Our Dear, Sweet Boy,
As I write this letter, I am 35 weeks pregnant. That means it’s just a matter of weeks until you leave the safety of my belly to come into this crazy world. Do you know how excited your dad and I are to meet you? We talk about you every day and dream about what you’re like. We wonder if you’ll have blonde hair and blue eyes like so many people in our family, or if you’ll surprise us and crack us up with a head full of strawberry blonde hair like I had as a baby. We wonder if you’ll love sports or music, if you’ll love reading and language like your mama, if you’ll grow up a Duke fan like your daddy or if you’ll just love all things Kansas City.
There are so many things about you that excite us and bring us joy as we feel you rolling and moving in my belly, and we can’t wait to meet you oh so soon.
But you know what, sweet one? I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that I’m also really scared. You see, your daddy and I are pretty new to this whole parenting thing. We’ve learned a lot from taking care of your big puppy sister Olive, but for the most part, taking care of a tiny person like you is completely new to us.
Like I shared about in this post, I’m scared of a lot of things. I’m scared of the pain required to bring you into the world. I’m scared that we won’t know how to take care of you. I’m scared to lose sleep and comfort and a lot of things that I’ve gotten used to having. I’m scared that we won’t be as good of parents as you deserve, that we won’t know how to love you in a way that shows how deep our hearts for you are.
Those fears were starting to overwhelm me until I realized something while your daddy and I were serving communion at our church a few weeks ago. You haven’t seen communion yet, but it’s when all of the broken people who love God share a meal together in His house. We remember that God loves us so much that He was willing to give up everything for us, even His own son that He loves so very much (just like we love you, but times a million and then a million more). And as we stood there holding the bread and the wine, saying over and over to each person who walked up with open hands, “This is Christ’s body broken for you,” God reminded me of something oh so important.
Sometimes the best way to give our hearts is to give our broken, hurting bodies.
Sometimes the best way to show how deeply we love and care for someone is to let ourselves be broken on their behalf.
So my sweet boy, as the days march slowly on towards your arrival and my body aches and stretches in a million ways, I hope you’ll hear me say with joy and pride and deep, deep love: this is my body, broken for you.
When your moment comes and it’s time for you to open me wide so you can make your entrance into our world, when the contractions are painful and long: this is my body, broken for you.
When you’re up in the middle of the night crying because the world is a dark and lonely place and you need your mama’s arms, I’ll rise from bed again and offer you myself, my heart, and my nourishment: this is my body, broken for you.
When you’re exploring the world and jumping off couches and you take a tumble, I’ll wrap you in my tired arms and hold you until my back aches and your pain fades: this is my body, broken for you.
When you’re playing soccer or basketball or lacrosse and look up to the stands to see if anyone cares, if anyone sees you in all your adolescent insecurity, I’ll be there, sitting on the uncomfortable bleachers watching and waiting with joy on my face: this is my body, broken for you.
My son, I can guarantee that we won’t love you perfectly, that we will mess up and get mad sometimes and say things to you that we have to apologize and ask forgiveness for. We’re broken and hurting people, just like you.
But just like God loves you deeply and let His body be broken so you could know Him, we will never stop loving you and giving ourselves up for you. We promise to give you our bodies, our hearts, our prayers, and our home. We promise to point you over and over to the Only One who can love you perfectly, selflessly, and without holding back, praying desperately that you would know Him and love Him even more than we do.
We love you more than the moon and the stars and we always will. The day we meet you can’t come soon enough.
All our love,
Your Mom and Dad
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Your letter brought tears to my eyes. BEAUTIFUL.
Emilie recently posted…Are You Ready To Buy Your First Home?
Aww Emilie! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
What a beautiful and sweet post! Congrats on expecting and you are soooo close! Motherhood is by far the hardest and most rewarding gift from God to us and I am so excited for what the future holds for your family 🙂 I just had my 2nd baby and am still wondering if I’m doing this “motherhood” thing right haha Don’t be scared – your pain has a purpose and is only temporary. Use those maternal instincts and if all fails, just wing it. Good luck, mama!
