When we were in North Carolina this past week, we had the chance to do a mini photo shoot with the one and only Haley George, my best friend from college and an amazing photographer currently based in Nashville. Haley has documented so many parts of our lives, including our proposal and engagement pictures, parts of our wedding, our pregnancy announcement, our maternity photos, and Caleb’s newborn pictures. Seriously, this girl’s the bomb and you should check out her blog/website if you get the chance!
Anyway, we were hoping to take some pictures outside but muggy, stormy weather made that difficult and we ended up snapping 20 minutes of quick photos inside the house where we were staying (which was conveniently gorgeously decorated!).
I love these next ones so, so much. I’ve said it before, but I never want to get so caught up in documenting my kids’ lives that I forget to take pictures that show how I was a part of them. I want Caleb to have pictures of himself with his mama from the very beginning and these pictures are exactly what I’d imagined. And maybe when he’s older, he’ll actually show off a smile for those pictures with mama! Or maybe he’ll just be ornery like most little boys. 😉
Since the first moment he could lift up that big ol’ noggin of his, Caleb has loved to cruise around the house in my arms, checking out the world around him over my shoulder. I love how these pictures capture that!
Can we just talk about the drool? Caleb has started soaking through everything we put him in. That plus some fussing makes me think we have some teeth arriving soon!
I love watching Jordan interact with Caleb – is there anything sweeter than a daddy playing with his littles?
Caleb tends to reserve his smiles for mom, dad, and a few special other people, but I still love how these pictures capture his serious, observant little face (except when mom gives him too many kisses, of course).
Thanks again to the amazingly talented Haley George for capturing this season so well. This journey of learning to be a family of three is full of challenges, joy, and so much sweetness, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Love these photos! I have hardly any good photos of Jackson and me. As a matter of fact, I think from our hospital stay, I have about 5 of them. I finally sent Jon a link to an article about how moms take so many pictures of babies and their dads, but they never make an appearance in any of them other than phone selfies. Finally he stopped complaining when I asked him to take pictures, but I wish he would get a few more candid moments. I love Caleb’s faces! And I still can’t get over his hair! It’s so strange seeing a full head of hair on a baby! Your friend did a wonderful job on those and that really was a perfect house for a photo shoot!
Liz recently posted…Life Updates
Ha YES that article is so true! I’ve made it a goal to have cute pictures of me with Caleb so he’ll have something to look back on from this season. I love that!
Oh my word, these are so beyond precious! The one right before you talk about the drool is my favorite. Speaking of, I think Jonah is an early bloomer because he’s already drooling like crazy, gumming on literally everything in sight, and gets fussy for no reason. Yay, teeth!? Hahaha, and by the way, you look incredible! I’m super jealous of your hair. And his red hair. I can’t. So cute!!
Thanks, Maegan! Isn’t the drool the worst? Caleb’s been drooling for weeks but I think he’s finally getting a tooth in because he’s SUPER fussy and I can feel a little bump on his bottom gums. We shall see!
Oh Lauren – this is just so precious!!! Your friend is very talented! I always love those at-home lifestyle sessions because it’s such a perfect little glimpse into life together 🙂
Thanks, Hannah! I love how natural it is too. My friend is kiiiiind of a big deal 😉
Such sweet pictures! I love them!
Amberly recently posted…Helping Our Dog Make a Healthy Transition with Baby #2
<3<3<3 These pictures are absolutely precious! <3
Susannah recently posted…Oneonta Gorge
This is so so cute!!!!!! His red hair, I love it! And I am ALL about baby and me pics. I don’t think I ever posted pics of myself that much until I had Aiden haha
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