Oh my word, what a fun week it was! Aside from some craziness with multiple Back to School nights and end of summer get-togethers, it was a fun, joyful week as we shared our fun news with our friends, colleagues, and the social media world (see below for more details).
1) Our Growing Family
In case you missed this post on Tuesday, Jordan and I are SO excited to announce that we are expecting our first little one next March! It has been a crazy few months full of prayer, squeals, and lots of fun moments when we got to share our joy with our family and friends. I’m about 12 weeks pregnant now and so ready to leave the nausea and worry of the first trimester behind me! Check out Tuesday’s post for more details on our decision to try for kiddos and all that’s happened since then!
2) A Guest Post On Grief and Loss
Wow, wow, wow…when I asked my friend Louise to write a Womanly Wednesday post for me, I had no idea she would come up with something so beautiful that would resonate with so many people. Her post on what it has looked like to grieve the loss of her dad (who she lost suddenly when she was in 4th grade) has had almost 350 Facebook shares and thousands of views. Grief is something so many of us experience for all sorts of losses, and as Louise describes, it is a “messy process not really accepted in our productivity-driven world.” If you’ve ever lost someone or know someone who has, I hope you’ll read and share this post!
3) Slow Cooker Pork Ragout
I have a love/hate relationship with my crockpot. I love coming home and having dinner ready, but I am not a big fan of getting things ready and thrown in the crockpot at 5:45 AM before I leave for work (especially with morning sickness as of late). I also work long enough that most recipes sit in the crockpot for way longer than they’re supposed to (even though my crock-pot switches to keep warm after the time is up). If anyone has any tips on that, let me know! Anyway…this recipe is one of the ones that makes me love my crock pot! It’s super easy, relatively cheap, and makes a ton of food that we eat as leftovers for almost a full week. If you’re looking for some great weeknight staples, you should try this one!
4) Books on Books on Books!
Ok, so remember last week when I asked for some book recommendations? Wellllll I might have gone overboard and ordered about six books off Amazon Prime. Oops! I am the cheapest person in the world when it comes to just about everything but oh my goodness, I could spend hundreds of dollars on books and not care. I just got this new one by Brené Brown in the mail yesterday and I am so excited to read it. Her writing about shame has shaped a lot of my journey in this last year and I can’t wait to see what comes next!
5) Blog Redesign
As hubby and I move toward a new season where we add a new little one to our family, I am super excited to invest more in this blog. One of the biggest ways I’m trying to take my blog seriously is to invest in its design. I’ve been working with Madison Wetherill, the talented designer behind Grace and Vine Studios, and I cannot wait to launch my new blog design next week! I mean, look at this tiny sneak peek of my brand board that she created using things I’d pinned on Pinterest and the style preferences I described. Seriously, y’all…this girl is magic and I can’t wait to reveal what we’re working on when the new blog design launches next week! Stay tuned, folks!
Happy Friday, friends! Enjoy some sweet time with the people you love!
Head over to A. Liz Adventures, Fitting It All In, Life in Leggings, Grace and Love Blog, Momfessionals Friday Favorites, and Running 4 Cupcakes for more Friday favorites!
How did back to school night go?! I’d also love to hear any Spanish class first-week-of-school activities you use, since this is my second year teaching Spanish 1 and 2 (and I’m looking to include new fun stuff!). Congrats again on the big announcement 🙂
Julie Hood recently posted…jello popsicles
It was fun! I love getting to meet parents, especially so early in the year. I’d love to share some! Feel free to email me with any specific questions, but I basically just do TONS of getting to know you activities. I did write a post recently about something I do to teach kids they have value using a $20 bill, but beyond that we just do lots of starting off games, some alphabet stuff, and then we move into greetings. I love the first few weeks. They’re crazy but fun! Hope your classes are going well!
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
Congrats on the baby! I’m also pregnant (due in December), and I’ll tell you that the second trimester has been so much better than the first trimester was. Hopefully it’ll be the same for you!
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Friday Five – Five Highlights from Our Babymoon
Yay congrats to you! I love hearing that the 2nd trimester gets better. Definitely gives me some hope! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
I’m looking forward to seeing your new design! My morning sickness was actually all day sickness through the whole pregnancy- crock pot cooking seemed like a great way to save time but the food cooking all day made the house smell very strong of food, so that didn’t work for me.
Lindsay recently posted…Visiting a New Mom in the Hospital Etiquette
Thanks, Lindsay! Yeah my morning sickness has mostly been morning/night sickness, but the smells of cooking in our house are no fun. I’ve really only started cooking again in the last week or two!
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
So excited for you. Congrats. Just finished reading your story and announcement of your baby. March seems to be an exciting time for many first time moms around the blog world. You will be feeling better in no time.
Michelle recently posted…Thankful Friday-8/28/15
Thanks, Michelle! Lots of my teacher friends have babies from February-April so maternity leave will go right into summer. Thanks for your sweet words! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
Congrats on your sweet new addition! How wonderful and exciting!
