It only took about three months into my post-college, “adult” life for me to realize that grownup friendships are really stinking hard. It took work and planning to spend time with the few people I was getting to know and it was so easy to fall into a pattern of just “catching up” and making small talk when we did see each other (like I shared about in this post about six reasons I struggled to find friends after college).
Now if you’ve followed this blog or known me for more than about five minutes, you know I’m an introvert at heart. I love real conversations that dive deeply into the heaviest issues on our heart and nothing wears me out faster than long periods of small talk. As such, I’m all about asking real questions that give people a chance to open up and share about how they’re doing. It takes bravery and the risk of rejection to ask these questions, but I can think of no better way to deepen a friendship than to ask questions that clearly communicate your heart to know and love a person.
Some of these questions might feel a little cheesy at first, but if you ask them genuinely with a heart to know people, most people respond well (or give an answer that clearly shows they aren’t ready to dive deep). I know I feel so loved when people take the time to ask me about my heart and my life, and if I feel that way, I bet other people do too! Relationships take intentional effort to build and sounding a bit cheesy is worth the potential benefits!
With all that mind, these are some of my favorite questions to ask to get conversation going. If you’re longing to see your friendships grow and be more real, I challenge you to try to ask some of these to the people in your life!
25 Questions To Deepen Your Friendships
Questions About Life
These general, open-ended questions can open the floor and give people a chance to bring up whatever’s been on their hearts. They can be a great way to move a conversation in a deeper direction and let people know you’re ready to listen if they do want to share!
- How have things been going lately?
- I remember you mentioning ______. Any updates with that?
- How have you been feeling about _________?
- What’s been a high or low from the last few weeks?
- Is there anything you’re looking forward to or nervous about in the next few weeks?
Questions About Marriage
How we’re doing in our marriages has such a huge impact on how we’re doing in general. Sometimes people are hesitant to talk about marriage because they don’t want to break their partner’s trust or open up about how hard it is, but I’m a big believer that the hard parts of marriage need to be talked about. Asking questions like these opens up the floor for people to share about the relationship that’s such a huge part of their daily lives (to whatever extent they feel comfortable. You can ask similar, slightly-modified questions for friends who are dating or single as well!
- What’s been the best part about marriage and the hardest thing about marriage?
- How has marriage surprised you or been different than what you expected?
- Have there been any themes that have come up over and over in your hard conversations?
- What are some of your dreams for your marriage?
- What are the two of you excited or nervous for about the future?
Questions About Work
As adults, we spend so much of our day at our jobs. Asking people questions about work is asking them questions about a huge part of their lives and can provide a lot of insight into their hearts.
- What are your days like at work?
- What are the people you work with like?
- How do you like the work you’re doing?
- What would be your dream job if you could do anything?
- How do you feel like you’re growing or changing because of this job?
Questions About Faith
These ones can feel so strange to ask at first, but I’ve had so many good conversations when I follow God’s leading and am brave enough to ask these questions. Follow your gut on these ones. If the timing is right, they can lead to deep, vulnerable conversations.
- How have things been with faith lately?
- Where do you feel like God is in the midst of _________?
- How do you think God feels about ______ situation?
- Are you disappointed with God?
- What have you learned about God in _______ situation?
Questions About Support
When we have real conversations, sometimes the hardest part is knowing how to end it. I’m learning to ask these practical questions to give people a chance to ask for support.
- How can I support and encourage you in this?
- Do you feel like you’ve had anyone support you or encourage you in the midst of this?
- What would make you feel loved and supported over the next few weeks?
- How can I pray specifically for ________?
- How do you want me to follow up with you about this?
Building and growing relationships is sometimes as simple as mustering the courage to ask a real question. And in the years of early adulthood when so many big life transitions come and go, having real friendships where you feel safe sharing the real and hard parts of life is so crucial.
What are some of your favorite questions to help conversation flow?
I love this, Lauren! I completely agree that making friends post-college is so, so tough. Your suggestions are great though! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Emma! I’m glad you enjoyed them!
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
LOVE this list! As an introvert too, I have deep desire to develop strong, close friendships but it’s hard to get there. These questions help get it in focus. Thank you!
