1) A Nasty Stomach Bug
(POSSIBLY TMI WARNING): Holy moly, we got ROCKED by a stomach bug last week and it was not pretty. My brother and sister in law were over with their kiddos to play games on Saturday night and ended up being up all that night throwing up. We hoped we would be in the clear, but Caleb started throwing up all of Monday, by Wednesday night I was knocked out, and by Thursday night it had gotten to Jordan too.
It’s been several years since I’ve experienced anything like that but doing it with a kiddo was a million times harder. I was pretty much done getting sick by the morning (minus when I tried to nurse Caleb when he woke up at 5:30 AM and ended up throwing up while nursing…so that was fun), but I felt SO nauseous, weak, and achy all day. Even so, I had to take Caleb to the pediatrician for all his sicknesses because life as a mama goes on. When the doctor tried to look in his throat, my still-recovering kiddo gagged and threw up all over himself and his very nauseous mama. It was all I could do to then not do the same thing myself and that disgusting, smelly drive home was one of the low points of my parenting experiences so far.
Suffice it to say that we are all very happy to be past that bug and are hoping to not have another for a verrrrrrry long time. A girl can pray, right?
2) Climbing And Noggin Bonks
Caleb is speed crawling all over our house and pulling up on everything in sight, which means he’s also taking lots of tumbles. The first few days that his crawling sped up he must have hit his poor noggin at least five times! He got his first goose egg on the drawer of the coffee table and even though he recovered quickly, it about broke mama’s heart. What in the world am I going to do when this rough and tumble kid is getting into even more trouble as he gets bigger?
3) Gallery Wall
Even with all the sickness the past week or two, we did manage to finish a house project I’ve been excited about for a while: our staircase gallery wall! My favorite part of this is we did (almost) the entire thing with frames, prints, and decor we already had. I love catching glimpses of it from our living room and seeing all the fun pictures from the life we’re building together. I’m excited to share more pictures soon, but here’s a sneak peek I shared in my Instastory this week!
4) Trips To The Library
I shared in Monday’s post that reading is one of the intentional practices I want to commit to in 2017 and to honor that, I headed to the library this week. The last few years I’ve tended to gravitate toward religious/spiritual, self-help, or parenting books, and I wanted to get back to my bookworm roots with some fiction. Unfortunately the quiet, still, and not-so-stimulating environment of the library quickly bored Mr. Caleb so I was a little rushed, but I did grab a novel by Elizabeth Gilbert I’m excited to dive into. What are some of your favorite novels? I’m excited to dive back into fiction but felt so lost wandering the aisles of the library without a direction. I’d love some recommendations!
5) A New Job Opportunity
I’m coming up on a year of being at home with Caleb and I am so, so grateful we’ve been able to do that. I love getting to be a witness to his growing and learning and I have so many sweet memories of this year. But life goes on, and if we want to be able to afford a few bigger projects like the fence we’re having built in our backyard, we’ll need a little extra cash! When I heard the German teacher I used to work with was having her second little one and needed someone to teach her classes during maternity leave from late March to mid-May, I jumped at the chance!
It’s only for 6-8 weeks and then I’ll be back home with Caleb but it’ll make us just enough to buy that fence we’ve been dreaming of for a while now. It’s not all official yet, but assuming all the paperwork and such goes through, I will hopefully be doing that in the spring. As it gets closer I’m sure I’ll need some tips from all you working mamas, but for now, I’m trying to soak in every minute at home with this silly goose who likes to make faces at his mama through the storm door.
Have a wonderful weekend, friends!
Lauren, I am so sorry! I hope you all feel better soon. I also hope the teaching gig works out for you. That would be such a blessing and bonus, it’ll end right before you all get to enjoy summer break!
Catherine Short recently posted…Phoenix at Six Months
I’m so sorry, that sickness sounds miserable!! I hope you’re past it and that you treat yourself to something since you survived!!
Oh man, the toddler bumps. We think Bensen is growing right now because he trips over his own feet ALL the time lately. But even when he doesn’t do that, he’s climbing on everything, running into things, getting knocked to the ground when he plays with the dog or walks in front of me. It’s constant bruises, scrapes and bonks here. One of his words right now is “bonk” and he uses it a lot….
Amberly recently posted…4 Ways We’re Resetting Our Budget This Year
That picture of Caleb is SO CUTE when he is sick though! That may be one of my favorite pictures I’ve seen of him! I’m so glad Jackson hasn’t been sick yet, and thankfully, when I had hand, foot, mouth, I was still at my mom and dad’s house and my dad helped out BIG TIME! I had a recent UTI too and my mom took over. I’m not looking forward to being sick and having to Mom too. You’re awesome for making it through that! I think it’ll be kind of nice to go back to work for a little while, but I’m also not a SAHM, so work seems like a good idea to me! I’m going to really miss working while I’m in Charleston for 6 months and am really trying to convince myself not to look for some sort of work and to just enjoy staying at home, but it’ll be hard! The bruises and bumps become so frequent, I feel like they don’t even matter now! Also, LOVE your gallery wall again! I just want to copy all of your decorating ideas!
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