Love the inspiration for your new blog design. I’ve been looking at redesigning my blog and exploring different people to do it. I can’t wait to hear about your experience 🙂
Hannah @ Sprints & Scones recently posted…Friday {8/28}
Thanks, Hannah! I’ve loved working with a designer so far and am thinking I’ll write a post about it when all is said and done. Can’t wait to pop over and check out your blog!
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
Congrats!! Love the baby announcement photo – so cute 🙂
Liz recently posted…Friday Five 8.28
Thanks, Liz! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
CONGRATULATIONS MY DEAR FRIENDS! Y’all are so adorable, I’m so happy for y’all!!
Thanks for all the comment and share love, Taylor! You’re so sweet 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
Can’t wait to see your new design! And I also have the same problem with crockpot recipes! I hate over-cooked veggies so I tend to only cook meat in there. I still have to make sides when dinner time comes but at least my meat is ready!
Emilie recently posted…August Favorites: In&Out #2
Very true…meat usually does fine but sometimes veggies are a little over-cooked. That’s a good thought to just do meat in there!
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
I am the same way when it comes to buying books! I have sooooooo many and I keep buying more. Love them! Congrats on your little one that’s on the way 🙂 xoxo
Me too! I love reading them and they look so pretty on my shelves. 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
Great week! Congratulations on the new addition! Babies are the best especially when they are your own! This month has flown by to fast and now that summer is on it’s way out the door so are summer activities! I just posted about s’mores and campfires and all of the summer ends that I want to do before the warm weather is just a memory! Good luck in September and great list, food, books and great announcements! Enjoy the weekend!
Amanda Marie recently posted…{Ode to S’mores}
We’re pretty excited to have our own little one to snuggle 🙂 I agree…summer has flown by, although I do love fall and am excited for that to come around! Can’t wait to check out your s’mores post! So yummy 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
Congrats! I can’t wait to see the new design 🙂
Danielle recently posted…Things I Understand Now That I’m a Mother
Thanks, Danielle! I’m excited too 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
Congratulations! Our first little one is a March baby, too!
Amy recently posted…Baby Bean {38 Weeks}
Congratulations again on your upcoming family addition. I read that post and it was so cute how you announced to your parents. Your Dad’s face in that picture was priceless. Looking forward to seeing your new blog design too.
Shann Eva recently posted…First Born Fridays, His Favorites
Thanks, Shann Eva! We loved getting to tell them in person. So fun! And yes, I’m excited for the new design too!
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
Popping over from the linkup! Congrats on the baby news. It’s such an exciting time and you are going to have so much fun!!
Thanks, Laura! We are SO excited! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
CONGRATS on expecting!! so happy for you guys, you both look so genuinely excited 🙂 excited for your new blog design!
Thanks, Julie! We are so so excited 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
I looove your redesign inspiration! The colors and feel are gorgeous. I can’t wait to read Rising Strong — be sure to let us know how you enjoy it! And congrats again on your big news; I’m so excited for you!! Have a lovely weekend, friend. 🙂
Brittany Bergman recently posted…Cultivating Gratitude & Sharing Love // 15
Thanks, Brittany! I love it too. I’m so excited to see it! And YES I can’t wait to read Rising Strong too! I got a few books in the mail this week and there’s so many things I’m excited to sit down and read 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
I’m due in March too!! Although I’m only right over 10 weeks. I’m wanting to spend more time on my blog soon but I’m adjusting to my biochemistry + work schedule before my revamp after a site crash a few weeks ago. 🙂
Looking forward to your updates, I’ll be following ! 🙂 and I’ll be getting mine up too with my upcoming announcement.
Congratulations to you! It’s such an exciting (& nap – inducing ) time<3
Congrats to you, Holly! That’s exciting 🙂 Go girl…sounds like you have a lot on your plate. can’t wait to see your announcement! Hope you’re not feeling too sick and taking lots of naps 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
Hooray for a new blog design! I’m just starting to work on one right now and it’s got me so pumped for life! Can’t wait to see it!
Chelsie recently posted…In and Out – August Edition
I know, I’m so excited for the new design! Can’t wait to see yours!
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
Hi! Congratulations! It’s always wonderful to hear there’s a baby on the way 🙂 That slow cooker ragout looks fantastic. I am also a huge fan of the Crockpot. And I’m excited to see the new blog design. I’ll be back next week to check it out 😀
Megan Gonzalez recently posted…A Netflix Obsession: Keeping Your Mind Clean
Thanks, Megan! We’re pretty excited 🙂 Can’t wait to share the new blog design!
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
I can’t wait to see the new blog design! And I understand why you mean about buying books – I think I spend more on books that everything else combined. Have a great weekend.
Angela recently posted…Friday Favorites!
Books are absolutely my favorite splurge! And they look so pretty on my shelves when I finish reading them 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
Your big news is so exciting!! I’m happy for you guys!!
Rachel G recently posted…Preschool at Home: Week 3
Thanks, Rachel! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Five on Friday: Our Growing Family
Congratulations on expanding your family!!! That is so exciting! I love the color scheme for your blog redesign. I cannot wait to see what it looks like!
Lexi recently posted…ABH Happening 08.28.15
Thanks, Lexi! I’m so excited to launch the new blog design sometime this week. 🙂