To all of my wonderful readers,
I am so glad I started blogging before we got pregnant because it has been an absolute joy to share the world of pregnancy and motherhood with all of you. I’ve loved all your comments, encouragement, advice, suggestions, and sweet words as I and we have navigated this crazy process of growing a tiny human.
I wanted to take a minute to sit down and talk through with you all a few of my dreams and ideas for what this blog will look like immediately after Caleb arrives how this space might change once I am a full-time mama.
First things first…
A Blogging Maternity Leave
I’m a big believer that some seasons are meant to be slow, that we are meant to rest and take a step back from good things so we can focus on the best things. I’d say that having our first child definitely falls into that category! As such, I’m planning on taking a step back and reducing my posting here, at least for the first few weeks after Caleb is born.
I have some awesome guest posters from some of my favorite blogs lined up to keep some new, fun content here, but you might not hear my voice quite as much for those first few weeks. I’m hoping to share Caleb’s birth story eventually, so stay tuned for that. I also am dreaming of a series that will share some updates and details from those first few weeks, something along the lines of “New Mom Diaries.” I know how curious I am about those postpartum weeks and since vulnerability is one of my main passions for this space, I’d love to share a little bit about that with you all. BUT, if I am too busy snuggling our little one and figuring out this whole motherhood business, that might wait. I’m just planning on playing it by ear!
I am entering into those first few weeks trying to give myself all the grace and space in the world to adjust to this new role. I might be bored during feedings and be checking in during social media, or I might not. I might take a step back from writing, or I might find that I desperately need that outlet in those first few weeks. I’m so grateful to you readers for giving me the space to do that. Know I will be back soon and am so excited to jump back into blogging once we settle into our new normal of being parents!
How This Blog Will Change After Baby
When I started blogging last spring, my heart was to create a space of sobremesa, an inviting, warm place where women could gather to share their hearts and their stories. I wanted to share about the ups and downs of marriage, friendships, faith, and homemaking so other women could know they’re not alone in their struggles.
That heart and that vision for this blog have not changed at all, but I am excited to add another strand into the mix: motherhood. I’ve been weaving this into my posts through this pregnancy, and I plan to keep doing something similar once Caleb arrives. I want to share about the ups and downs of becoming a mom and how that impacts my heart, my faith, our marriage, and all sorts of other things. I don’t plan for this to become a “mom blog” where most posts center on our kids, their activities, parenting strategies, etc. Instead, I’m excited to see how motherhood starts to play a new role in the writing and content I’ll be sharing here while still continuing to write about some of the same themes I’ve been exploring.
As my world shifts into the world of being a mom, this space understandably will also. But the heart, the vision, and the passion behind it are still the same: to open up our doors, invite you to sit down at our table, and to share the joyful, the hard, and the real as the night grows long and our sticky plates hold nothing but crumbs.
I am so grateful for all of you wonderful folks whose hearts and perspectives have become a part of my daily life. I can’t thank you enough for all of your encouragement, wisdom, and grace over this last year and know you will continue to give more of the same as we navigate the transition into parenthood.
You all make my world a brighter place.
All my love,
Good for you, Lauren! I’m so glad to see you already giving yourself space and grace — it makes all the difference now and in the first few weeks (and in the whole journey of parenting, I imagine!). I will be missing your voice but praying for your recovery and transition. I am SO excited for you to meet Caleb, and I can’t wait to see his little face pop up on my newsfeed soon!! ?
Brittany Bergman recently posted…Love Letters: To My Husband on an Ordinary Day of Marriage
Thanks, Brittany! I know I’ll need those in abundance as we figure out how to be parents. I’m so glad you are back into blogging and have loved following along with you!
I’m so excited for you! I am so glad to hear that you are going to keep your old categories, along with adding in motherhood. I think this blog is such a special and needed place for women and I know that will continue as you also share about motherhood. I hope the delivery goes smoothly and that you enjoy every minute with Caleb!