It definitely takes a lot of purposeful work (and some fun too!) to develop those relationships, but they’re so worth it!
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
These are great questions to make a friendship flourish. I recently finished university and moved to a new city by myself for work. I never realized how hard it would be to start new friendships (I work with people all older than I am). Thank you for the tips
Carleigh, that’s so hard! I moved right after graduating too and it was so much tougher than I’d thought. I’ll definitely be thinking of you and hope you’re able to find some new friends soon!
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
This is great. I love this. I remember you commenting on my post about nosiness and I said there is a right way to do it and a wrong way- this is the right way and I love it. I firmly believe in keeping up with our dear friends in a deep way

Kristin Cook recently posted…Mug-spiration Monday: The Problem with Complaining
Thanks, Kristin! I appreciate that encouragement

Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
Yep, most of us love to share our lives’ details with another kindred spirit. Rare is the person who gives us that opportunity … and her full, undivided attention!
Linda Stoll recently posted…A Bouquet of Rainbow Colored Life-Savers
Thanks, Linda! I agree…it feels so good when someone takes the time to ask intentional questions and listen to my heart!
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
Oh my gosh I love this list! Making adult friends is so hard! I can totally relate to that sentiment. I will definitely be using these.
Desirae recently posted…A Morning Routine | My February Goal
Thanks, Desirae
It really is so tough! I hope they help you see some friendships grow and deepen!
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
Great suggestions. I particularly like 2. the one about asking for an update on something your friend said previously. For me this shows you’ve remembered something important.
Wendy Tomlinson recently posted…Hypnosis downloads for business success
I agree…sometimes the followup is the best way to show someone we were actually listening and paying attention to whatever they said the last time!
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
YES. You know that I adore your posts about friendship as I am really struggling to find friends in this season of being a newlywed. We have joined a married Bible Study and am finding it hard to connect with the people in the group. But these questions are going to help so much! You’re so wise, Lauren.
Aww Annie your comments are always so sweet and encouraging! I’m so glad you guys joined that study. I’m excited to hear more about it! These questions could definitely be good to sneak in or even use as an opener for the whole group!
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
These are excellent! Grown up friendships are hard!
chelsea jacobs recently posted…Spending February: A To-Do List for Adventuring Through the Month.
Thanks, Chelsea. They definitely are tough at times!
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
This is so great!!! I treasure some of my high school friendships a lot, but a lot of my newer friendships aren’t as deep. I’ve been surprised that I’ve found some close friends in my college classes. We’ve all been through the program together and know each other so well.
Amberly recently posted…One Tip for Success with Financial Goals in Your Marriage this Year
That’s awesome you’ve found friends in your college classes! I feel like I make a ton of acquaintances in class and work and it’s just hard to take those friendships to the next level, you know?
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
Interesting list. I think this would be helpful when I’m not in constant touch with my friends which rarely happens. Good thinking!

Aishwarya S recently posted…Walks. (Monday Moments #36)
Thanks, Aishwarya!
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
This is a great list! One of the PR tips I learned in Grad school was to remember personal details about people with whom you have professional relationships. I always try to do this and, as it turns out, you catch more flies with honey and I’m always able to get things accomplished with the help of others. I know that sounds a little shallow, but I’m trying to say that things like these help strengthen even professional relationships. People like to know you care.
Nicole recently posted…Day 93: Kona’s Second Round of Injections
I love that, Nicole! You’re so right, even professional relationships can benefit from asking intentional questions and trying to get to know people. These could definitely be used in those contexts too!
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this post, Lauren. It’s so needed– adult friendships are just as important as childhood friendships, but sometimes more challenging to cultivate. I’m saving this!
Daisy @ Simplicity Relished recently posted…5 Ways to be More Intentional with Your Time
Thanks, Daisy! They take a whole lot more effort but it’s so worth it! The friendships I’ve made as an adult have been crucial to navigating all the transitions that adult life brings.
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
These suggestions are fantastic! I am an introvert like you who prefers REAL conversation over get-to-know you small talk…questions like these make it happen! Thanks for sharing!
