Happy Friday, friends! This week I’ve been grateful for cool mornings, pumpkin coffee (#noshame), after school naps, and slower days while my students worked independently on a project. Here are some updates from our week!
1) Teacher of the Month
Time for a not so humble brag…my students voted me for our school’s teacher of the month! It’s silly, but this was super encouraging in a few weeks where I’ve felt kind of overwhelmed with balancing work, life, and blogging. And when your middle schoolers vote you for teacher of the month and you get a cool trophy, is there any other appropriate response besides taking a selfie? No, ma’am, there is not. You’re welcome. #lemmetakeaselfie #middleschooler4lyfe
2) Pot Roast For Days
I’m trying to get better about making big recipes we can eat for leftovers at lunch, especially so my hungry husband isn’t left to scrounge around for lunch and eat random things he finds in the cabinets (or give in to the constant temptations to just order Jimmy John’s). We don’t eat all that much red meat (partially because it’s expensive and partially because beef production isn’t super sustainable for the world we live in) but it is a treat every once in a while! My favorite easy pot roast recipe comes from this cookbook right here. It requires no browning and limited veggie chopping, so it’s the perfect recipe for this lazy crockpot chef who leaves for work by 6:45 AM and doesn’t want a lot of work in the morning! This cookbook is worth a buy if you’re like me and still like old-school cookbooks most of the time.
3) Friday Night Lights
Besides Parenthood, this is probably my all-time favorite show when it comes to showing real, authentic (if not sometimes dramatic) relationships where people walk through conflict without giving up on each other. Seriously…Tami and Coach Taylor are the best and the show brings me to tears all the stinking time. Coach Taylor is a molder of men who sees potential and casts vision in young men who others have lost hope for and it is a beautiful thing to watch. We have such good conversations watching this show and I love re-watching the entire series five years after we watched it for the first time! If you’re looking for a new show as the weather gets cold, this is it, people. Texas forever.
4) Emails, Emails, and More Emails
Holy moly, I have felt overwhelmed by all the blogging emails I’ve had in the best of ways. I received over 60 Womanly Wednesday guest post submissions and it took lots and lots of time to read through every one, check out people’s blogs to get a feel for their writing and heart, and finally to send emails to every person either asking them to guest post or saying that there just wasn’t space. It was so hard because I wish I could feature everyone’s stories, but to keep the integrity of the series, I still wanted to leave some spots open for my non-blogging friends and family. Moral of the story…if you submitted to that series, I am SO grateful, whether or not I will be able to share your story right now. I’m so encouraged by how many women long to encourage and inspire each other by sharing their struggles!

This week’s Womanly Wednesday post by the lovely Melissa talked how she fought for her son when he was diagnosed with Apraxia, a speech disorder.
5) No more nausea! HIP HIP HURRAY!
I’m almost scared to say this and jinx it, but it’s been almost a week since I’ve felt nauseous! Apparently 16 weeks was the magic mark because I’ve been eating and feeling like a champ this week. And by eating like a champ I mean eating ALL the time with a raging hunger that cannot be satisfied by any amount of meals or snacks. Dramatic? Yes, but still completely true. I go from completely full to STARVING I MUST EAT RIGHT NOW in about three seconds and it has been very confusing after four months of nausea and weird eating habits.This meme below is so true…I got up out of bed at 11:30 PM a few nights ago to eat a couple handfuls of cereal just so I could fall asleep. Real life, y’all.
I hope you all had wonderful weeks and are heading into a weekend full of fun and exciting or slow and relaxing things. Happy Friday!
Yay!!! You are Teacher of the Month, good for you! I know it is hard work being a teacher and then you blog on top of that! I have no idea how you do it. So glad you are feeling better with the pregnancy. Nausea is not fun. It is great to be able to eat whatever you want and not have to worry about it. Sounds like you have had an incredible week.
Thanks, Crystal! 🙂 It’s definitely work but it’s a lot of fun too. It’s been so nice this week to have the nausea gone and be able to eat normal food again! Thanks for stopping by!
Hooray for the end of morning sickness!!
