeks pregnant. Are those really three words I can use to describe myself?! Even if I’m struggling to wrap my mind around it, my body feels nine months pregnant (or maybe more like 10-11?) and I am getting to excited and ready to meet our little guy. But instead of just rambling about it, here are a few more organized updates about this past month!
How I’m Feeling
It’s funny, because people ask me this question all the time and my usually honest self never really knows how to answer. It is acceptable to say something like, “Oh you know, just feeling like my body’s been taken over by an alien that’s smooshing my organs, making it hard to breathe, giving me heartburn and carpal tunnel, making any and all physical movement difficult, and slowly trying to push his way out my rib cage booty-first?”
I usually just stick with “Just chugging along, you know?” But if I’m honest, the first answer is more accurate.