Kristin Cook recently posted…Mug-spiration Monday: The Good and Bad
What an exciting time!! I think it’s great that you’re going to give yourself the space to adjust to this new role because it’s going to be a big change and the last thing you need is the stress of dealing with unnecessary things. I know I can say for most of us who read your blog that we’re not going anywhere if you take a few weeks to yourself. We’ll all be waiting here after to hear about those amazing first few weeks!
Hannah recently posted…How To Make Friends In A New City
Thanks, Hannah. I completely agree! Thanks for being such a sweet and faithful reader!
Aw, enjoy those first precious moments and weeks of motherhood. They are so special and absolutely priceless. Looking forward to all your future mommy posts! 🙂
Cara recently posted…Weekend of Family Fun
I think it is so smart that you’re winding down to prepare for baby Caleb and to also let your readers know what will be going on. You are going on a really exciting new adventure and I’m excited to see how everything goes for you!!
Autumn recently posted…5 ingredient beef stroganoff recipe
Thanks, Autumn! We are definitely excited for this new adventure 🙂
I’m glad you’re deciding to give yourself a little(or a lot of a) break after Caleb comes. Now that Ginny is 1, I look back at her baby pictures and wonder where my baby went!! I love each stage of her as she grows, but it also makes me sad that I’ll never have baby Ginny to snuggle again. Soak it in : ) We’ll all be here ready to support you when you’re ready.
Lindsay recently posted…How I Know Your Favorite Scent in the World
So excited for you! Good job at giving yourself some space and time. I’ve definitely had to shift my blog during a few life changes too. Can’t wait to hear about little Caleb.
Alanna @ Alanna & Company recently posted…6 life hacks that are actually useful (and work!)
Thanks, Alanna. Blogging is a huge time commitment and I know I’ll be glad to give myself space to adapt and grow as our family grows!
I’m glad you’ll be taking a bit of a break for the baby – it will be so important to enjoy every moment! But glad to hear you’ll be returning to blogging as well 🙂
Thanks, Becky! I’m excited for some time off and I’m sure I’ll be excited to return!
Oh yes, you’ll definitely need to slow down once your baby gets here! And it will likely last months, not just weeks. And you know what? That’s totally ok, because you’re a mommy, and that’s the most important job in the world! Thinking of you in these last few weeks of pregnancy! (I’m also semi-stalking your social media for updates on if he’s arrived yet!)
Paige @ An Uncomplicated Life Blog recently posted…How I Manage Post-Partum Hair
Thanks for that encouragement, Paige! That’s what I’m thinking too. The transition will be challenging but beautiful and I want to give myself all the grace in the world when it’s messy and I’m figuring things out. Hahaha and I totally stalked you waiting to see pictures of your little one! Congrats again on being a mama of two!
I love how open to *whatever* with this plan! It’s so hard to predict how bringing home a baby will change things… like you said, bored during feedings or too overwhelmed to think about anyone else’s daily life too 🙂 When my kids were born, I got the weirdest case of writer’s block… not just that I didn’t have the motivation to write, but I couldn’t think of words. When I forced myself to write their birth story, I had to have my husband supply the word “doctor” because I couldn’t think of what you call that person! So… yeah… don’t pressure yourself. It’ll all work out exactly perfectly 🙂 God’s cool like that. Praying for a safe, smooth delivery, and the most blissful bonding. We’ll be here when you get back! <3
Katie {Always, Katie} recently posted…30 by 30: Stuff to Accomplish Before My Next “Big One”
That’s my thought too! I have no idea how we’ll feel so I want to give myself the space to be as involved or not involved as I feel ready for. Ha and mom brain is for real…I’m sure I’ll have the same thing! Thanks for being such a sweet and faithful reader!
So excited for you, Lauren. Can’t wait to meet your little guy, and the abundant grace you will experience in this new season!
