We’re coming up on almost four months since our son was born, and for the first time, I feel like we’re starting to have a bit of a routine. Caleb’s getting more consistent in his naps (even if they are just 45-50 minutes long) and my weeks are starting to follow a bit more predictable pattern. This is what I’ve been craving for so long, but this week I started to notice something a little strange in my heart: a frenzied desire to get things done.
Whenever Caleb went down for a nap, I found my mind spinning with ideas of how I should use that 45 minutes. I’d open up my computer and try to find something to do that felt purposeful, something that made me feel productive and useful and busy.
I couldn’t point to one specific reason why I feel this urge to be productive, but it is deeply engrained in who I am. Somewhere along the way I started believing that the worth of a day is measured in how many items I can cross of my to-do list.
Even if all I’m doing is washing dishes or throwing in another load of laundry, I feel an urge to do, do, do in any free time I have. I’ve written before about how Jordan and I fight to live life slow, to say no to the busyness and keep our schedules as open as we can manage. But even in all that, the desire to do more comes up in my heart over and over again.
This week I’ve started to feel God pulling me in a new direction. I’ve started to feel His gentle leading to step away from the desire to be productive, to produce things that our world views as necessary or valuable. Instead, He’s been calling me to be something else: to be present.
Choosing Present Over Productive
In this season and all the ones that follow it, I feel Him calling me to be present instead of being productive.
I will be present to myself, to my body’s needs for rest, for exercise, for good food and glasses of wine. I will take naps when I need them, go on long walks with our dog, read novels for pleasure, and enjoy the (more than) occasional bowl of chocolate chip ice cream without guilt.
I will be present to my husband in all of his passions, joys, and struggles. I will put down my phone and listen to him as he shares his thoughts on running or community or Jesus and I’ll ask real questions in response. I will be present to who he is and all the ways he loves me so well without demanding that he fill me or that our marriage “produce” something of value to the outside world.
I will be present to our baby boy, even when his needs are overwhelming. I will be present to his cries, his giggles, and all the sweet ways his personality emerges more each day. I will soak in the snuggles and tiny milestones, knowing what an honor it is to witness them each day.
I will be present to our friends and family, setting aside time to sit around the table with them and soak in all the ways they bring us joy and point us to Jesus. I will be present to my need for community and not let fear or shame prevent me from reaching out to people and sharing my heart with them.
I want to be present to these things, to be a witness to the fullness of the life that our little family lives. Because ultimately, when I am present to the people and world around me, I am present to so much more – I am present to the presence of the One who created all those things in the first place.
Finding Joy In His Presence
I’m scared that if I rush to do things in every slow moment I’ll miss what God is longing to produce in me: a a joyful heart wide awake to His presence and His joy in all things, to the million little ways His grace spills into my everyday life.
I want to be free of the tyranny of my to-do list, to let the dishes and the laundry and the blog posts sit because I’m “busy” with better things. I want to look back on a day of slow, quiet moments with my people and consider it a day well-spent. And more than anything, I want to be fully present to myself and the people in my world, weighing down each moment with my presence so that I might more fully experience His joy.
Yes, there are practical things that need to get done for life to keep moving along, and we need to pay attention to those things. But today and in the seasons to come, I’m choosing to believe a truth that is changing my perspective on just about everything. The key to finding joy and purpose lies not in being more productive and filling our days with more things and more activities and more doing. Instead, true joy is found in being present to what God is producing in us through all of our ordinary, slow moments.
Lord, may we always be men and women wide awake to your presence, to the millions of ways you infuse our everyday ordinary with your sacred extraordinary.
This is beautiful, Lauren, and truly something that I feel everyone needs to hear in a rush-around world. It’s funny that you say this because I totally feel the Lord calling me to this as well. Lately, I’ve been really busy and had pretty bad anxiety around the fact that I am out of the house so much and around other people. I just keep feeling the Lord tell me that life isn’t an emergency and I need to just be present instead of wondering when I can leave or go home to soothe my anxiety. This is so beautiful, as always! Thanks so sharing!
Annie recently posted…Kilgore Falls || Must-See Maryland
What a lovely post! And what a beautiful family:). My guys are now almost 8 and I totally still feel the same pressure to get stuff done and do more but I still just want to make sure I’m present and take it all in:) Thanks for the reminder.
Awe I love this. I REALLY struggle with just slowing down and taking time to relish my son while he is little. Sometimes my to-do lists in my head haunt me. But this is a good reminder. It’s amazing what you are doing and still keeping your awesome blog going strong!
Chrissa – Physical Kitchness recently posted…30 Second Paleo Microwave Crepes
This is absolutely fantastic! It’s so important to remember that our worth isn’t caught up in productivity!
Susannah recently posted…Sometimes Love Languages Mesh
I have that drive to be productive right now, mostly because I’ve had so many projects that have been neglected with school the last few years and so much to do in our house before the baby comes (her room is full of storage, junk and office furniture right now). I took last week off and tried to clean during Bensen’s morning naps and then I’d blog or work on a personal project during his afternoon nap. I did sit and relax each night and enjoy a book after he went to bed and before Joe came home from his lawn care projects. And I try really hard to just enjoy my Sundays and not focus on any projects. I appreciate this reminder though because sometimes my productivity gets a little out of hand!
Amberly recently posted…Five Years of Marriage Advice from Wives Around the Web
This is such a lovely post, and I can relate to it so well! Thank you for sharing this and for the much-needed reminder to slow down. xo
This is so important! It’s amazing how for a time, our identities and time are totally wrapped up in caring for our babies. It’s good and necessary, and it’s also good and necessary to surface from that. When I did, I swung really far in the opposite direction (maybe in a subconscious effort to make up for lost productive time?), and it left everyone reeling and burned out. I love what you say about being present and intentional wherever you are. It’s something I need to keep practicing!
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