Lori recently posted…February Goals + January Update
Thanks, Lori! I love real talk…small talk is so hard!
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
I love this!! So many great questions. I have a friend who’s great at asking these types of questions. I always love it because it really makes me feel like she cares about me and everything I have going on in my life. Thanks for the suggestions!
Thanks, Keating! I love when people are good question-askers. It really does so much to communicate that they care!
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
I love this! I’m an introvert as well, so I’ve always preferred having my small group of very close friend. Because of this, I’ve always loved deep conversations with them!
Very Erin recently posted…Blog, Business, and Life Goals for February
Same here, Erin. Deep conversations with close friends are the best!
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
I love love love conversations involving questions like these. As a Comm Arts teacher, these questions are engrained in me
Can’t wait to get together soon and talk about some of these. Thanks for sharing the reminder to be purposeful with those around us!
Kelsie recently posted…A Moment with Abby: Trusting God’s Plan
Me too, Kelsie! Ha yes I can definitely see how teaching would make these questions a part of your daily reality.
Lauren recently posted…Easy Initials Pennant Tutorial
great thought provoking questions that truly can open up discussions that create intimacy.:) It is amazing once that door is opened it remains open so much easier:)
Awesome questions! I really love getting deep with my friends because I find that it turns casual acquaintances into real friends in a very short time period! — Lisa | Two Martinis
LOVE this list, Lauren! My closest friend and I haven’t lived in the same town for almost five years. When we would get together we would spend most of the time catching up on the basics. But this year we’ve started being more intentional and digging deeper, and it has been such an incredible blessing. I’m pinning your list to refer back to as I hopefully make more adult friends.
Thanks for sharing your heart on friendship with us. You are blessing!
Ahhhh THIS -> “I remember you mentioning ______. Any updates with that?”
I love when people ask something similar to that! It makes me feel so good when a friend (or family member) recalls something I’ve mentioned in the past and asks me about it. To me, it shows that they listen to and care about me. That’s a great one to include.
Ashley LaMar recently posted…One More Day: A Book Review
You’re so right. Maintaining adult relationships and friendships take work. Everyone says life gets in the way but we should consider these friendships an important part of our lives. I love these open ended questions about certain topics. It makes people give you more than a one word answer! Way to get the conversations started.
I LOVE THIS!!!!! By this age, I’ve learned that I no longer care about the “fluff.” If we’re going to talk, I want it to be real, and to be intentional. These are all such great conversation starters. What a wonderful, thoughtful post. I love your heart, Lauren.
Chelsea recently posted…23 Reasons Why Being 23 Doesn’t Actually Suck
As a fellow introvert, I love deep conversations but I have such a hard time asking good questions to actually get there. I hate the old standby “How’s work?” — so many of us use it without ever giving or getting a real answer. So I particularly like your work questions to get the conversation going!
I absolutely love these questions, and we will totally be using them for our small group meeting;). Thanks so much for the suggestions Lauren!
This was such a great post! Helpful, actionable wisdom that affirmed we are not alone in finding adult friendships difficult. Thank you! I shared this with my blog readers on Facebook today and home they find it as inspiring as I did! <3
I want to share this with my *entire* college campus. People have such lame, superficial questions prepared for quick chats here, and these questions you’ve proposed are simple yet effective! And thoughtful. Love how you separated them by themes, too!
Coming Up Roses
Erica @ Coming Up Roses recently posted…Holy Grail Winter Skincare Products
Thanks, Erica! I completely agree with you and remember getting so frustrated with that in college. Those deep conversations are so essential!
I really like your questions. I found some that I already ask friends. I’m still in college, and I am a little bit nervous that I won’t be able to keep my friendships. I hope I do.
Ashley recently posted…Student Teaching Lessons: Vol 1 (Routine, Routine, Routine)
I love this list! I know you said you felt some of them were “cheesy,” and I know what you mean, but these questions are so important and often overlooked. Something you mentioned in terms of encouragement and support is what I’ve been trying to do since Brittany wrote about it months ago: How can I support you? Instead of trying to chime in always or offer advice, I always ask them this. Wonderful post, Lauren.
Lindsay recently posted…The Importance of Accepting Compliments