There are some awesome bloggers who manage to do amazing weekly updates about their pregnancies, complete with adorable baby bump photos and detailed recaps of what that week of pregnancy was like. Y’all, I am not one of those bloggers. Not only do I feel like these first few months of pregnancy have flown by in a whirlwind of nausea, exhaustion, traveling, blogging, and starting the new school year, I’ll also go ahead and say that there are few things more awkward for me than having to pose for a picture by myself. NOT my cup of tea, folks. I feel awkward and I never know what to do with my hands and it’s just a hot mess, you know?
But for all of you dear readers and friends who have asked me how this pregnancy is going…I’m willing to post a bumpdate or two! They won’t be every week, but I’ll try to do maybe one once a month as whole thing progress.
First and foremost, the most important part of any pregnancy update…the bump!
Yep, ladies and gents, I am officially showing! Instead of rambling on and on and sharing all sorts of things about pregnancy so far, I figure I’ll follow in the footsteps of many bloggers who’ve gone before and organize this update into a few different parts. Here we go!
How Far Along I Am: It’ll be 15 weeks this weekend and baby is officially the size of an orange. I am so excited to officially be in the second trimester and leave some of the fear of the first trimester behind. I know so much can still happen, but it feels good to be in a place where baby is healthy and happy and the pregnancy just keeps moving along.
What I’m Having: As of right now, we just know it’s a cute little human, even if our only ultrasound from 10 weeks looks more like a gummy bear! We’ll find out the gender at our 20 week appointment in late October, so we still have about 5-6 weeks to wait. We are way too much of planners to wait until delivery day to find out the gender and feel like it will be an exciting surprise no matter when we find out!
How I’m Feeling Physically: I feel SUPER lucky that I didn’t throw up that much this pregnancy (just a handful of times and always at home), but I have been super nauseous since about week 7. This was doable in the summer when I could just lay around and snack all day, but it’s been harder since I started work and have to be on my feet all day. I’d say the nausea peaked around weeks 11-14, but as of now, I’m feeling a little bit better (minus running to the bathroom with my cardigan over my mouth trying not to throw up during my plan today). Fingers crossed the nausea goes away for good soon! Beyond that, I’ve just been sleepy and taking more naps than usual. And I’m not a napper, so this is definitely weird for me!
How I’m Feeling Emotionally: You might need to have my hubby confirm this one, but I really haven’t felt all that many crazy mood swings. Cheesy commercials definitely get to me (but don’t they always?) and besides that, pregnancy so far has just felt kind of normal. I think I’ll write a post on this soon, but it’s been strange to still just feel like me in the midst of all this. It’s honestly kind of hard for me to process that there’s a baby inside me, since more than anything I just feel like a bigger, sleepier, and more nauseous version of myself (true confessions, y’all). I’m excited to find out the gender, choose a name, and start feeling baby move, and I’m praying that it all starts to feel more real after that!

Olive decided to join in this one!
How I’m Growing: It’s official – I have a baby bump! I had a discouraging morning this week where I tried all my dress pants on and none of them fit (even with the rubber band trick – it doesn’t really work with the little metal hooks of my higher-waisted dress pants and pencil skirts!). I like a Bella Band for my jeans and casual pants, but when I’m at work I’m moving around so much that it just gets messed up and uncomfortable. I’ve felt super limited and uncomfortable in what I have and finally sucked it up and ordered a few pairs of maternity dress pants online. I think staying comfortable and professional will be a challenge as I get bigger and bigger, but the realities of working while pregnant might just mean I have to invest in some solid maternity clothes. I guess that’s just life!
What I’m Craving: I’m not really sure if I’ve had crazy cravings…I’ve mostly just wanted cold, light, and easy things I can eat even when I feel yucky, especially when it’s hot. I’ve eaten TONS of watermelon, popsicles, and cold fruit. I’ve also reverted back to my toddler self and love munching on Goldfish or other little crackers of any kind. Now that the nausea is fading a little I’m excited to get back to my normal eating habits (or at least something that remotely resembles them!).
What I’m Looking Forward To: I am excited to hopefully see less nausea soon (which should be a reality if this week is any indication!) and hope the second trimester holds some more comfortable, fun time to dream about baby before I start to get realllllly big in the third trimester. Most of all, I’m looking forward to our 20 week ultrasound so we can find out the gender and hopefully get the news that baby is healthy and happy!