Thanks, Linh! I appreciate those words. I am definitely clinging to that truth that it is purposeful pain! Thanks for the encouragement and I hope you’re soaking in all the baby #2 snuggles 🙂
Such a sweet letter! All of those fears are completely normal, but I swear they immediately went away the second I got to hold both of my sweet baby boys. Once you meet your son, it’s like nothing else matters and it is the most incredibly feeling in the world. Congrats!
Cara recently posted…How to Save Money on Groceries
I’m sitting here nursing Ginny all teared up from this. You are a wonderful mom already, Lauren. You are selfless, caring, and oh so loving. Sweet baby Caleb is so lucky.
Lindsay recently posted…What It’s Like Being an Instagram Husband
So pretty, Lauren. I love the idea of communion in that way. Hope the next few weeks go by with lots of joy and anticipation of all that is to come!
Kelsie recently posted…Five Things Every Blog Post Needs
I love your heart and how God shared these thoughts with you. What a beautiful way to look at communion. I love this!
You guys will truly be amazing parents!
Looove! You are going to be the best mom!
chelsea jacobs recently posted…A Cup of Coffee and A Blank Page.
So beautiful!!!! You and Jordan are going to be wonderful parents!
Congratulations, Mama! Here’s to a smooth and healthy delivery and baby boy!
More than the moon and the stars Bug. Looking forward to an even new kind of love meeting Caleb.
As a fellow boymom, this post has me feeling ALL THE FEELS. So sweet. I wish I had as much grace when it’s 2am and I’m doing yet another feeding… I need to work on that. This served as a great reminder for me!
Paige @ An Uncomplicated Life Blog recently posted…St. Patrick’s Day Snack Mix
This is beautiful! TEARS.
Such a sweet post. I know you’ll be a wonderful mom!
Lauren, what a beautiful post! I’m sure this little guy is coming into the most loving arms because we can see through your posts that although you are scared you are brave for him. This is beautiful in so many ways and to say that your body is broken for him is a complete declaration of your eternal willingness to give everything up for your little one. Do not fear because God is by your side and will hold your had through all the new experiences you will face. Congratulations!
Mayara Moreira recently posted…How to Wire Yourself Up for Success
This is so precious!! You are both going to be amazing parents! I am so excited for you both!
Katie @thebrooksielife recently posted…5 Things No One Tells You About Motherhood
Lauren this is absolutely beautiful. I promise, you are going to be an amazing mother. I am so excited to see your little man and watch you grow as a mom.
Lauren Jane recently posted…Super Bowl Fun-and a recipe!
Oh, Lauren these letters are so beautiful! I love that you are not only writing them for your son, but also to have a keepsake to remember what it is like to be pregnant. Years down the road you are going to treasure these posts (an maybe make your own little book as a keepsake)! You guys are in my prayers for a healthy rest of pregnancy and delivery!
Amanda recently posted…How to Handle Living Away From Home
This is so beautiful, Lauren. I think tons of moms have the same fears as you but you will do amazing!
This is beautiful and inspiring! Moves my heart! It’s so lovely to read words full of love for this baby. Congratulations Lauren and Family! — Blessings
This post might be my very favorite from you EVER. I absolutely love this analogy, and it got me all teary eyed because I’m living it right now. Sometimes I wonder if my body will ever be unbroken again. It will certainly never be the same, and I’m so grateful for the reminder that it’s for God’s glory and that it reflects his love to my daughter.
Brittany Bergman recently posted…Relaxing My Expectations + A Blog and Life Update
Aww thanks, Brittany! That means a ton coming from you! I’ve learned so much from you in this season too and can’t wait to share the ups and downs of motherhood with you!
What a beautiful post, Lauren! I admire so much the way you both use your faith the prepare you for parenthood, and I know you’re going to be amazing parents because of it!
Erin @ Very Erin recently posted…4 Ways to Pamper Yourself (And Why You Should)
This is such a touching post. I wish you guys the best with your new addition to the family!
Marci Smith recently posted…We’ve all had that moment. We’re in the middle of an argument,…
Beautiful. I can’t wait to have a little boy or girl of my own.
It might be the weaning hormonal changes or the lack of sleep but this post made me cry big tears! You’re going to be an amazing mom, Lauren!
Susannah recently posted…Thoughts of a Mama Who’s Baby is Weaned
This is beautiful. Congrats on the little one that is soon to join you!