My favorite crockpot meal for eating on forever is pork roast… I get a big tenderloin, pop it in the crockpot with one small can of chicken broth… in several hours, it’s falling apart. I serve it with mashed potatoes one night, cold on bread another, and shredded and BBQed a third (and sometimes fourth) night!! And Kroger (at least in SW Ohio) has them for about 1/3 price this week! I just got five (because, freezer), and love that I’ll be able to make at least three meals with a $6-7 tenderloin!
Katie {Always, Katie} recently posted…#BlogtemberChallenge: Wishlist…
Oh my goodness, how yummy and efficient does all of that sound? I’ve never tried doing one crockpot recipe and then using the meat for various recipes. So smart! My husband is such a hungry guy we usually end up eating almost everything I make right away. I’ll have to try that though! Thanks for sharing!
Aw!!! I’m so happy for you Lauren! How encouraging that must be when you felt so overwhelmed. I bet you are just an AWESOME teacher!
P.S. I am OBSESSED with FNL…especially Coach Taylor. He’s so cute.
Chelsea recently posted…Fall Decor Inspiration
Thanks, Chelsea! 🙂 It was a little thing but encouraging for sure. And holy moly yes, FNL is the best! We love Coach Taylor too 🙂
Congrats on that great big gold trophy, girl! You’ve earned it!
Linda Stoll recently posted…morning invitations * keys
Ha thanks, Linda! It’s pretty silly and fun 🙂
Congratualtions on teacher of the month!! I’m sure your students just adore you! And I’m so glad you’ve been feeling better this week. It’s amazing how hungry you become after surfacing from the nausea — and it’s such a welcome change. I hope you have a lovely fall weekend!
Brittany Bergman recently posted…Cultivating Gratitude & Sharing Love // 20
That’s a cool trophy! You should celebrate by eating all the foos you want now that you’re not feeling nauseous!
Emilie recently posted…Blogging report #2: September 2015
Glad you’re not experiencing a ton of nausea anymore! We LOVE Friday Night Lights! There’s so much that can be learned from watching that show.
Kelsey recently posted…Friday Favorites
I feel you on the going from full to starving in three seconds! I’m 18 weeks and the same way (but I haven’t been nauseous since week 9, so it’s been going on for me a lot longer). I also go from not being hungry at all to my blood sugar dropping in about 1/2 a second. I can literally be in a patient’s room and all the sudden get shaky and break out in a sweat. It’s awesome. And it’s not even like I go long without eating! That’s awesome about getting teacher of the month! I’m sure you deserve it and it is always nice to feel appreciated when you work so hard for others!
Liz recently posted…Gender Reveal Party and CrossFit
LOVE Friday Night Lights!
Hooray! So much good stuff! Love that you’re the teacher of the month. Also, so happy to hear the nausea went away! Smooth sailing from here on out 🙂
Shann Eva recently posted…First Born Fridays, Brothers at Last
Congrats! Loving the selfie 🙂 I’m always looking for a new recipe so I’ll need to give that one a go!
Hannah recently posted…Cradle Mountain, Tasmania
So much YAY! Congrats on the award AND no more nausea! I was always shocked by my appetite once the nausea ended. And that cookbook looks amazing! Thanks for the recommendation!
Ashley recently posted…Early Theme Adopters: Libre
Yayyy! Teacher of the month! Congrats! Love your blog! So cute!
Congrats on being teacher of the month. I’m sure that was a great accomplishment for you.
Jasmine recently posted…Sponsor Spotlight: The Chronicles of Chaos
Holy cow!! You did have a lot of people sign up for Womanly Wednesdays! Sounds like you made a great topic a lot of people could relate to :)! Congrats on your teacher of the month award too!
This would be a great post for the linkup I have running until the 7th. I hope you join! ♥
Autumn recently posted…September gratitude journal |#KeepingTheGood linkup
Hooray for no nausea and your award!!! I need to watch Friday Night Lights again I think. It’s been a few years, but I really loved that show the first time I watched it.
Amberly recently posted…3 Ways to be More Intentional in Celebrating Your Spouse’s Birthday