Well, there you have it folks. My very first bumpdate! Nothing too crazy to report but I think I’m happy to keep it that way. Thanks for all the ways you all have loved me well and shared all your tips and tricks for surviving these next few months. I’m so grateful to be a part of this community!
you look great!!! 🙂 and I’m glad your pregnancy hasn’t been so bad for your sake 🙂
Anna | SheisJoyful recently posted…We Want Our Eyes to Be Opened
Thanks, Anna! 🙂
Yay yay yay! You look adorable!! I’m with you, all I wanted in that first trimester was crackers, pretzels, and fresh fruit. Good move buying some maternity clothes. It’s the worst to feel sick and uncomfortable. You’ll breathe much easier in some good maternity pants! Praying for you, girl! By the way, do you and Jordan have a gender prediction?
Brittany Bergman recently posted…7 Travel Habits You Need to Break
Haha thanks 🙂 I’m glad I finally got some and can’t wait to wear them! As far as gender…I’d probably guess a girl but I really have no idea. Lots of my students are guessing girl at this point, but who knows if that has any credibility to it!
Your bump is the cutest! I hope you feel better soon, go away nausea!
Emilie recently posted…Working is Selling Your Time?
Thanks, Emilie! Me too 🙂
So exciting that you’re starting to show! I hope the nausea ends for you soon. For me, I threw up everyday pretty much until 17 weeks and then like magic it stopped. I’m having deja vu now of this time last year.. but once the nausea was gone every single moment of pregnancy was enjoyable and amazing!
I hope the nausea goes away soon too. Fingers crossed, right? I’m excited to move into the next season of pregnancy where things will be a little more fun! Thanks for reading, Jaquelyn! 🙂
You’re just too cute, girl!
Linda Stoll recently posted…In Memory of Tyler Avram Willhite
Thanks, Linda! 🙂
You look beautiful 🙂
I must be the only pregnant woman who didn’t know she was pregnant until she was almost 5 weeks because I had no symptoms that were out of the ordinary from PMS’ing. I was super lucky because I didn’t have a hard pregnancy at all until the end. I started my weekly bump photos when I was 16 weeks and I really liked doing an update (more for me than anyone else).
liz jo @ sundays with sophie
Liz Jo recently posted…wishful wednesday
Thanks, Liz! Ha I’ve known plenty of people who didn’t know until later! I really didn’t have symptoms until about 7 weeks or so and only found I was pregnant because I took a pregnancy test the morning we left for a two week trip. I think I’ll like doing the updates once I get more in the habit of them!
Oh I am SO excited for you, friend! And I’ll pray that the nausea eases up a little– it’s no fun being out of sorts. Can’t wait to find out the gender. And good luck shopping– show us what you get!
Daisy @ Simplicity Relished recently posted…5 Principles for Post-College Friendship
Thanks, Daisy! Haha most of my maternity clothes so far are just pants with elastic waistbands but seriously, they are miraculous! I’m hoping to stretch out the time I can wear my normal shirts as long as humanly possible! 🙂
You have such a cute little bump and I can’t wait to hear about the gender.
I am the same with photos I never know what to do with my hands, do I put them by my side, on my hips ah!
Thanks, Courtney! It’s been fun to see it grow! Haha I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels awkward with her hands 🙂
I love reading bump dates! I’m currently 4 days away from having my little girl unless she decides to come on her own, and I really can’t believe how quickly the pregnancy went. I don’t blog, but I took pictures along the way on average of every 2 weeks or so and wrote in a pregnancy book about things that were going on at each milestone. I think it’ll be nice to be able to look back at later on when it’s time for pregnancy #2 so I can have a recollection of what happened. Your bump is super cute, and I hope you start feeling better soon!
That’s such a great idea! I know I’ll be happy to have the memories and stuff recorded, I just need to get better about actually recording them! Hopefully blogging will help. I hope all goes well with your sweet little one! Hopefully she’ll make an appearance soon since i’m sure you’re pretty exhausted 🙂
I don’t think I have already congratulated you on your new little one!! But may your bundle of joy come complete with God’s blessings and may he/she fill your hearts with love and joy!! This is such a sweet post!!
Mayara Moreira recently posted…3 Things that are stopping you from succeeding and what you need to do instead