Daisy @ Simplicity Relished recently posted…Fullness in the Waiting
Thanks, Daisy! We are so excited too 🙂
So excited for you! I’ll definitely miss hearing from you for awhile, but it will be amazing for you to have the chance to disconnect and spending time really just getting to know your baby boy, and letting him get to know you.
Erin @ Very Erin recently posted…7 Ways to Challenge Yourself Every Day
Thanks, Erin! I appreciate that 🙂
I’m glad to read that you are going to take a hiatus after the baby is born. It’s so important to unplug and absorb all of the newness! I’m sure you’ll peek in on social media every now and then – feedings are the best times for that 🙂 Best of luck and I can’t wait to see pics of the baby once he arrives!
I agree! Ha I do have a feeling I’ll get bored every once in a while and want to check in to post or see what other people are doing. But I figure I’ll just play it by ear!
I’m excited for you, Lauren! This season will be a beautiful season of life.
Brittany Putman recently posted…How to Love Without Words
Thanks, Brittany! I agree. We are so excited!
Congratulations on this new season of your life! IT’s definitely not a bad idea to take a step away from blogging for a little while, I actually didn’t even think of that and I’m due in 3 months!
Thanks, Marci! And congrats to you on your little one…so exciting! 🙂
Congrats! This is such an exciting time for you and I don’t think you will ever regret taking a step back from blogging to celebrate this time in your life. You would regret stressing yourself out by overloading and not taking the time to relax so I think you are on the right track. Prayers for an excellent delivery for you 🙂
Thanks, Brittany! I agree…I know I will be so happy to have that uninterrupted time with our little guy as we learn how to be parents!
I’ll be looking forward to those new mom posts. 🙂 Enjoy those slow early weeks. I don’t understand how people keep up with a regular posting schedule afterwards!
Catherine Short recently posted…Retracing Steps in Chicago
Thanks, Catherine! I have some posts scheduled but it would just be too much to be writing and creating new content all the time.
Enjoy your baby boy when he comes! Put blogging at the back of your mind and come back when you’re ready! It will be so great not to fret over posting until you’re ready for it. I wish I had announced a blown break because I felt guilty every week I didn’t blog! You’ll be a great momma and I can’t wait to see the changes being a mom brings to your blog!
Rebekah recently posted…Are you ready to really tackle your goals?
Thanks, Rebekah! That’s what I’m thinking. I have some posts and social media scheduled so things will keep posting but I’m excited to take a brain break (and have a feeling my brain will be pretty fried!).
So wonderful that you are giving yourself time and grace after you have your baby. We will all be here supporting you, and ready to read whenever you’re ready to write.
This is great, Lauren! I can’t imagine you’ll miss blogging too much with a sweet baby napping on chest. But at the same time, I can see how it’s there as an outlet if you need it! Praying for you guys and your transition. Maybe we can grab coffee one more time before baby C comes 🙂
Kelsie recently posted…The Other Side of Vegas: A Travel Guide
I am so excited for you!! I think you will find a great transition to motherhood! Are you going back to work after he is born?
Katie @thebrooksielife recently posted…Pregnancy Update #2: Weeks 29-31
Thanks, Katie! I’m not…I actually turned in my resignation and will be staying home, which is a scary and exciting decision. I’m thinking I might write a post about it at sometime in the future but haven’t gotten around to it yet. We shall see! 😉
I’m glad you know the importance of slowing down and prioritizing. Good for you, Mama!
You will be so glad you took this time. And since you are planning ahead for it you won’t feel that race to “catch up”!
I’m very excited to see where this takes you blog. I’m sure when I decide to start having kids my blog with shift too! I think it is great that you will be spending some quality time away from this blog with your child and you deserve it!
Ashley recently posted…Fake It Til You Become It
I love that you are going to take some time away from here and focus on that your newborn. I’m definitely going to miss your voice but I can’t wait to see pictures and hear all about Caleb. Wishing you two the best of luck at becoming parents.
Lexi recently posted…21 Question Tag