We are 1.5 weeks into the school year and real talk…I already miss summer SO much! Here are some updates from these past two weeks as we settle into a new rhythm of Jordan teaching and coaching cross-country and my being at home with Caleb.
1) A New Rhythm
This was Jordan’s first full week back to work (last week was partial teacher work days) and to be honest…it’s tough on both of us. He loves his job and I’m so glad he gets to teach and coach, but he’s gone for 12-14 hours a day and it’s a major bummer. I miss getting to see him throughout the day and since we have Caleb going to bed so early these days (I’ll share more on that soon), he hardly gets to see him. I think it will take us a while to settle into a new rhythm and figure things out. When Jordan finally got home from what was a long day for both of us on Monday, we sat on our front porch with our puppy and decompressed for a bit. I love those moments with him and want to cling to them when the days are hard and we miss the slowness of summer. I’m so grateful for our new normal, but it will definitely take some adjusting!
2) Actual Cooking
Since I’ve spent the last year pregnant or caring for a newborn, not much actual cooking has happened in our house. I gave myself the grace to buy lots of store bought lasagnas and eat lots of Chick Fil A in those first few months with Caleb, knowing that protecting our hearts in that season was maybe more important than saving a few bucks. But now that the new year has started, I am so excited to get back to cooking and meal planning. I’ve been doing all sorts of pinning and researching of how to save money, meal plan, and cook cleanly, and I’ve cooked dinner every night this week! Granted they weren’t always fancy and sometimes involved burning something because a certain tiny human needed me, but it sure felt good to get back in the kitchen.
PS, babywearing is officially my favorite way to grocery shop with Caleb. It keeps my hands free and he’s pretty content to just take in the world around him while snuggled close to mom! It does make squatting to get things and put them in/take them out of the cart quite the workout, but that’s good for me, right?
3) Getting Outside
I know some people love hot summer days, but I am NOT a fan. Neither my little one nor my thick-coated, black dog can handle much time in 100+ degree heat so we haven’t been outside a ton this summer. Things finally started to cool down this week and it was so fun to get outside and go on some walks! I flipped Caleb around in the stroller to actually sit up for the first time (instead of just being in his carseat in it) and he was such a happy camper! Just smiled and wiggled his arms and legs the whole time, taking in the world. It was pretty stinking cute and I can’t wait for more walks as fall arrives!
4) Good Reads
Shauna Niequist is in my top 5 favorite authors and she came out with a new book this week! It’s called Present Over Perfect and she dives into how the hustle and busyness of our world can numb our hearts and take us away from the joyful life God has for us. I’ve written about this before, and this idea is so central to how Jordan and I view our life and our marriage. So, so good, y’all. Definitely one to check out if you’re looking for something new to read as the craziness of fall starts!
5) My New Favorite Youtube Channel
I’ve struggled the last few years to find some sort of physical activity that I enjoy. I did Crossfit for a while and like it, but it was a little intense for me and driving out to the classes was pretty time consuming. The idea of doing Zumba or any sort of dance/rhythm related class at the gym basically makes me have a panic attack. I love walking, but it’s only really feasible about 2/3 of the year when our weather’s not crazy hot or cold. The last couple weeks I’ve rediscovered something I LOVE – yoga! I’ve been doing 30-45 minute yoga videos from Yoga With Adriene and it has been AWESOME! It’s easy to do at home while Caleb’s on the ground next to me or napping and I love how it’s constant and a good workout without being too intense. Anyone else have any fun yoga Youtube peeps they love? I’d love to check them out!

Cobra…downward facing dog…forward fold!
Have a great weekend, y’all!
I love this post! Getting small glimpses of your new normal. I’ve been off the blog ‘networking’ grid for awhile and it has been deeply refreshing, but I do still frequent your blog — and I’m continually encouraged! The details are fun to read about. 🙂
Thanks, Chelsea! I totally feel you…I’ve been in the same boat. I read lots and lots of posts (like yours!) but haven’t been commenting much, especially since I’m often on my phone. Hope you’re doing well! 🙂